Everyday Players at Hogwarts

Chapter 46 Unreceived Letters

Kate continued to read for a while, and since no dragons appeared, she went to the fourth floor to dance.

Ryan spread his legs carelessly, put his elbows on his knees, crossed his hands, and rested his chin on them, and continued to think about the previous topic in the classic style of Bu Jingyun in Fengyun.

The wizarding world actually went in the wrong direction. At that time, people were not enlightened, and wizards should have gone to the upper channels more often, like the fat monk of Hufflepuff, who almost sat on the position of Pope.

Even Malfoy, who was famous for hating Muggles, did better than most wizards.

The wealthy and influential Malfoy family at that time strongly opposed the implementation of the protection law.

Although the Malfoys believed that wizards were higher in status than Muggles, members of the Malfoy family valued money and social influence more.

With these, Muggles are also noble.

The poor Muggles are different from the rich and powerful.

They have always been associated with the noble Muggle class in history, both the royal family (William the Conqueror and Queen Elizabeth I are obvious examples) and the nobility, which to some extent helped them to plunder a large number of Muggle treasures and works of art.

The protection law is more like a one-size-fits-all approach, without considering the differences between countries and the status of wizards.

At that time, Malfoy could completely use his influence to integrate wizards and Muggles. As long as he enlightened the people and controlled education, there would be no problem.

Then, except for some wealthy and socially prominent wizards, other wizards stayed away from the downtown area. Wizards also began to live in small villages through Confusion Charms and formed their own small societies.

Dingworth in Cornwall, Upper Flagley in Yorkshire, Ottery St. Catchpole in Devon, and Godric's Hollow in southwest England are all home to wizard families, which are some of the most famous semi-wizard settlements.

But speaking of semi-wizard settlements, such as the village of Dingworth in Cornwall, Fleur and Bill's Shell Cottage is on the seashore outside the village. The most common magical creatures here are elves.

For example, Lockhart once caught a group of them as teaching aids for the Defense Against the Dark Arts class. Although this creature can be solved with a spell, it still caused chaos in the class.

In the history of wizards, in the 17th century, Divna Fermagee was kidnapped by a large group of elves while on vacation in Cornwall, resulting in her devotion to persuading the Ministry of Magic to humanely eliminate all elves for the rest of her life.

This also made her famous and was recorded in the history of magic, ridiculous history of magic!

Thinking of the history of magic, Ryan couldn't help but be irritated for no reason again.

This is the bad thing about wizards. Everything is engraved in their blood, including appearance, personality, and love and disgust for certain things.

Some people say that if Harry was a woman, Snape's attitude would be completely different.

But don't forget, Harry is exactly like his father, James Potter. Even if he is a woman, it is a gender-reversed version of James. Snape just wants to wash his eyes after seeing this, or just destroy Harry.

Ron is a good choice for gender reversal, but Harry Potter is probably going to become a harem story.

Harry's bad childhood may also be related to the fact that his father looks almost exactly like him. Harry's father has met the Vernons and left a very bad impression. In the eyes of his aunt, he is the murderer who killed his sister.

The appearance of the little wizard can also be modified through blessings. For example, Voldemort's mother, although lacking self-confidence, is born with strong magical potential. In addition, before dying, she gave the child the last blessing. In the end, Voldemort looks the same as his Muggle father Tom Riddle.

How can this unfilial son transform with magic and lose his mother's blessing!

I'm off topic. Ryan stroked his forehead and was speechless for his wild ideas.

"But if I want to, I can invent a sex-changing potion or spell." Ryan took a sip of tea and stopped the last evil thought.

Speaking of which, Ryan originally thought that he would encounter evil vampires who raised blood slaves in private under the guise of work on this journey. In the end, Ryan completed this journey with his bravery and Kate's screams.

But it was completely different from the plan. In the second when Kate fought with the vampire yesterday, Ryan took the time to scan the entire castle and the vampire's bedroom.

Except for a few bloody lollipops, ink, and manuscripts and letters, there was nothing.

Even the wizard who stole the dragon eggs and caused the dragons to fly did not appear. It was just an ordinary and normal journey. It can't be said that it was not fun, but Ryan was a little doubtful at this time whether he was the protagonist.

Speaking of letters, Penelope's letter has not been received for two days.

This has nothing to do with the fact that Kate and I don't have a corresponding address. Owls have a natural affinity for magic and can still find the recipient even when the address is not written on the letter.

Those who do not wish to receive letters must use repelling spells, camouflage spells, or shielding spells to prevent the owl from finding them.

According to Ryan's investigation, the owl's magical affinity comes from another great power, Athena, a long-dead wizard known as God.

In addition, the owl's own appearance is very consistent with the aesthetics of wizards. Even though the protector is dead, this blessing continues to strengthen to this day.

The opposite example is pigs, which have nothing to do with magic. Although in terms of genes, pig organs are the closest to humans, there is even a speculation that gene-edited organs can even be transplanted into humans.

However, due to his poor appearance, he was rejected by magic. With the development of the wizarding community, the concept of magic has become like a living thing. Although he has no self-will, he also carries the general aesthetics of wizards.

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This is why Ryan used pigs as experimental materials. Pig skin can even be used as dragon skin after a special magic ritual.

As for why Sirius in the third part was not caught by the owl, it is because the owl's ability does not completely belong to itself and cannot be used for malicious purposes. If you rely on the owl to capture the prisoner, you will suddenly find that this talent will suddenly fail. Of course, sending a letter with a small curse or a shouting letter is possible.

This is similar to the principle that normal house elves cannot harm wizards. Of course, since house elves themselves have magical abilities, they are not completely restricted by this.

Just like Dobby's good-intentioned murder and the house elf army behind.

The Smith family has a natural shielding spell similar to a curse. Although Ryan has mutated, the tower in the canyon not far from Smith Castle, which is specially used to receive owl letters, is still in operation, which has indirectly demonstrated that this ability still exists.

This tower itself is an alchemical item built to make up for the inability to receive letters. Owls can find this place through the surname Smith. If Ryan's talent similar to the shielding spell disappeared, this tower should have been invalid long ago.

In fact, Kate's stealth is very similar to the talent of a normal Smith. As long as Kate concentrates on hiding herself, she will not be easily discovered by others. It is an active skill.

The Smith family is naturally passive and cannot even receive letters. Even invisible things such as curses are difficult to reach the Smiths, and blessings are the same.

However, Kate is by Ryan's side, and Ryan has even recently temporarily transferred the concept of his name from the tower to Kate, just when he was touching his belly.

The letter should have arrived long ago, which is really strange.

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