Everyday Players at Hogwarts

Chapter 43 About Hoklap

Chapter 486 About Horkrup

Ryan never dreamed that the topic would shift to this.

"Ryan, Ryan, nene, I think cockroaches are great."

"If those Death Eaters only eat mice, I'm afraid they will be malnourished!" Kate, who had just been hit by Ryan, shifted the topic to this aspect.

Ryan's behavior of moving mice gave her inspiration.

It made her interested in compiling a menu for Death Eaters.

What's even more outrageous is that Penelope is the same.

"If there are mice, they won't eat cockroaches."

"I think bats are more suitable."

"It goes better with mice!" Penelope made her own suggestion based on the argument that bats are mice with wings.

"I think we should move some Horkrups (a pink, thorny, mushroom-like animal)."

"It's a magical creature after all."

"Compared to mice, those dark wizards should be more willing to eat it." Fleur also twisted her hoarse throat and said.

"Fleur, have you not seen a horkrup in France?" Penelope blushed.

"What a bummer." Kate muttered in a low voice, as if she was disgusted.

"What's wrong?"

"Horkrup has a strong reproductive capacity and can cover a garden of average size in a few days."

"And goblins also like to eat it. Horkrup juice can be used to make healing potions."

"Very nutritious." Fleur looked puzzled.

The topic ended here.

In addition, because it was late, the three of them went to their own rooms to rest.

However, Fleur's doubts were soon resolved.

That night, she drank a lot of "horkrup juice".


In the following days, Ryan still introduced cockroaches, bats and horkrups to Azkaban.

The fish possessed by the potion studied by Snape entered the sea next to the island with the help of Ryan.

And "accidentally" changed.

Let Ryan get a very exciting video.

"This episode will definitely be popular." Ryan couldn't help but sigh on the tower of Smith's castle.

It's already July, and Ryan accidentally mentioned that their family has a tower that serves as the Smith family's address.

And after Voldemort invaded three times and left many bones in the canyon next to the tower, the four of them came here.

While playing the detective game by watching the corpses (guessing the identity of the owners of those skeletons), they also took advantage of the dusk to look at the beautiful Nottingham Forest.

"Which episode?"

"The "Death Eaters on Deserted Island" you've been talking about?" Kate flashed and hung on Ryan.

On her right hand, a silver magic rune representing the meaning of connection lit up, trying to see something through Ryan's senses.

But from Kate's brown eyes, it was unsuccessful.

"Do you really want to see it?" Ryan showed a wicked smile on his face.

"No, I don't want to." Kate saw something wrong at once and wanted to escape into the shadows.

But Ryan stopped her.

Ryan held the hood of Kate's wizard robe with his right hand and swung it back and forth.

It was like he was gently swinging a yo-yo.

The red magic glow rippled around Kate, but it didn't work. It was interrupted by Ryan's simple action without any fireworks.

Finally, Kate gave up struggling and hung on Ryan's neck again, and her little face hit Ryan's shoulder hard.

Ryan smiled evilly and patted Kate's butt with his left hand shining with silver glow.

At the same time, he took the wonderful scene he just saw on the island into Kate's mind.

Kate now just wanted to dig out her eyes and wash them.

She couldn't believe she saw these.

Now they are all like Aunt Dumbledore's famous fiancé.

From this point of view, the only normal one is Bella, whose gender is very suitable for this behavior.

"What's wrong?" Penelope left Fleur, who was yelling at the top of the tower, and looked at Kate, who was burying her head in Ryan and making painful sounds from time to time.

"Penelope, I'm not clean anymore."

"Ryan disgusts me!" Kate jumped off Ryan, and before she landed, she flashed into Penelope's arms.

"It has nothing to do with me."

"It was Kate who insisted on seeing it." Penelope heard the words and looked at Ryan fiercely.

"What did you see?" Penelope looked at Kate. And carefully avoided Ryan's sight.

She didn't want to end up like Kate.

"I-I saw hell." Kate didn't know how to describe it.

"Ryan, is the white thing that is faintly visible in the grass still a fish bone?" Kate, who couldn't help but recall the scene when asked by Penelope, found something wrong.

"Is it the effect of the potion?"

"I mean, did Snape really poison it according to Ron's idea?" Penelope couldn't help but take a few steps towards Ryan.

Ryan nodded.

"What kind of magic potion is this!"

"Snape, that bastard, has done so much harm!"

"Why isn't it poison!"

"Just poison those Death Eaters!" Kate raised her little face, her eyes swirling in her eye sockets.


Ryan cleared his throat.

"This is a mutation."

"It's all Voldemort's fault."

"Those poisons, under the influence of Voldemort's subconscious, have evolved into potions that make people crazy and obsessed with Horkrup." Ryan said seriously.

He looked serious, as if he was going to ask Voldemort to stand up for Kate.

"But I remember that you let Kate see these pictures."

"And what kind of potion can make people obsessed with Horkrup?"

"Even if it is a mutation, it won't--" Penelope looked speechless and looked at Ryan who was pretending.

Kate also looked at him with a grin.

"Don't look at me."

"It's all related to the formula of the poison."

"The only non-toxic material in it is Horkrup juice, and the others are all seriously toxic."

"I think this may be why it is only Horkrup." Ryan waved his hand.

A picture appeared in front of Kate and Penelope.

It was the picture of Snape brewing potions at his home in Spinner's End.

On his left hand side, there was an ingredient that was very obvious, and it was Horkrup.

The rest are highly toxic items such as the poison bubbles of the leopard and the venom of the giant spider.

"I-I want to see what those Death Eaters will do when they wake up?" Kate wiped her tears and said viciously.

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