Everyday Players at Hogwarts

Chapter 49 Classification of Spells

The scenery outside the window flew by, and it was obvious that it was already late at night.

I don’t know if it was because of the dragon meat, Ryan and Kate were still very energetic.

“Aha, is this plot intentional by the author, or does he not understand!” A strange plot made Ryan smile.

“Is there anything wrong?” Kate rubbed her eyes without yawning.

“The wording is wrong, the Horn Curse should be Hex (poison curse), or use the general term Spell (spell), not Jinx (evil curse).” Ryan reminded.

“Isn’t it just a difference in the name? They are all spells, I think they should all be called Spell (spell).” Kate said indignantly.

“Kate, there is a reason for the difference in names.” Ryan secretly agreed with Kate’s point of view. After all, the classification of his panel is the same, but Transfiguration (transfiguration spell) is separated out separately, although in his eyes they are all spells.

However, if there is no plug-in, if you want to go further, you should still follow the practice of ordinary wizards.

"Kate, these names are different, and they also represent their risks and principles."

"If we only use the function, we can divide them into defense, offense, and treatment. But this is inaccurate."

"To be precise, there are 7 types of spells."

"Transfiguration changes the shape or appearance of the object, such as Avis flying birds."

"Charm changes the intrinsic properties of the object, causing abnormal physical changes to the object. This is why Professor Flitwick is called Charm Teacher, teaching spells instead of Spell Teacher." Ryan paused briefly. Now it happened that there were only Kate and Ryan around, and there were no magic props for monitoring under the Phoenix and magic vision, so it was much more comfortable to speak directly.

"Jinx (evil curse), directly understood as 'bad luck', mild black magic, causing inconvenience but more like a joke. You should know that the spells classified as defensive spells also include obstacles. This spell can slow down the action or phenomenon pointed by the wand."

"Hex (poison spell), directly understood as 'hex magic', keeps the person in a negative state, closer to black magic. Bat spell and horn spell are poison spells."

"Curse (black magic) directly understood as 'curse', it is used to refer to black magic. It will cause great harm to the person being cursed, such as unbearable pain, unconsciousness, and even death. I don't need to say which ones are."

"The remaining two are Counter-spell (counter spell) to prevent another spell, and Healing spell (healing spell) to improve the condition of the person being cursed." Ryan slowly finished all the categories one by one.

If I hadn't traveled through time, I wouldn't know these categories. In my previous life, I read the Chinese version. Only those who read the English version or even speak it as their native language knew these details.

"By the way, what does Defense Against the Dark Arts mainly involve?" Ryan asked suddenly.

"Charm, um, Jinx, and Hex!" Kate frowned and answered reluctantly.

"Bingo! Ravenclaw gets 10 points!"

"Why is it classified like this?" Ryan asked immediately.

"Fun?" Kate frowned.

"That's because it allows young wizards to more intuitively understand the dangers of spells. Black magic and white magic alone are stupid things that only Gryffindor would say!"

"What about Hufflepuff?" Kate looked puzzled.

Apologize to Hufflepuff, you know, Mr. Ryan, I Before crossing over, I also chose Hufflepuff when playing mobile games.

"Hmm," Ryan said after hesitating his voice and suppressing his anger, "They dare to talk about gossip, but they generally don't have the courage to talk about magic knowledge they don't understand."

Hannah, the badger who went around telling classmates in the third grade that Sirius entered Hogwarts by transforming into an orchid, has something to say.

However, Sirius did transform into Hogwarts, but it was not an orchid but a dog.

Ryan stopped his thoughts and rubbed his temples.

"But maybe you will be involved in Curse in the future. (Dark magic). " Ryan said with a bad taste.

"How is it possible!" Kate looked unconvinced.

When the fake Moody becomes the Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher-----No! Well, you would have graduated by then.

"I'm too young, Kate. Percy is four years older than me, although I haven't gone to Hogwarts yet."

"Kate, I'm going to take a shower first!" Ryan rolled his eyes, angry and embarrassed. It's easy to make mistakes if you keep thinking like a mortal!

Although Ryan's mind is working all the time, guarding against all possible threats, but for the progress of his heart, he has to do it every day. The fun of playing, a small part of the mind still maintains the normal three views and thinking of the previous life.

This also caused that in addition to fighting, defense, and casting, there would still be small mistakes that could be called intentional in verbal confrontations.

Ryan pushed open the door on the left side of the sofa, and what came into view was a bathroom with a floor like black and green scales, giving people a metallic texture, and two big golden horns on the washbasin mirror.

All of them are elements of Romanian long-horned dragons, without a complete dragon shape, but every place is filled with the feeling that you will associate with this kind of dragon when you see it.

This kind of crazy decoration design can only be designed by wizards. Their designs and clothes are all like this because they are isolated from Muggles.

Even the clothes under Hogwarts did not look like suits at first, but maybe it is progress, Muggle elements have gradually invaded Hogwarts.

This is why Ron wears sneakers and Fudge wears a dark green suit under his pinstripe robe.

However, some older wizards still maintain a pure wizard style, which makes it difficult to distinguish between Muggle pajamas and men's and women's pants.

There are even wizards who wear pleated skirts and South American cloaks.

However, these are a minority. Muggle elements, games and styles are slowly invading the wizarding world, and the wizarding world is actually slowly progressing.

The new generation of young wizards will also bring more creativity and vitality.

Just like can you imagine, going to Hogwarts used to be a carriage or a door key.

It was not until Ottalain Gamble, who took office as Minister of Magic in 1827, that he used the Ministry of Magic, 167 forgetfulness spells and the largest concealment spell in British history.

The Hogwarts Express was obtained from the hands of a Muggle engineer in Crewe, Cheshire, England.

It only took one night, and even the wizards in Hogsmeade at that time woke up the next day to marvel at the sudden appearance of the train station.

This powerful Minister of Magic even said that if you don't take the train, don't think about going to Hogwarts, so that some stubborn pure-bloods who said "unsafe, unhygienic, and detrimental" disappeared and used it to go to school obediently.

The only ones who were hurt were the Muggle engineers. In the following year, they all felt that they had put something important in the wrong place.

I hope the Ministry of Magic gave money.

In this way, Arthur Weasley's choice was far-sighted. He saw the potential of Muggles and bet on it, but it was more out of hobby.

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