"Little brother, this, is it delicious? It's obviously not sweet." A blonde girl in her teens with a pretty face approached.

Hey, hey, hey, the boss is still here, why don't you just complain here, Ryan secretly complained, "Don't you think the ice cream nowadays is too sweet? And if you want to maintain a good figure, ice cream with less sugar is also a good choice." Ryan, who saw that he couldn't get rid of it, answered unhappily.

After Ryan answered the blonde beauty who approached him unhappily, Ryan suddenly realized something.

This girl is incredible, this is a trace of magic, let me take a look.

Race: Wizard

Strength: 6 (normal limit is 10)

Constitution: 19 (normal limit is 10)

Magic: 15 (normal limit is 10)

Skills: Charms lv1 (9%), Potions lv1 (5%), Transfiguration lv1 (3%), Herbology lv1 (1%), Astronomy lv1 (2%), Defense against the Dark Arts lv1 (1%). (Some common skills such as reading and cooking are omitted)

This value is stronger than when Ryan first crossed over, but the magic power of wizards in this world mainly depends on age, and then look at yourself. She is older than Ryan, which is normal.

It is expected that her strength is weaker than Ryan. In the magic world, except for giants and half-bloods, there is no one who can match Ryan's strength. This is not what wizards pursue. Perhaps some rare schools will involve it.

However, judging from the physique, it is estimated that the wizard's physique is higher than that of normal humans, and the same is true for mental power, that is, magic power, but there is no difference in strength alone.

According to some of Smith's books and memories of his past life, the physique of wizards is more reflected in magic resistance and vitality, but the weaknesses are the same as normal humans. If there is a problem with the heart and brain, they will die. Unlike Ryan, who has a system, physical resistance, magic resistance, vitality, etc. are all-round development.

And agility and speed mainly depend on the combination of strength and physique.

At the same time, the girl's face turned slightly red, "How long do you want to watch?"

Ryan couldn't help blushing. He was not a person who was willing to suffer verbal losses. He bit back and asked, "You are a student of Hogwarts, um, you haven't enrolled in the first grade yet? As far as I know, Hogwarts is September 1st every year, and school will start in two days. You don't prepare your homework well and come out to tease the children."

"How do you know, do I look like a witch? Your magic family, I mean, is there a wizard in your family? Um, sorry, I don't seem to have introduced myself yet. My name is Penelo Clearwater, you can just call me Penelope." Penelope asked curiously.

This chick is Penelope, Percy's future girlfriend. That's right, they are in the same grade, and the class leader is the fifth grader. Harry Potter and Ryan are the same age. When he entered school, Percy officially became the class leader, which means Percy is four years older than Ryan, and Penelope is the same.

However, Ryan remembered that from Harry's own perspective, Penelope was a girl with long curly hair. Unexpectedly, she was a blonde girl. She looked pretty good, and she was indeed a Ravenclaw. Now she started to prepare for her lessons.

"I saw you in Diagon Alley," Ryan pretended, and then changed the subject, "My name is Ryan, Ryan Smith. I am from a wizard family. I am a little curious. Have you tried to cast magic when you are about to enter school? How many do you know?"

"I tried a few simple spells at home, just for practice, and they all worked." Penelope said embarrassedly (typical Hermione words).

Next, Ryan led the topic to Diagon Alley, making up for the last loophole in the lie, and made an appointment to meet here in the next two days to discuss magic.

After returning home, Ryan couldn't help thinking that he didn't expect that he, a otaku, could still chat well.

But it was a bit strange. When Hermione used a fake name to pretend to be a wizard from a wizard family in the seventh book, she used Penelope's name. Was it just like the Vernon Dudley that Harry made up?

Hermione shouldn't be so careless. It turns out that Penelope is also from a Muggle family? It can't be to find a topic to chat up.

By the way, when Harry was in the second grade, wasn't Penelope attacked and petrified by a basilisk? Only those born in Muggles were attacked by basilisks, right?

It can't be an accidental injury.

Flipping through Ryan in the memory palace, I found that there was no direct description of her bloodline in the original book.

Never mind, hehe, Percy, you have no girlfriend.

Ryan felt that the next two days passed very quickly. Whether in the past life or this life, Ryan hated crowded places. He forced himself to go to the cold drink shop before, mainly to see the food, and secondly to brush up the proficiency of the detection skill.

Now Ryan thinks it’s because of friendship. He is still young, and Peneno should just be friends with me because I am cute, well-read and know a lot about the wizarding world.

“Ryan, I’m a little worried. I haven’t learned magic before. Will it be…”

“Peneno, don’t worry. Most little wizards in the wizarding world are not as good as you think. Don’t be afraid of me. I’m a special case.” Ryan interrupted quickly, “Little wizards in the wizarding world all go to school at the age of 11, and there is no such thing as elementary school. Most of them stay at home and are not allowed to have wands. Unlike Muggles, they don’t have complete teaching. Mathematics and Chinese are not introduced until a while after school starts. Most of them find it difficult to write a complete article.”

"Okay, I understand. I read a section in "Hogwarts: A School History" that Hogwarts is divided into Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin. , What kind of hospital is it based on?" Penello blushed slightly.

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"Looking at the character, the school emblem of Gryffindor is the lion. What we want is a brave and fearless young wizard, but what comes out more is reckless, impulsive, and getting into trouble every day. The school emblem of Hufflepuff is the badger, and it is declared to the outside world Young wizards who need honesty and hard work are actually welcome to young wizards of all personalities and accept all. Gossip is usually spread from Hufflepuff, which is closest to the kitchen and the common room is the most comfortable. The school emblem of the school is an eagle, and they are looking for smart and wise little wizards who are very picky. I dare say Peneno, you will definitely be suitable. But on the other hand, it is in three colleges (which three?), except Si Lytherin, Slytherin attracts too much hatred.”

"Yeah, yeah" Ryan rubbed his throat and interrupted in a pretentious manner.

"Getting back to the subject, it behaves a bit unsociable to the outside world, and the relationship within the school is also relatively organized and indifferent. Most of them like to read books by themselves. It is also called the nerd college by other colleges. And our finale college, Slytherin, has a snake as its school emblem. They are all young wizards with good blood and ambition, which has also led to a very bad atmosphere in the school. Most of the Slytherins value results more and do not compromise on means. They are permanent members of Azkaban and are as fast as Gryffindor. There are more, but students from Gryffindor can generally only be regarded as day students in Azkaban. They usually make some minor mistakes constantly. There are fewer Ravenclaws, and most of them are, well, Muggles. According to the world's theory, they are all economic criminals, or they have conducted experiments and caused major magical accidents. Hufflepuff is half and half. They have the most people, but the number of dark wizards is still not as high as that of Slytherin. "

"Merlin, I have never seen so many in books." Penello exclaimed.

"There are some things that cannot be written in books. Slytherins are old people in the magical world. According to their own statement, they are pure-blood nobles. Of course, they just claim that there are no nobles in the magical world. They occupy the majority of the magical world. Some of the production means are generally relatively rich, and with their unscrupulous methods, except for those who accidentally entered Azkaban, they are relatively influential in the Ministry of Magic. After all, few people can get along with gold and magic. All of them are from senior officials of the four major colleges. Some facts that slander their colleges cannot be mentioned in the book, especially the three major colleges with a relatively positive image. Although we have gone through the reports in the past few years to extract the data in them You know it." Ryan said a little tired and took a bite of ice cream. I couldn't help but feel happy in my heart. Now that Peneno doesn't know much about the magic world, I should tell her the facts first, so as to avoid misalignment of the following three views and difficulty in further development.

It's just a little strange how Penello always manages to strike up a conversation at the right time, but it should be because she has read the relevant books before, after all, Ravenclaw.

Hum, but fortunately, the topic was diverted away from my age.

However, this rapid progress is also related to Penello's beautiful personality. In his previous life, he insisted on not falling in love until he graduated from high school. He thought that sweet love would usher in college.

But the sudden time travel destroyed everything. What kind of magic is love, the most powerful magic in the world?

Next, he and Penello chatted about some light topics. When the sky got darker, Ryan and Penello agreed to write letters frequently when Penello arrived at Hogwarts, and then they went back to their respective homes.

In the days that followed, with Penello leaving, Ryan gradually stopped going to the cold drink shop. The next few times I went there occasionally, I could still hear the boss complaining that the business had plummeted since Ryan left and when he was there.

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