Everyday Players at Hogwarts

Chapter 56 A Date with Zombies

The water surface, the lake, the bright moon, and the cold light from the stone table make this scene really fascinating.

But the increasingly clear roars and the rustling of zombies crawling out of the grave are creepy, and the cold-toned lighting also adds an uncomfortable color to the atmosphere.

The strong curry flavor and the fiery feeling entering the body barely dispelled the discomfort.

At this time, almost an hour had passed since the meal. The magic on the plate kept the curry still hot. Surprisingly, as more and more zombies woke up, the unpleasant smell disappeared. Pass it over.

"Ah, we won't just sit on this stone table at night, even though there is food."

"You can also eat while watching zombies, but it's too boring. My wand is almost rusty!" Kate was restless.

"Let's go, follow me first!" Ryan took Kate's hand and stepped on the seemingly calm lake.

"How could it be!" Kate jumped up and down on the water in surprise.

"There are many Lamora fish in this lake. Under the influence of the magic power of so many fish, even if these fish do not form a bridge like just now, they can still be on the flat ground without applying any extra magic." Ryan explained.

"These are also introduced in the manual in the dragon's belly."

"Is there a manual? I didn't read it." Kate replied confidently.

"Besides, wouldn't it be boring if we all read the guide?"

When I came back to the wooden house, I looked to the right and saw stars dotted with green light, like flying fireflies.

Upon closer inspection, it turned out to be the eyes of a zombie.

"Is this the romantic firefly in the manual?" Ryan exclaimed. The author of this manual is really evil. It may be that the aesthetics of Indian wizards are different from normal people.

There were more and more green spots floating in the air, and a smell like smelly socks that had been left out for a long time in the summer came from the air and became stronger and stronger.

"Good guy, this smell can kill people." As he said this, Ryan cast two head soaking spells on himself and Kate without using a wand.

"Kate, I kind of understand why you are only interested in the living dead like vampires."

"Why do you say that suddenly?" Kate took out her wand and wiped it with the hem of her clothes.

"Vampires like to be clean. It's hard to say that with zombies and ghouls."

"Zombies are ugly and smelly. Ghouls are ugly but not smelly."

"You can't say that. Although the ghoul is slimy and has buck teeth, it is very useful and feeds on spiders and moths. The only drawback is that it is noisy and always makes noise."

"This also led to many wizarding families raising him, usually in the attic or barn of the wizard's home."

"With him, mosquitoes, rats and some common pests in wizards' homes, such as foxes and goblins, will not come close to the house."

"So, Lockhart's new book is not as useful as raising a ghoul."

"However, some wealthy wizard families don't keep house elves because they have house elves and the ghouls are ugly."

Kate emphasized and tried waving the wand. Judging from the trajectory, it was probably a sticky-foot spell. Shoes stick to the ground, a poisonous spell.

The rich wizard Ryan touched his nose.

It turns out that this is a low-end version of a house elf, raised by ordinary wizarding families.

It's no wonder that I don't know much about it. The Smith family has never been poor from the beginning. Even pests can rely on alchemy products, especially after there are house elves in the future.

It’s no wonder why there are ghouls in Weasley’s Burrow, and why goblins only appear in their gardens.

Yea, a hand that had been dry and bleeding with pus suddenly emerged from the nearest tombstone. The ground was like fluid with no ridges. A zombie with gray skin and dressed as a poor man slowly rose from the ground.

"Shoes are sticky!" Kate, who had been prepared, chanted the spell loudly, and the white beam suddenly hit the unlucky zombie.

I saw green slime emerging from his feet, and his feet were firmly stuck to the ground.

Click, maybe he sensed the aura of the creature, he kept waving his hands, and tried his best to move forward, but his legs broke off by himself, and he walked directly on the broken feet.

"It's so disgusting. Although it's just a zombie, it looks so uncomfortable. It feels like my foot is broken!" Ryan said in disgust.

"Okay, it's game time." Ryan used magic power to condense a red light blade on the white knight. This is a special use of Shen Feng Wuying. After all, although Shen Feng Wuying has a counter-curse, it cannot just be called a curse. Or it's a poison spell, it's pure black magic, a curse. If it is really used, there may not be a single zombie that can be repaired after tonight.

Apparition physics!

Ryan relied on his body, and at a speed that could not be observed by the naked eye, he neatly and elegantly divided the zombies into five equal parts around the zombies that emerged one after another.

Kate on the side, from time to time, used spells such as shattering to pieces and rapid confinement, hitting zombies one after another that Ryan had specially left for Kate.

On the right side of the wooden house, the seemingly endless tide of corpses just now moved from far to near at a speed visible to the naked eye, and slowly disappeared.

"It's so comfortable, this feeling is so high!" Ryan was so excited to kill that he even extended the lightsaber to dozens of meters, holding the white knight diagonally, and a 100-meter-long section suddenly appeared, with zombies, tombstones, everything. Divided into two.

"It's really boring." Ryan soon came to the end, about 2 kilometers away.

Can such a long cemetery be considered a zombie trail?

Ryan touched the non-existent sweat droplets and looked at the zombies behind him that were almost completely killed.

"Leave the rest to Kate." After the voice fell, Ryan disappeared from the spot. The next moment, Ryan appeared behind Kate.

"Ryan, you are back. Are you tired?" Kate turned her body and asked with concern. As for the others, the wooden house was originally a safe zone and the zombies could not get close.

"Well, I'm tired. You can play again." Ryan said and turned back to the stone platform.

After venting, Ryan admired Kate who was still casting spells with the still hot curry.

"Fragmented into pieces!" The zombies were completely divided into pieces.

"Obstacles!" The crawling or slow-moving zombies became slower.

"Quickly imprison!" Several approaching zombies were tied together by invisible chains.

It was really interesting. The spell that was originally used to lock the door was actually used in this way. Ryan even suspected that Kate had played the game of the pig farm and also crossed over.

"Kate, use the slide flat, this will save more magic."

"Be careful, imagine that the slide is not tilted towards you." Ryan reminded.

"The slide is flat!" The ground suddenly turned into a stone slide, and the zombies rolled back one after another in a funny way.

"Then the thunder exploded!" Ryan reminded again.

Then with Kate's explosion spell, the zombies disappeared and the game ended.

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