Everyday Players at Hogwarts

Chapter 48 Patronus Spell

After a simple meal, Ryan lay on the sofa bored and closed his eyes to rest.

After dinner, it is really a pleasant thing to think about nothing.

"Ryan, what is the next stop?" Kate asked curiously, throwing the comic book aside.

"The next stop is the zombie trail." Ryan reminded, and expressed his incomprehension, "Kate, you are not very interested in horror tours, so you should know about it."

"Ah, what's fun there." Kate said speechlessly.

Kate is not interested in the living dead, zombies, ghouls and the like except vampires.

"Zombies are too disgusting. Unlike vampires, they have gray skin and a rotten smell."

"It can be said that they are similar to the corpse." Kate's face was full of boredom. It is estimated that the previous doubts were just hoping that the next destination would not be here.

"Kate, don't you like Wakatu very much? You know that zombies are from Africa." Ryan reminded.

"No! Zombies only exist in the southern part of America. Where is Africa? Did you remember it wrong?" Kate rolled her eyes.

"I once read a travelogue about a traveler who always wore a turban. His turban was a gift from an African prince to thank him for helping him get rid of the zombies." Ryan explained.

"Damn Quirrell, no wonder the original book was hesitant when it came to how to defeat zombies. It must be made up. Damn, this is the first time I made a mistake, and in front of Kate." Ryan complained, but his face remained calm.

"Hehe!" Kate suddenly became happy for some reason, "Well, let Teacher Kate introduce you to zombies!"

"The place with the most zombies is Haiti, which is related to the wizards of Voodoo. Like the basilisk, it is a magical creature created by wizards. He is used as a coolie in the local area. Any wizard can control him with language."

"It was even regarded as a trend at a certain time. The Inferi is its enhanced version."

"Unlike the Inferi, there is no need to murder, and it can only be made while it is hot. As long as it is a long-standing cemetery, it can be awakened through the unique local magic and serve the wizard again."

"Like vampires, they are afraid of sunlight and will be harmed by fire."

"The Patronus Charm is also a good way to deal with it." Kate finally concluded.

"Haha!" A short burst of laughter, "Kate, you are wrong!" Ryan smiled proudly.

"Summoning a Patronus itself is a very mana-consuming thing. Although I don't know about zombies, a blazing flame is definitely better than the Patronus Charm."

"But isn't the Patronus cooler!" Kate crossed her hands and turned her back.

"Kate, using the Patronus to deal with zombies is like using the Killing Curse to kill mosquitoes."

"Its main purpose is to drive away creatures such as Dementors and Voldemorts that ordinary magic cannot deal with, and it can also indirectly demonstrate the quality of a wizard." Ryan reminded.

"Yes, I know this. Unjust wizards cannot use this magic. For example, the dark wizard Ratchedien backfired when he tried to use the Patronus Charm, and maggots appeared to devour himself!"

"This is also why wizards who can summon physical Patronuses are often elected as high-ranking officials of the Wizengamot and the Ministry of Magic." Kate answered quickly.

"That's not true. It's actually a fallacy. Many people with negative personality traits (such as bad temper, arrogance, etc.) can also summon mature patronuses."

"The character of a wizard is two-sided. Even the worst person will have soft and happy memories, or they will be happy simply because they do bad things. They don't think they are despicable and shameless. They are noble and noble wizards, so they can use it."

"Those wizards who summoned maggots are better said to be killed by themselves. They can deeply realize that they are shameless, evil, and don't have enough happy memories. If there is a profound brain block, dark wizards can also use the Patronus Charm." Ryan explained.

"What does this have to do with brain block?" Kate actually knows this. As expected, she is a Ravenclaw. Harry and Ron, who are just muddled along, and Gryffindor who don't read extracurricular books all day, didn't know this magic in the fifth grade.

After simply complaining in his heart, Ryan immediately explained: "Brain occlumency is a magical magic that can block unnecessary emotions and close one's own brain. Those self-destructive dark emotions, the wise wizards can abandon these, dig out their positive emotions, and release the patronus."

Just like Snape in the original book, the only Death Eater who can use the Patronus Charm in the original book, but it should be more of love for Lily.

But if Lucius Malfoy also knows this magic, maybe he can use it a little bit, without summoning maggots.

No dark wizard dares to try, which is equivalent to suicide.

Like Dolores Umbridge, she can conjure a cat-shaped Patronus.

This pink toad can be elected as a senior official, and it is probably related to the Patronus Charm.

This spell is like a very valuable certificate, but it is understandable that most of the wizards who can use it are good wizards.

"Ah? How is it possible? Such a cool spell, how can bad guys use it." Kate said indignantly.

"I want to be like the invincible Andros, use it without a wand, and even summon giants!"

"Ryan, you're not cool when you say that." Kate puffed up her cheeks.

"Kate, you have to listen to the key points. To meet the conditions I said, you either have to have advanced brain occlusion, or be a psychopath who can hypnotize yourself, or just be a bad person on the surface."

"I just said that this is too outrageous as a condition for selecting senior officials and the Wizengamot." Ryan held Kate's little hand and explained.

"Okay." Kate lay on Ryan's lap boredly and picked up the comic book next to her and started reading.

Ryan also started reading it curiously. How should I put it? It's not as good as "The Adventures of Mad Muggle Martin Miggs", which tells the story of a little wizard who dropped out of school and traveled around the world.

Ryan doubted whether George and Fred had also read this picture book, otherwise why would they drop out of school so early.

Although there was also the reason for the toad Umbridge's mischief, judging from George and Fred's behavior, it was probably premeditated.

This picture book could even be written by Newt Scamander, commemorating his unsuccessful Hogwarts career and his exciting global travels, which made him a risky person and unwelcome by many ministries of magic.

But what is very boring is that the author is an unknown person who does not appear in the original book.

"Oh, it's really boring. It would be nice if we could travel on the back of a dragon." Ryan complained, and read this somewhat boring story with Kate.

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