Everyday Players at Hogwarts

Chapter 47: Journey in the Dragon's Belly

Ryan felt that he was a bit of a jerk now. He usually hated receiving letters because he felt that there were too many of them. But after just two days, he began to wonder if he was being trained by Penelope.

Just like Percy in the original novel, he wrote letters every day during the summer vacation when they were originally in love, and even bought a special owl, not afraid of being exposed.

But why is Kate not surprised at all? Isn't she on the best relationship with Penelope?

At this time, Kate just finished her exercise and took a shower and came up from the fourth floor. Seeing Ryan's expression, she said something that surprised Ryan.

"Ryan, are you wondering why Penelope hasn't written yet?"

"You are? ~ No, you are thinking!" Ryan, who was still in the mortal thinking, suddenly bit back.

"Hehe, just think of it as me! Did you forget that Penelope went on a family trip to France, and in the form of a Muggle." Kate stroked the short hair by her ear proudly.

"Muggles? Can Penelope still travel with family in a magical way?" Ryan narrowed his eyes.

"Ryan, you are so weird! Penelope should be in France today." Kate replied unnaturally.

Although Ryan felt a little strange, he didn't feel any danger intuitively, so he didn't say anything more.

However, the lunch that followed was the same as last night, with no changes, except that there was meatball sour soup, a kind of meatball made of beef and rice.

Maybe they knew that I like rice, but beef and rice meatballs are weird in themselves, and the sour soup is made with lemon juice. I didn't hate it yesterday because the spices were rare and my taste buds encountered it for the first time, but it's not so good today.

The afternoon passed by quickly, and Kate did exclaim several times, saying that she saw two shining golden horns, but when Ryan went to see, there was no dragon at all.

"Ryan, look!" Kate suddenly jumped up.

"What? Did you see a dragon again?" Ryan raised his eyebrows.

I saw a black dot approaching this side in the already dim sky.

"Ryan, it must be a new means of transportation! Is it a dragon?"

"Hey, Kate, don't you dislike dragons? Is this considered hunger marketing?" Ryan complained.

However, Kate guessed it right. It was a dragon, a Romanian long-horned dragon with two shiny golden horns and black and green scales.

But when he got closer and took a closer look, it turned out to be just a flying machine similar to a dragon. Unlike the strict legal regulations in the UK, Romania not only allows the use of flying props in the shape of brooms, but also popular flying carpets, motorcycles, and flying machines with the same shape as Muggle planes.

In that case, this dragon is not surprising, right? It's strange!

Did the protection law go to shit? Ryan actually found that there was no spell similar to the Knight Bus, and the Muggles could see this behemoth clearly.

Accompanied by a strong wind, the dragon stopped behind the castle, with its mouth facing the 5th floor, and a thin and weak wizard walked out of it.

Next came another long paragraph of GG words introducing the horror journey. After the thin wizard respectfully confirmed that we had packed our luggage, he motioned for us to enter the body of the aircraft.

"Ryan, so cool! Finally I saw a dragon. Although it's not real, I can still enter the dragon's body!"

"Gogoogo!" Kate was like a wild horse that had broken free from its reins.

It was really interesting. Ryan doubted the intention of making the transportation tool like this.

First, there were constant reminders on the road, and the introduction of the Romanian long-horned dragon and the service of watching it, and it was emphasized that it was free.

The expectation value was raised to the maximum. Later, when the dragon was sulking because it could not be seen, a flying prop in the shape of a vivid Romanian long-horned dragon was suddenly used as a means of transportation.

What is this, extreme pulling?

So, the vampire Salvatore let us stay here for a day not to escape, but also to raise the expectation value to the maximum.

I have to say that it is really realistic. The entrance is the dragon's teeth and tongue, which are all made vividly. There is a kind of stickiness when walking on it, and it feels like walking on the dragon's saliva. It's very hellish.

You can even feel the breathing of the dragon, that is, the flying prop.

Walking to the head, which is the junction of the throat and the head, there is a long dark pipe below. There is no sound inside. Kate's voice that should have come has also disappeared. The sound insulation is very good.

The thin wizard also came over and bowed slightly to salute.

"Mr. Ryan, the cab is at the head, and the belly is where you and Ms. Kate will rest. The time is probably tomorrow morning, and there will be music reminders at that time." The thin wizard took out his wand and knocked on the small tongue in his throat, and a channel opened from the top of the dragon's mouth.

After watching the thin wizard disappear in the dragon's mouth, Ryan also jumped down. This is a very long slide. You can detect the magic from the flesh.

The most obvious is the slide spell. The slide is flat. This spell can turn the stairs into a slide.

This spell is also very old. It has been used at least in the Middle Ages.

In the original world, during the final battle at Hogwarts, Hermione used this spell to help herself, Harry, and Ron slide down quickly and escape the pursuit of the Death Eaters.

The neck of this flying dragon is not very long, nor does it have so many twists and turns. Logically, it should have reached its belly long ago.

But Ryan kept sliding down for about a minute before the darkness in front of him slowly disappeared.

Wow, this is a slide in the dragon's mouth!

What comes into view is a flesh-colored floor that gives people a soft texture.

This room is larger than the previous carriage, and the decoration is also very anti-human. The imitation blood vessels bulge on the wall, just like entering the body of a dragon.

"Ryan! Come here." Kate sat on a sofa similar to the top of a heart, with delicious food in front of her.

There was a menu next to it, introducing the dishes on the table, red stewed dragon meat, white-scalded dragon tendons, black pepper dragon steaks, curry dragon hind legs

Eating dragon meat in the dragon's belly, huh, the original soup is the original food.

These dragon meats have been treated with magic to remove the "poison". It is a specialty of the Romanian wizarding world.

The price of dragon meat here is very cheap, cheaper than pork, but it is not taken away. All dragon materials are regulated in Romania and can only be purchased by local restaurants.

"This sofa, I thought it was the texture of a real heart, I almost didn't dare to sit down." Kate said while eating dragon meat stew noodles.

I have to say that this sofa is the same as a normal sofa when you sit on it, and there is a one-way transparent window next to it to see the fleeting scenery.

It has clearly taken off, but the interior is still as flat as a flat ground.

Even the decoration is getting more and more pleasing to the eye, making Ryan wonder if his aesthetic taste has been raped.

Just like when he was chasing Kamen Rider Ex-Aid in his previous life, it looked like garbage at first glance, but it was really delicious later.

Dragon meat tastes like chicken. Chickens are originally degenerated from dinosaurs, so chickens are also dinosaurs.

Dinosaurs are also dragons, so isn't this the same as eating chicken?

But it is closer to turkey, and the taste is even rougher.

No wonder dragon meat is not popular in other countries. Although dragon meat is regulated, if it is really delicious, how can it not be eaten in other places.

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