Everyday Players at Hogwarts

Chapter 33: Magic Drama Academy

Chapter 476 School of Magic and Drama

In the crowd, Harry shrank his neck and walked into Ollivander's Wand Shop with his head held high.

He didn't know where Ron got his thick skin from.

He originally just wanted to wait for Filch and the others to go far away before strolling around.

But Ron walked in directly out of curiosity.

Pushing the door open, three eyes instantly projected on him.

"Another one."

"Harry Potter, are you here to ask stupid questions too?" Filch's facial muscles twitched slightly, revealing an ugly smile.

"What do you mean by stupid questions!"

"My questions are all crucial!" Ron replied directly before Harry could reply.

"Are you also a Squib?" Then, Ron looked at the dark-skinned lady with lightbulb eyes.

"To be precise, I was a Squib some time ago, but now--" Ms. Campbell smiled and showed the wand in her hand.

The dark-skinned lady was very talkative, and she asked Ron about Filch's work at Hogwarts familiarly.

Harry, who had expected to be scolded, looked at everything in front of him in a daze.

He finally understood why Filch, with his bad temper, couldn't get rid of Ms. Campbell.

Because she was as thick-skinned and shameless as Ron.

".Are you Wayne Campbell? Are both your parents wizards?"

"Then you are much better than Filch. After all, he is a squib from the Rowe family!"

"He probably got into Hogwarts because of his family's relationship!"

"I think you deserve a better choice." Ron rarely praised Ms. Campbell.

This was indeed a compliment, at least Ron himself thought so.

Filch showed a grateful and complaining expression on the side, which was very contradictory.

It seemed that Filch had developed a good impression of Ms. Campbell unconsciously.

In the midst of Ron's slander of Filch, Filch couldn't help but speak, "I'm still here, Ron Weasley!"

"You are here!" Ron rubbed his eyes as if he had just woken up from a dream.

Harry was speechless.

Ron actually forgot about Filch just now, even though Filch was right next to him.

"I almost forgot. I'm going to school with Filch after I buy my wand." Harry and Ron widened their eyes when they heard this.


"Magic school?"

"Hogwarts?" Harry asked three times in a row.

Those wizards who turned into Squibs wouldn't all go to school at Hogwarts.

While other normal students are on summer vacation.

In Harry's mind, Filch had already appeared in a weird student outfit, mixing potions under Snape's scolding.

"It's not Hogwarts!"

"How can people like us go to Hogwarts?" Filch seemed to be hurt by Harry's words.

"Harry! You're so rude!" Ron said on the side.

"Me? Rude?" Harry was speechless.

Especially when these words were said by Ron.

"We went to the School of Magic and Drama."

"It's a school for adult wild wizards."

"Now they also accept wizards like us who have been transformed from Squibs." Ms. Campbell said with a smile.

She had a dimple at the corner of her mouth, which made her look particularly friendly.

"The School of Magic and Drama?"

"It won't be a fake one like the quick spell class's introductory magic correspondence course." Ron questioned.

In fact, he couldn't help but question it.

Because in the past, there were indeed many fake schools that cheated Squibs out of money.

What's worse is that their scams are actually very careless.

As long as you have a wizard friend, you can see through it.

This largely selects a group of Squibs who are rich, eager for magic, but have no wizard friends.

They are easily deceived, and after being deceived, they have no channels to protect their rights.

The quick spell class is one of them. Its GG is also very careless. It says that it teaches people to chant spells quickly, but the case is a housewife who was ridiculed because of her poor potion.

The name is also very careless-the annoying lady of Mount Top.

"The School of Magic and Drama is a great school that accepts wizards from all countries without any geographical restrictions."

"It is also a professional magic school recognized by the International Confederation of Wizards." Filch spoke at this time.

He acted very proud, stretched his robe, and revealed a silver badge with a gold border.

Harry understood it immediately.

Ron might not know, but Harry knew that this was probably a vocational and technical school similar to the Muggle world.

"Why add a major?" Ron looked at Ms. Campbell. Although they had just met, he trusted Ms. Campbell's words more because they were on good terms.

"Because it does not cultivate magical knowledge."

"At least not mainly."

"It cultivates the technology needed in the factories of the magic world."

"If you are good enough, you can directly join the cooperating factory after completing your studies." Ms. Campbell explained.

"Like in our country, Charlie Candy Factory, which makes chocolate frogs; William Pharmaceuticals, which has recently become famous and occupies the low-end potion market; and the Nimbus Racing Broom Company all have cooperation with the School of Magic and Drama." Filch emphasized.

Ron wanted to ask more questions, but they were interrupted by a clacking sound behind them.

Ollivander appeared to ride his slide.

And just like that, Filch and Ms. Campbell left the wand shop.

Filch was very reserved and didn't seem to want to meet Ollivander again.

Before leaving, Ms. Campbell signaled Ron to contact him by owl.

"Hello, Harry Potter, and Mr. Ron Weasley." Ollivander suddenly appeared behind Harry and Ron.

"What's going on?"

"I was clearly facing the place where you might appear." Ron complained bluntly.

Harry also secretly complained that this Ollivander probably had a bad habit of suddenly appearing behind people to scare them.

"Harry Potter, extraordinary combination, flexibility, holly wood, phoenix feathers, eleven inches long. I read about the feat you did with my product in the newspaper. Very good, I'm right, you will achieve great things." Ollivander didn't continue.

Perhaps because Ron was there, he didn't even mention the brother wand of the holly wood wand.

He turned his head and looked at Ron, "Fourteen inches, willow wood, unicorn hair wand is different from ordinary willow wood wands, and it won't make a whirring sound when waved. "

Harry breathed a sigh of relief. He was afraid to hear the same evaluation of his mother's wand from Ollivander's mouth, "Ten and a quarter inches long, made of willow, swishes when waved, and is a good wand for magic."

If so, he would feel very wrong.

"Why don't you tell me my name? I have done a lot of great things recently."

"The invisible beast guarding the Ravenclaw Tower, protecting the Philosopher's Stone, and my recent invention - the smoke bottle!" Ron shouted dissatisfiedly.

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