Everyday Players at Hogwarts

Chapter 9 Weird Roommate

Kate Lewinster is a little witch who is a bit gossipy. Soon after she entered school, she was honored as Rita Skeeter II.

Kate was a little happy at first, but when she thought about the reputation of this senior sister, it was undoubtedly a derogatory name.

This nickname can only be taken out by the little eagles like Ravenclaw. They are always happy to take some seemingly positive nicknames, and only smart people can find the deep meaning in them.

The reason why she has this nickname is because of the crying boy Rocky incident.

Rocky, a sarcastic little wizard, Hufflepuff.

His favorite thing is to specifically satirize some beautiful little witches, I think it should be to attract attention.

And Penelope is one of them. Kate herself was a little disappointed at the time. Why wasn't she the one who came to the door, but looking at her height and baby face, everything is clear.

In order to help Penelope, Kate relied on her natural stealth talent to take a picture of Rocky's black underwear, spread it widely, and cleverly took herself out.

After Rocky found out, he cried loudly in the hall and was called the crying boy by everyone.

Kate's behavior was still discovered by some young eagles, so the name Rita Skeeter II spread in a small range in Ravenclaw.

Kate recently discovered another strange thing.

Her roommate, Penelope, a half-blood witch, received letters every day, and every time she received a letter, she would show a strange smile. After replying the letter, she would hide the letter in a box. The box had ferocious fangs, and anyone who was not herself would be bitten.

And Kate found that Penelope's frequency of writing letters had increased from one letter a day to two letters a day.

Recently, Halloween is coming soon, and Kate found that Penelope's schedule has also changed. In her spare time, she did not go to the library, but sneaked to the fourth floor alone, and then disappeared strangely, and she was nowhere to be seen for a whole afternoon.

As a responsible little witch, Kate was worried whether Penelope had been under a strange spell or read some book, just like anyone who had read the book "Sonnets for Wizards" could only speak in limericks for the rest of their lives. An old wizard in Bath has a book that you can never put down once you read it! You bury your face in the book wherever you go. Kate was worried whether Penelope had read a book that made her write crazy letters or made little wizards disappear mysteriously.

"I am definitely worried about her, not for any other reason," Kate hypnotized herself.

On the morning of November 1st, today was Halloween, and there was only one potions class in the morning with Hufflepuff. Kate was very glad that she was not a little wizard from Gryffindor, and she was in class with Hufflepuff. Most of her firepower was concentrated on the little wizards from Hufflepuff, and she would occasionally say one or two venomous words to the little wizards from Ravenclaw. Moreover, some studious little wizards from Ravenclaw found that the operations in Professor Snape's venomous tongue seemed to be more concise than some operations in the book.

The other little wizards had already changed into Halloween costumes, but none of the first-year Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff little wizards dared to change. When the get out of class was over, they all ran back to the college lounge and bedroom to change their costumes.

Kate dressed up as a werewolf, while Penelope made up as a vampire, the most common and popular costume, and also wore a half mask.

There were no other classes today. Kate found that Penelope went to the abandoned classroom on the fourth floor again. Kate dressed up very vividly this time, and even Penelope could not recognize her. Moreover, she did not tell Penelope about her Halloween costume in advance. So she followed Penelope in a swagger, so that Penelope did not notice it.

Kate came prepared this time. She put an extra box in the abandoned classroom. She hid in the box before Penelope, so that she could observe how Penelope disappeared. The box had been placed in the abandoned classroom for several days, and Penelope had long been accustomed to it, but she thought she had not noticed it before.

From Kate's perspective, Penelope walked behind the statue of the one-eyed witch, took out her wand, and chanted "Left and right separation", and then there was no movement.

Kate waited for a while, and found that there was still no movement, so she also walked behind the statue, took out her wand, and also tapped the statue, and chanted: "Left and right separation." The hunchback of the statue immediately opened, large enough for a slightly thin person to enter. Kate quickly looked back and forth in the corridor, took a few deep breaths to cheer herself up, and then crawled into the hole with her head forward and moved forward in the hole.

After Kate entered the passage, this section of the road was as slippery as a stone slide. Kate resisted the urge to scream and slid for a long distance before she touched the cold and wet land.

Kate stood up and looked around. It was pitch black all around.

Kate was glad that she was studious and had learned a few small spells, then raised her wand and muttered: "Flashing fluorescence!" Then she saw herself in a very narrow and low passage. Kate shone the light of the wand on herself and found that there was no dust on her body. I guess there was also strange magic in the previous passage.

The passage was winding and twisting, just like a rabbit tunnel. Kate walked hurriedly, stumbling from time to time due to the uneven ground, and she held her wand in front of her all the way.

After about an hour, the passage stretched upwards. Kate wanted to give up several times, but she thought, since she had come this far, she panted and quickened her pace.

Ten minutes later, she came to the foot of a broken stone staircase, which stretched all the way up to a place he could not see.

Kate was careful not to make any noise, so as not to be discovered by Penelope ahead, and then she began to climb up.

One hundred steps, two hundred steps, to avoid boredom, she counted while climbing, and then she lost count. Kate climbed and climbed, paying attention to her feet... Then, she bumped into something hard.

Could it be that she climbed too fast, but Penelope's butt wasn't that hard, Kate was thinking wildly at this time.

Kate embarrassedly found that it was just her illusion, it seemed to be a trapdoor. Kate stood there, touching her head that was hurt by the collision, and listened.

She couldn't hear any sound above, so she slowly pushed open the trapdoor and peeked out secretly.

She was in a cellar, surrounded by wooden chairs and wooden boxes.

Kate climbed out of the trapdoor and gently closed it - the door was integrated with the dusty floor, and it was really hard to tell that there was such a door on the floor.

Kate slowly climbed towards the wooden staircase leading upstairs. Now she was sure she heard various voices, not to mention the ringing of bells and the opening and closing of doors.

Kate didn't know what to do, so she went up the stairs.

Kate reached the door at the top of the stairs, slipped through it, and found herself behind a counter. She bent down, crawled to the side, and then straightened up.

Whew, so tired.

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