Everyday Players at Hogwarts

Chapter 44: Death Eaters' Survival on a Deserted Island

Chapter 487: Death Eaters' Survival on a Deserted Island

"The great and holy Lord of Dark Magic will take 37 weeks to restore his heartbeat, 100 days to regain consciousness, 10 days to restore his strength, and one day to regain the world!"

In the dark night, accompanied by the sound of waves hitting the rocks, the Death Eaters began to pray in unison beside a crackling fire.

This is what they must do before meals every day.

When they lost magic, normal food, and clothes, they began to pin everything on Voldemort.

Just like before Azkaban disappeared.

And their food is fat rats strung together by soaked branches.

Although they have recently added bats and cockroaches to the menu.

Everyone secretly eats Horkrup as a tonic.

But the daily staple food is still rats.

However, when it comes to Horkrup, Rodolphus Lestrange ate the most. He was a firm believer in the Bible of health preservation.

Under the contradictory psychology of thinking that he was getting stronger and stronger, and fearing that he would delay Voldemort's major event (he was worried that Bella's pregnancy would affect Voldemort's comeback), he actually learned to use fish bubbles without a teacher.

Porn is really the first productive force.

As for why they don't eat fish, it's because they found that fish has confusing magic.

Rodolphus Lestrange thought he was most impressed by this, because in addition to eating Horkrup like everyone else, he also accidentally saw Bella rolling with his brother Rabastan Lestrange.

Rodolphus concealed this point and replaced his brother with himself before they all returned to normal.

He had long been accustomed to it. Before, it was Voldemort, and now his brother is not closer to him?

And he thought it would be better not to cause trouble before Voldemort was fully resurrected.

"Rodolphus, you are eating delicious food, aren't you?"

"Why do you and Bella eat fish secretly together all day long?" Old Mulciber walked away from Rodolphus and Bella, who were full of fishy smell, with disdain.

Then he took a deep sip of the rat tail.

In this barren environment, he began to like eating rat tails.

So much so that his rat tails were almost never roasted, and they still maintained their original crispness.

This made him feel like eating his favorite Italian noodles.

"There must be something wrong with this fish, and it has a greater impact on wizards. Brother, your spirit is much worse." Rabastan looked at his brother worriedly.

At the same time, he quickly glanced at Bella, who was wearing tattered clothes and showing her spring light.

For some reason, since eating fish not long ago, he felt that his sister-in-law Bella was particularly charming.

He thought it must be the problem with the fish.

Thinking about it, he bit off the rat head in one bite, and the sound of crunching rang out from his mouth.

Lestranges all have strong masseter muscles, hard mandibles, and teeth that are almost like steel.

As a member of the Lestrange family, this is just child's play for him.

Now, except for his brother and sister-in-law, he is the strongest on the entire island.

Because he can absorb extra energy from his bones.

After leaving the magic, growing strong is the key to being the king of this island.

Thinking of this, Rabastan looked at Crouch Jr.

This guy who holds his father's head all day long, because he has not been in Azkaban for a long time and is the youngest, he may be a threat to the hegemony of the Lestranges on the island now.

Crouch Jr. didn't know that Rabastan on the opposite side was also thinking about fighting for power in this situation.

Claiming to be the most loyal Death Eater of Voldemort. Crouch Jr.'s mind is all on eating.

Even mice he eats with relish.

Other cockroaches and bats, he does not dislike at all.

This sounds strange. But that's what Crouch Jr. thinks.

He thought that before the great Dark Lord was resurrected, as his disciple, what he had to do was to take good care of his body.

Eat well, sleep well, and review magic well.

Prepare for Voldemort's comeback.

He even carefully studied the book "100 Questions on Desert Island Survival" found by little Mulciber.

Strive to stay in the best condition on the desert island.

After eating a mouse, little Crouch, who was still trying to use his teeth to pick out the scattered flesh and blood from the bone gap, sighed.

He looked at his tattered clothes and sighed for the lack of cloth.

It is very useful for sun protection, filtering clean water, and wrapping wounds.

It stands to reason that Azkaban, where corpses are everywhere, should not lack clothes.

But the magic of the Dark Lord destroyed them one by one during the resurrection ceremony.

After so many days, their clothes were also tattered during the hunting process.

His eyes vaguely swept across Bella diagonally opposite him.

I have to say that when he saw Bella's tattered clothes, he felt something.

He recalled the feast they had after fishing near the reef a few days ago.

At that time, in the confusion of eating the fish, he had an unclear relationship with the woman.

But fortunately, because of his father's head, he woke up temporarily and escaped from the scene in time.

He didn't know what happened next.

He only knew that after waking up, he was kissing his father's head.

And at the cut-off position below his father's head, there was a shrunken Hoklap.

This led to one thing.

Even he was unwilling to eat Horklap openly in front of others.

He mostly used hunting as an excuse to dig in the soil and then feast on it.

"Little Crouch, can you lend me your father's head to play with?" The one who spoke was the most perverted Travers.

But Little Crouch knew what he was going to do.

Because he was afraid that his father's head would be damaged by Travers, he secretly followed Travers to the woods.

There, Travers learned from Little Crouch to put Horklap into the broken part of his father's head, and used his father's mouth as a straw to suck the Horklap juice.

And kept muttering his name in a low voice.

He did unspeakable things to his father's head.

Thinking of this, Little Crouch got goose bumps.

He realized one thing, that is, his father was actually very similar to him.

And why his butt was inexplicably swollen and painful after waking up.

I'm afraid Travers never knew when he fell in love with him.

"Take it." Crouch Jr. pretended to be calm and handed his father's head to Travers.

He thought that after venting his anger, Travers might not pay attention to him anymore.

Crouch Jr. was more determined to stick to fitness to prevent Travers from doing unspeakable things.

"I'm going to exercise." After Travers ran to the grove, Crouch Jr. said hello to the rest of the people and went to the beach.

"Great! Exercise!"

"Crouch Jr. really wants to subvert our Lestrange hegemony!"

"This kid must not be left!" Rabastan thought as he looked deeply at Crouch Jr.'s back.

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