Everyday Players at Hogwarts

Chapter 45: Raising Dragons for Fun and Profit

Accompanied by the soft music, it was time for dinner.

The music tonight was very atmospheric, with a tune composed of holy and ethereal female voices.

Kate, sweating profusely, went to the bathroom in the lounge behind the auditorium on the first floor.

Today's dinner was still the familiar potato stewed beef, with beef tripe soup, roasted stuffed pumpkin, and roasted lamb with corn paste.

Kate finally met her match. The beef tripe soup was made of beef tripe, a lot of garlic and sour cream with hot peppers. It was so spicy that she couldn't help but drink several cups of black tea.

As for the roasted stuffed pumpkin, it was similar to lotus root, a baking dish wrapped with beef or turkey, rice, onions, herbs and spices, and a thick layer of sour cream was spread on it.

Roasted lamb with corn paste can only be said to be very salty, and it can be said to be kimchi made of lamb.

Under strong request, Ryan finally ate rice in the evening. In addition, Romanian cuisine itself is very suitable for the appetite of Oriental people. It is heavy, similar to Jianghu cuisine, and it is very good with rice.

After a hearty meal, Ryan and Kate went to the lounge behind the auditorium.

The lounge was decorated in the same way as the carriage, except that it was more spacious and luxurious.

The bathroom was closer to the swimming pool and hot spring, and the bedroom was no longer a big coffin, but a normal double bed.

After a simple wash, Ryan gave up meditation today, so as not to accidentally exude charm and lose his virginity here the next day.

Accompanied by Kate's breathing, the next day came unknowingly.

The next day was a sunny day, because today's plan was to go to the fifth floor to enjoy the scenery, and at 6 o'clock tonight, the transportation to pick up Ryan and his friends would land on the roof of the castle, so the original version of the weather spell on the roof was temporarily cancelled.

As a vampire, Salvatore was not convenient to see the light, so he sent Ryan and his friends upstairs on the fourth floor, and then returned to the third floor to start a new creation.

In the center of the castle's rooftop is a large parasol filled with food. Today's meals are all on the rooftop. The bathroom and lounge are located on the right side of the 5th floor. Dinner will be on the transportation that arrives in the evening.

With a cup of black tea, Ryan and Kate sat on the lounge chairs under the parasol, feeling like they were at the seaside.

The only difference is that the opposite is not the ocean, but a sea of ​​trees, and from time to time, the deep roar of dragons can be heard from afar.

There is also a panoramic telescope on the table, similar to the one sold in the fourth Quidditch World Cup, which can replay the picture and play it in slow motion.

This sea of ​​trees is not a dragon's habitat. After all, an adult Romanian longhorn dragon is 40 feet long, about 12 meters.

The existence of the forest is an obstacle for them. The Romanian Ministry of Magic specially built a strange underground protection area under this sea of ​​trees with magic, just like the Great Hollow Forest in the anime Bleach.

However, not all dragons are underground. In the distance of the forest, there is a canyon, which is the exit of the underground protection area and the source of sunlight.

In this canyon that cannot be observed by Muggles, there are many cattle and sheep for dragons to hunt.

After learning all this, Kate said speechlessly: "Are we here to observe the dragons that may come out of the canyon?"

"No, after all, this service is not included in the service we purchased, it is free."

"And in this way, the vampire can also find an excuse to rest." Ryan said lightly.

"Ah! This guy, I want to go down----or forget it, just go to the fourth floor to play later." Kate stood up suddenly and sat down.

Ryan took out a book called "Raising Dragons for Fun and Profit" from his pocket, which Hagrid called a bit outdated, and read it with Kate.

"Kate, did you find anything after reading it?" Ryan asked.

"Dragons are profitable?" Kate was startled by the sudden question. She hardly read books, but watched this kid all the time.

"Well, it can't be said to be wrong."

"Kate, have you noticed that from this book, it can be seen that raising dragons was actually a very common thing before the 1709 Wizard Conference officially passed the bill prohibiting the raising of dragons." Ryan reminded.

"Yes, and dragon skins and dragon blood became expensive later." Kate suddenly thought.

"Yes, at that time, raising dragons was like raising cattle and sheep for wizards."

"Although wizards don't need money, some magical materials and props still need currency. Raising dragons has become a good way to make money. Moreover, dragons have a long lifespan. Occasionally taking a small piece of skin and blood will not cause any harm to the dragon."

"And Kate, have you noticed that wizards can't live without dragons." Ryan emphasized.

"Yes, dragons are used in potions, clothes, and wands." Kate jumped up and answered.

"The Ministry of Magic and some large dragon-raising groups would not allow powerful and useful creatures like dragons to be raised privately, even though private dragon-raising had already become a system and was no longer dangerous."

"Dragons are also powerful beings that guard homes. If every wizard has a dragon at home, how can the Ministry of Magic manage ordinary wizards?"

"So?" Ryan prompted.

"So "Raising Dragons for Fun and Profit" is outdated, and private dragon raising is not allowed." Kate followed Ryan's words and said.

"And, Kate, have you noticed that the International Statute of Wizarding Secrecy, also known as the International Statute of Secrecy, is a law signed by the wizarding world in 1689 and formally established in 1692. This law was formulated by the International Confederation of Wizards to protect the entire wizarding world from being discovered by Muggles."

"Could it be!" Kate exclaimed.

"Yes! That's the one that could be discovered. Dragons are too big, and raising dragons privately is also a risk, the risk of being discovered by Muggles. Although the castles of wealthy wizards are still built in downtown areas and various protective spells are cast."

"If you have seen a map of the Muggle world, you will find that the map of the Muggle world is so small, that's because there are many areas that cannot be marked on the map and are discovered." Ryan concluded.

"Why does the Statute of Secrecy exist?" Kate wondered.

"Do you know the most famous ghost in Gryffindor?"

"Nick the Nearly Headless!" Kate replied.

"Since the 15th century, the whole of Europe has begun to persecute wizards and witches. Many wizards and witches have been imprisoned and sentenced to death for engaging in witchcraft activities."

"Nick, like Nearly Headless, lost his wand and was unable to escape, and was eventually executed. Wizard families are particularly prone to losing their children, because young wizards cannot control their magic, often attracting the attention of Muggles who hunt wizards, and are powerless to resist." Ryan said seriously.

"Even now that the Protection Act has been implemented for many years, Dumbledore's sister has been persecuted by Muggles and is powerless to resist."

"Then it seems that the Protection Act is really necessary." Kate sighed.

Ryan on the side thought to himself that the Protection Act has long been outdated and should be changed, and the information society is not far away.

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