Everyday Players at Hogwarts

Chapter 34: Similar Flowers

Chapter 477 Similar Flowers

Some people brag for a long time, and even they will believe their own bragging.

Ron is such a person.

The story of the invisible beast in Ravenclaw Tower that he mentioned actually comes from the Ravenclaw phoenix.

It is said that before they entered school, people often saw strange phoenixes coming to the Ravenclaw lounge.

After Ron was caught when they sent Norbert to the Astronomy Tower, he made up a story that the phoenix lived in seclusion in the Astronomy Tower in order to become famous. And because of its friend, an invisible beast, it has been coveted by senior poachers. And Ron protected their story with the help of him and Draco.

This story has been passed down by word of mouth, and other students have long been checking for omissions and telling it as if it were true.

Look, even Ollivander mistakenly believed it was true.

"That's possible. If the phoenix is ​​still there, I can make some new phoenix wands." Ollivander didn't care about Ron's dissatisfaction, he just lamented his misfortune.

If he had known that the fact that Ravenclaw had phoenixes was not a rumor, he would have found a new source of goods with his relationship with Dumbledore.

Although Fawkes is also a phoenix, it would be so monotonous to always use a phoenix feather as the core of the wand.

Wait, Dumbledore, that bastard, wouldn't do it on purpose.

In order to keep selling Fawkes' feathers!

It's right to think so, after all, the funding of the Order of the Phoenix actually comes from Fawkes' feathers.

The true meaning of the name of the Order of the Phoenix is ​​just that.

"Sir, have you not made a phoenix wand for a long time?" Harry didn't pay attention to Ron, instead, he followed Ollivander's words and asked.

You know, his wand is also made of phoenix feathers.

Ollivander nodded.

He woke up from his thoughts temporarily.

"Yes, you may not know that the Phoenix feathers of the Phoenix wands I made over the years all come from Fawkes, the phoenix of Dumbledore."

"But perhaps that's why only two Phoenix wands made of Fawkes feathers have been sold."

"The other Phoenix wands you know that have been sold are all inventory. They are all products made by my ancestors."

"These feathers were carefully collected by my ancestors from areas where phoenixes are common."

"But because of the expansion of Muggles and the characteristic that the phoenix's habitat will change its location once it is discovered, my father's generation lost the source of Phoenix feathers."

"When I first took over as the manager of the wand shop, I almost thought that I would never have the opportunity to make a wand with Phoenix feathers in this life."

"But fortunately, Dumbledore and his Fawkes appeared."

"And not long ago, I almost had a new source of goods, but..." Ollivander seemed to have been poked at a sore spot and began to talk nonstop.

"So, when I bought wands before, I tried Harry's brother wands?" Ron said, looking at the wands in the boxes on the shelf.

"No, the only brother wands are Harry's and the other one sold."

"Although the other Phoenix wands are also made of Fawkes' tail feathers, they are not from the same batch." Ollivander shook his head.

"Same batch?" Harry asked curiously.

"You all know that the phoenix is ​​an immortal life that will be reborn after a break in time."

"Every time it reborn, it is a change for the phoenix."

"Relatively speaking, the feathers of the same phoenix in different periods of rebirth are also obviously different." Ollivander said, taking out two feathers from the drawer.

These two feathers are obviously from the phoenix, and they are not from the same batch as he said.

"Really different." The moment Harry saw those feathers, he intuitively thought that they were not from the same one.

But according to Ollivander, they actually came from the same phoenix.

Just different batches. It's amazing.

"Perhaps this is the secret of how the phoenix can keep the same mentality and live forever."

"The difference before and after Nirvana is so big that it is not the same one."

"In other words, the phoenix is ​​not immortal?"

"After their lifespan ends, the ones who appear in Nirvana are actually their children, not themselves."

"Those memories are only inherited from the previous generation?" Ollivander put away the feather and said to himself.


"You can ask Dumbledore."

"He should be the wizard who knows the phoenix best in the magic world." Harry suggested.

"Why did you put it away so quickly?"

"Why don't I see the difference."

"The color and shape are obviously the same." Ron protested to Ollivander for putting the feather back in the drawer so quickly.

"Haha, this is why I didn't say it was great when I bought you a wand, Mr. Weasley." Ollivander winked mischievously.

On the other hand, Ryan, thousands of miles away, felt it was very strange.

Because when they talked about the phoenix, in front of Ryan, there was a fire of phoenix feathers burning.

Ryan's phoenix feathers came from Ollivanders, who was complaining about the limited supply.

He finally understood why Ollivanders was so happy to buy feathers.

It turned out that Ollivander was tired of using the same phoenix feathers to make wands, and these wands could not be sold.

"The magic world is full of talented people." Ryan couldn't help but sigh.

In his eyes, Ollivander, who was mediocre except for making wands, almost said that he had the essence of Phoenix's immortality.

But Harry was wrong. He was the wizard who knew Phoenix best in the magic world.

Unlike Harry's bizarre Phoenix incarnation.

Ryan combined his power that would not decline as long as he had it, and the Phoenix incarnation, and turned into a real Phoenix.

And gained the immortality of the Phoenix.

The immortality of the Phoenix depends on "giving birth" to different "selves" one after another.

Every time Nirvana, the soul will undergo subtle changes, which makes the world look like a new life.

But in fact, there is no change in appearance and memory.

Its personality and thoughts belong to the original Phoenix from beginning to end.

In fact, it is equivalent to an immortal who has been using the household registration of his descendants to survive in the information world.

And Ryan's immortality is more direct. He directly washed away his household registration and even social information.

He is equivalent to a non-existent person.

But at the same time, he can create new social information that seems to be well-founded to others.

It is equivalent to that, in the eyes of heaven and earth, there has never been an immortal Ryan Smith in this world.

There are only people with the same name and appearance, but they are completely unrelated.

They are just similar flowers born one after another in this world.

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