Everyday Players at Hogwarts

Chapter 8: Meet on Halloween

Recently, I discovered a boring new function of the system, writing a diary.

For me who has a photographic memory, it is undoubtedly useless, but it is also interesting to record some things that cannot be expressed to others.

September 1st, sunny, Penelope started school. Will she still go to Ravenclaw? According to the original fate, she and Percy will not be together until the fourth year, and they will be open to each other until they become the head of the class in the fifth year.

In the morning, breakfast is beef noodles. I finally eat noodles. Jack is really amazing. I am tired of eating Italian noodles.

Exercise, think about Penelope, write letters. At noon, lunch is beef stewed with potatoes and tomatoes. Well, it is more appetizing than braised beef. The beef is very soft. Read books, think about Penelope, take a nap, and wait for letters.

In the evening, dinner is shredded potatoes and winter melon meatball soup. Well, the evening should be light. Read books and wait for letters.

September 2nd, rainy. Why hasn't Penelope replied yet? It should be because she was too excited when she just arrived at school.

In the morning, breakfast was noodles with soybean paste. As expected, I should eat noodles in the morning. I exercised, thought about Penelope, and waited for the letter.

At noon, today's lunch was cream-baked snails with steak. Isn't this just a bigger snail? It's delicious.

Penelope finally replied. She went to Ravenclaw and was very excited. She asked if I could predict the future. There was an independent library in Ravenclaw with many notes of seniors.

The first day was the spell class, which was taught by their dean. The dean was Professor Flitwick. However, he didn't teach any spells at the beginning. He just talked about the spells to be learned this year and the precautions. First-year students should not use magic in private, etc.

At night, they also used telescopes to observe the starry sky, learn the names of different stars and the orbits of planets. It is said that this is done every Wednesday.

Tonight, dinner was grilled steak, and the side dish was Yorkshire pudding with my favorite black tea. Write letters and read books.

September 3, cloudy, waiting for the letter, I am more eager for Hogwarts, not like the expectation in the movies and novels in my previous life, it is like knowing that I will marry my favorite person tomorrow, and I will win the lottery jackpot tomorrow.

In the morning, breakfast is Italian meat sauce noodles, commonly known as tomato fried noodles, delicious. Exercise, waiting for the letter.

At noon, lunch is eggplant stew, salty and fresh, soft and rotten, good with rice, delicious.

Penelope replied, briefly talking about her excitement, the strange questions when she entered, and their class leader, Tiger, a rough-looking wizard, tall and strong, who gave each freshman a schedule. I guessed it right before, every Wednesday night, they have to take astronomy class.

Three times a week, they are taken to the greenhouse behind the castle by a short and fat witch named Sprout, the head of Hufflepuff, to study herbology, learn how to cultivate these strange plants and fungi and understand their uses. There is also a transfiguration class. According to convention, the first class should be learning to turn wood into needles.

September 4th, sunny, waiting for the letter. Recently, I found that the feelings I gained from brushing spell proficiency through the system are a little different from those in the book. Is it more suitable for me, or is the book wrong or relative truth?

In the morning, breakfast was dumplings with shrimp, which was really exciting. In the past life, because I lived in the inland area, my parents always regarded shrimp as precious. Even after the economy improved, shrimp could be bought everywhere. Every time I made it, I blanched it without even removing the shrimp thread. Dumplings with shrimp are undoubtedly rare in my opinion.

It’s a pity that I traveled through time before I went to college and became independent, otherwise I could eat more shrimp dishes. I talked a lot today. I rarely miss my past life, but I am not an only child, and I have a brother to take care of my parents, so it’s okay. Exercise and read books.

At noon, I had no appetite and had a steak casually.

The letter arrived. Penelope said that Ravenclaw is not good either. Except for Kate, her roommate, she has almost no friends. Others admired her recent performance and did not communicate further.

Every day I read books. Although reading books is also very interesting, Penelope said she regretted it a little. The Sorting Hat originally wanted to put her in Hufflepuff, but due to some prejudice or concerns, it finally chose Ravenclaw. She said that she could never be a Hufflepuff again.

Penelope also talked a lot today. Could it be that we are in a spiritual trough? Unfortunately, I can only write some words in my diary.

So, I introduced Penelope to the secret passage of Hogwarts and the magical Room of Requirement, hoping that this can divert her attention and make daily life interesting.

In the evening, I ate a few bites of bread for dinner. Only Chinese food and dishes in my memory can accompany me.

Unknowingly, two months have passed. I wrote to Penelope almost one letter every day, and decided to focus on alchemy and a few practical spells, such as the Armor Charm. The reconnaissance skills are enough, and thinking and body transformation are unshakable. I slowly improve with reading and exercise.

November 1, 1987, just happened to be Halloween, and it had been a month since the start of school at Hogwarts.

Race: Wizard

Strength: 15 (normal limit is 10)

Constitution: 29 (normal limit is 10)

Magic: 21 (normal limit is 10)

Skills: Thinking lv.3 (15%) Body Transformation lv3 (57%) Alchemy lv2 (47%) Charms lv2 (22%) Potions lv2 (11%) Transfiguration lv2 (63%) Gunfighting lv2 (23%) Martial Arts lv2 (14%) Reconnaissance lv1 (78%)

Hogsmeade Village, also known as Hogsmeade for short, is the only village in the UK that is entirely composed of wizards. It is located in Scotland. It was founded by Hengis of Woodcroft. Students of Hogwarts can travel here on weekends, but only students in the third grade and above who have obtained permission from their parents or other guardians can go there. There are many shops here, such as the most famous Honeydukes in the UK, whose full name is Honeydukes Candy Store.

I previously introduced the secret passage from Hogwarts to Honeydukes to Penelope in my letter. It is behind the one-eyed witch statue on the fourth floor of Hogwarts. Click it with a magic wand. The spell is to separate the left and right. The hunchback of the statue will immediately open a passage large enough for a slightly thin person to enter. The journey takes about an hour according to the description of the original Harry Potter.

Penelope and I made an appointment on Halloween, which is today. We both dressed up as monsters and met at Madam Puddifoot's Tea House in Hogsmeade Village at 2 pm.

Finally, I'm going to see Penelope and Hogwarts. Going to the wizarding village of Hogsmeade will not only allow me to get closer to a real wizarding village, which is different from just looking at it in books, but I can also see the outline of Hogwarts from a distance.

But I won't dress up as a monster when the time comes. I'll go to Honeydukes in advance to give Penelope a surprise. It will be fun to suddenly appear behind her.

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