Everyday Players at Hogwarts

Chapter 6: Exploring the Mystery of House-Elves

It was another sunny day. I completed the revised version of radio gymnastics and ate the house-elf version of potato stewed beef rice made by Ryan.

I drank black tea and swam in the ocean of memory as usual. Suddenly I recalled the description of the second floor of the Black old house: a row of wrinkled heads gathered on the wall next to the stairs. They were all the heads of house-elves who were old and unable to move and had their heads cut off.

Something was wrong. There were so many house-elves in Sirius's family, and only Kreacher was left in the end. But according to the description in the original book, house-elves also have parents. In the original book, Winky said that she took care of the Crouch family since she was born. Before her, it was her mother and her grandmother.

There won't be only Jack, an elf in our family.

"Jack." Ryan called.

"Master Ryan." Jack suddenly appeared.

"Are you the only house elf in our family?"

"Master Ryan, our family has always served the Smith family, but our elves are proud to keep everything in order without appearing in front of the master, but at the same time, only one elf will often appear in front of the master, and the others will stay in the kitchen and other places to work."

"I wonder if you have heard of Kreacher."

"Master, are you talking about Kreacher of the Black family? It is an unqualified elf. I heard from friends that he is dizzy all day and the house is a mess."

"Okay, I have a general understanding. I'm done eating. You clean up. I want to take a nap."

After a long communication with Jack, Ryan found that elves also have their own small society, just like Winky.

The Crouch and Malfoy families are two unrelated families, but Winky knows Dobby, knows his character, knows that he yearns for freedom and is ashamed of it.

According to the original book, elves should mostly serve a wizard family as a family unit, but they also have their own society. They know or know some excellent or extraordinary elves. Otherwise, how could there be children and births?

It's just that most wizards never bother to understand. It's really interesting, this magical world.

It was evening. Ryan's dinner today was three cups chicken. Jack's cooking skills were really amazing. He could make a dish from other countries based on Ryan's words, and it was just right.

I don't know why, maybe because of Hermione, or because of Jack's unusual behavior when he went to Diagon Alley last time, Ryan was particularly curious about the house elves today.

After dinner, Ryan summoned Jack again.

"Jack, what did you feel when you put on my grandfather's magic hat when you went to Diagon Alley last time?"

"Master Ryan, after putting on the magic hat, I lost consciousness. It was the memory left by Master George. My mind was working, and I also remembered who I was. I woke up only after taking off the magic hat."

"Jack, do you have a child?"

"Yes, it's called Claude, and it's still an immature elf, always helping in the kitchen."

Ryan has satisfied his curiosity for today, and asked Jack to send Percy's favorite "How the Prefect Gets Power" in the original book. He looked at the political struggles in the wizarding world with a critical eye, and kept sighing, that's it.

After staying up until the night, after washing up, Ryan fell asleep.

In the dream, he was constantly ridiculed for not being able to sense magic like the protagonist in the wand shop. Various heads floated in the air, surrounding Ryan and constantly saying dirty words. Among them were the head of Zhou Yi in Ryan's previous life, Daniel's Harry Potter, Emma's version of Hermione, and even Jack.

"What's going on?" Ryan woke up and found that his thinking skill proficiency had increased again.

Ryan suddenly thought that he had a system. As long as he worked hard in one direction, no matter how strong Harry Potter's perception of magic was, he could do it, and even see the panels of other people and creatures like in the game.

3 months passed.

So, one hour after taking a nap every day, Ryan added an unshakable behavior or habit.

That is to observe, send Jack to deliver different substances or lives every day, touch, watch from different angles, and summarize.

Finally, Ryan's panel changed.

Race: Wizard

Strength: 13 (normal limit is 10)

Constitution: 28 (normal limit is 10)

Magic: 20 (normal limit is 10)

Skills: Thinking lv.3 (11%) Body Transformation lv3 (54%) Alchemy lv2 (44%) Charms lv2 (19%) Potions lv2 (2%) Transfiguration lv2 (53%) Gunfighting lv2 (2%) Martial Arts lv2 (6%) Reconnaissance lv1 (2%)

"Jack, stand still and don't resist for a while."

Ryan stared at the summoned Jack and tightened his face.

A transparent blue frame appeared in Ryan's retina.

On the upper right is Jack's full-body portrait. Smooth and hairless, with big ears like an elder bat, eyes as big as tennis balls, and a black butler's uniform. Above is Jack's data:

Race: House Elf

Strength: 6 (normal limit is 10)

Constitution: 22 (normal limit is 10)

Magic: 33 (normal limit is 10)

Skills: Cleaning lv5 (56%) Apparition lv4 (33%) Magic Control lv3 (65%) Planting lv2 (32%)

Cooking lv59 (33%)

What dazzling statistics. Except for strength and physique, everything else far exceeds mine. It is indeed very powerful. In the seventh part, the elf army played a huge role in the Hogwarts security station, just like Kreacher can even disapparate where Voldemort hides his Horcruxes, although this may be because Voldemort sincerely looks down on elves.

It seemed that he was going to break his promise again, so Ryan decided to find an ice cream shop on the street in England, and polish his skills while eating, to see who else could escape his eyes in the future.

"Hahahaha, Harry Potter, why are you fighting with me?"

12 Little Newport St Chinatown, WC2H 7JJ, next to Chinatown, a sweet shop with a very authentic old Guangzhou flavor. I selected this place based on Ryan’s many visits. It is not particularly sweet and does not have all kinds of messy pigments, but these are covered up. I couldn't help Ryan's mood at this time.

In the book "The Magic of Names", Ryan learned that names actually contain magic. Ryan, who inherited the surname Smith, should be as difficult to detect by ordinary people as his ancestors.

But Ryan didn't expect that after traveling through time, he seemed to activate the wonderful magic power in this body. His handsome face made Ryan shine like a luminous body in the crowd.

Alas, the dream of being alone was shattered.

Ryan had a bad face, but there were still all kinds of big sisters and weird aunties coming over to chat with her. In other words, the more Ryan looked like this, the more excited they became.

Seeing this, the shopkeeper on the side specially exempted Lane from ordering, attracting so many female customers to Lane.

Along with the female customers came scattered male customers.

Sure enough, just like a bar where there are many high-quality female customers, male customers also come.

As people came and went, Ryan discovered that most ordinary people's physiques were below 10 and had no magic power. Ryan suddenly remembered the initial evaluation of magic power on his panel, which was a special variant of mental power.

Ryan thought, looking at the constantly refreshed proficiency of his investigative skills in his mind, Ryan suddenly felt that these hardships were nothing.

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