Everyday Players at Hogwarts

Chapter 5 Summary of the Spell

After leaving Ollivander's place for a while, Ryan still couldn't stop groping for his wand. It was a poplar wood wand as white as jade, with its door covered with strange lines. It was right next to another short and lean black knight in his arms. One black and one white.

"Let's call you White Knight," Ryan said silently in his mind.

The frustration of not being able to feel the traces of magic power fluctuations was washed away by the joy of getting the wand.

"Father, it's a bit late. It's time to go shopping for books and go to Flourish and Blotts Bookstore."

"Aren't you going to go shopping anymore?" Jack asked with concern. After putting on the magic hat, Jack's tone was almost the same as that of his father George Smith in his memory.

Ryan couldn't help but feel a little absent-minded.

"No." Ryan replied decisively.

The sky was turning yellow at this time, and there were far fewer people in Diagon Alley. The little witches who came to purchase, the wild wizards, and the noisy dwarfs all walked towards each other in a hurry or leisurely manner. The Leaky Cauldron.

Ryan and Jack also arrived at Flourish and Blotts Bookstore at this time.

Spell books as large as floor tiles and embossed with gold are displayed in bookstore windows.

Entering the bookstore, the bookstore manager hurriedly came forward, "Is it from Hogwarts?" he asked unexpectedly, "Are you here to buy new books?"

"I'm sorry, it happens not to be. Here, here is the book list. Here are the books I need. Give me a set of them. We will send someone to get them tomorrow."

The manager took the book list, looked at it carefully, and couldn't help but get excited.

"Beginner's Guide to Transfiguration"

"Curse and Counter-Curse"

"Monsters and Their Origins"

"Magic Potions and Potions"

"Magical Theory"

"A Thousand Miracle Herbs and Mushrooms"

Dark Powers: A Guide to Self-Defense

"A History of Magic"

"Standard Spells, Elementary"

"Standard Spell, Level 2"

"Standard Spell, Level 3"

"Standard Spell, Level 4"

"Encyclopedia of Toadstools"

"The Monster Book of Monsters"

"Guide to Raising a Dragon"

"Types of Dragons in Great Britain and Ireland"

"From Hatching Egg to Nirvana"

"The Origins of Quidditch"

"Flying with the Artillery Team"

"Broomstick Care Manual"

"Walking with Ghouls"

"Holiday with a Dominatrix"

"Magical Me"

"Wandering with Mountain Monsters"

"Traveling with a Vampire"

"Wandering with Werewolves"

"A Year with XZ Snowman"

"Put a spell on your cheese"

"The Magic of Baking Bread"

"Conjure a Feast!" 》

"Pull through the fog and see the future"

"Important Magical Events of the Twentieth Century"

"The Great Wizard of the 20th Century"

"The Major Discoveries of Modern Magic"

"A History of Modern Magic"

"List of Famous Contemporary Magicians"

"Research on the Development of Modern Witchcraft"

"The Adventures of Crazy Muggle Martin Miggs"

"Bird or Monster?" 》

"Powerful Potion"

"How Prefects Gain Power"

"The Invisible Book of Invisibility"

"Forgotten Ancient Magic and Spells"

"Omen of Death: What do you do when you know the worst is coming?" 》

A Guide to Medieval Witchcraft

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"Do we need a set of these?" the manager asked tremblingly.

"Everything needs to be done. How long will it take to arrive at the earliest?" Ryan asked impatiently.

Have you ever noticed that when you go shopping to buy something, you always have to walk around first before buying something, as if time is worthless, but once you decide to go back, you feel like you are going back home, and feel that everything you do is a waste of time.

And Ryan is such a person. He just wants to go home quickly and take a nice shower.

"It's fine tomorrow, but I have to calculate the cost." The manager wiped the sweat from his forehead.

At this time, Jack interrupted, "I will come again at 9 o'clock tomorrow morning. This is a deposit of 300 gold galleons. You can get the quotation tomorrow and you will be refunded or compensated for any excess."

"Okay, okay." The manager replied hurriedly.

"Let's go, Ryan."

"Yeah, yeah." Ryan nodded and said, wanting to get it done quickly and go home early.

So, after returning to the Leaky Cauldron and quickly walking upstairs, with a crisp crackling sound, Ryan returned to the castle in Nottingham Forest.

The next day, around 10 o'clock, Jack had already settled the payment and put all the books into a small bag, while the bookstore owner looked at him in a usual manner.

Meanwhile, Ryan is working on his magic in the practice room.

"Wingardium Leviosa!" Ryan muttered silently in his mind, waving his wand at the same time. Finally, the feather rose from the table and floated four feet above Ryan's head. "Silent casting is trouble, and it finally succeeded. Once.”

Since purchasing new books and wands, Ryan has also discovered the inconvenience of the Black Knight. The successful casting of common modern magic spells mainly depends on three parts.

First, recite the magic spell according to specific requirements. For example, the floating spell requires Yuga-Dimleviosa. The word "plus" must be long and clear. If you pronounce it wrong, you will look like Barufio. The wizard, who said the 'f' instead of an 's', found himself lying on the floor with a bison on his chest.

Second, the wand must be waved according to specific requirements. The floating spell requires the wand to be waved and shaken while chanting the spell.

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Third, it is self-confidence, believing that you can do it, which can replace the casting requirements of most magic. Except for some advanced spells, such as Avada Kedavra, which requires a strong and definite desire to kill, and the Patronus spell requires strong positive emotions.

A small number of advanced spells only require the first and third, second and third steps, or it can be said that his creator consciously raised the casting requirements and deliberately deleted or did not create some steps.

In fact, as long as the above three parts are fully included, as long as the requirements for emotions, that is, the third point, are not high, a first-year wizard can perform it completely, which is actually the development path of modern magic.

With the advancement of magic, spells have become shorter, and specific ways of waving the wand have been added.

This also reduces the casting requirements and improves stability. At the same time, the consumption of magic power is reduced, and the casting will be successful. At most, the power is insufficient, and there will be no incidents such as a spell draining magic power or even vitality.

Can you imagine that in the past, casting magic required a fixed dance and strange gestures.

If you have this spare time, you might as well use a sword, otherwise you would have been chopped to death by other wizards.

Modern magic has changed all this, it is safe, fast and efficient.

When you are familiar with a spell and are proficient in it, you can ignore the first two requirements one by one.

Casting with the Black Knight is a bit strange, aiming after waving the wand is in line with people's stereotypes of wands.

And for a gun, waving it a few times before shooting, Ryan feels a little ashamed for some reason.

Although Ryan can also recite the Gutala magic gun expressionlessly.

"Alas, my hard-working life, I have to work hard to brush most common spells to the steps of silent casting, especially the gestures should be omitted as much as possible, otherwise the Black Knight will only be covered in dust, or only the dead can see me casting with him." Ryan thought to himself.

It has been about three days since Ryan came back from Diagon Alley. During these three days, Ryan mainly studied "Standard Spells, Elementary", "Beginner's Guide to Transfiguration", and "Curses and Counter-Curses".

In his spare time, he also read "The Adventures of Martin Miggs, a Mad Muggle" and "Holidays with Hags".

"The Adventures of Martin Miggs, a Mad Muggle" is a comic book. The original book was Ron's favorite in the second grade. There are several volumes. Its first issue was published in the 1960s.

It tells the story of a French Muggle Martin Miggs wearing a beret and a striped shirt who accidentally broke into the magic world. It is very interesting, especially from the perspective of an ordinary person. It's just that wizards see jokes about Muggles, while I, an ordinary person in my previous life, see jokes about wizards.

The author of this book is really interesting. I hope I don't think too much.

"Holidays with Hags" was specifically selected from several works by Lockhart, and its name is more attractive.

After watching it, I found that Lockhart is really good. The plot is full of ups and downs, and some boring dry goods are interspersed in it, which is not boring at all. And there is the female demon Mashiro, er, no, the real murderer.

Ryan has no intention of going out. He plans to stay at home and study magic until he enters school. The following is Ryan's latest information.

Race: Wizard

Strength: 10 (the limit of ordinary people is 10)

Constitution: 27 (the limit of ordinary people is 10)

Magic: 18 (the limit of ordinary people is 10)

Skills: Thinking lv.2 (91%) Body transformation lv3 (35%) Alchemy lv2 (26%) Charms lv1 (89%) Potions lv1 (55%) Transfiguration lv1 (43%) Gunfighting lv1 (92%) Martial Arts lv1 (86%)

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