Whirl, it was the sound of the evening breeze blowing through the flat cemetery.

In just 30 minutes, the endless tide of corpses had turned into fragments all over the ground, and even the tombstones were no longer human-shaped. There were also some scattered zombie heads, still screaming stubbornly.

With the green eyes glowing in the night, if you don't look closely, it's pretty good.

Good guy, it seems that the beautiful fireflies in the mouth of Indian wizards are still worthy of their name.

"Ryan, that's it? It's over like this?" Kate stared at her big cat eyes, full of disappointment.

"Kate, you can wait a little longer." Ryan pointed to a zombie with only half of its head left nearby with a mysterious smile, "Look."

Kate looked at the position Ryan pointed, and saw a tombstone near the zombie began to shake slowly.

Without any special effects, obvious magic effects such as glowing, the ground seemed to come alive, and swallowed the zombie's limbs and tombstone fragments again with a crackling sound.

Then there was a sound of "crackling" coming from far to near.

Ryan had already noticed that the biggest cost of the Zombie Trail was not the zombies, nor the Lamora fish, but this piece of land.

The materials of the zombies are the corpses of the poor, and India is not short of these.

Lamora fish is also a local specialty, and it doesn't cost money at all.

And this piece of land has gathered at least hundreds of wizards, who cast complicated and solidified spells. For the later maintenance, only one or two wizards need to re-inject magic power.

It can even be said that there is no need to inject. Few wizards can deal with so many corpses. Magic power is similar to physical strength for wizards. No matter how powerful a single spell is, it is a fantasy to want to deal with so many individuals at the same time.

Unless it is a group attack spell such as Lihuo and Thunder Explosion.

In this way, the loss of corpses and tombstones is greatly reduced, and the magic contained in the consumed land is negligible.

In addition, the wizards who come here to travel and live are all wizards. The extra magic power emitted by wizards at ordinary times is the best maintenance for this piece of land.

This also caused one thing, the subsequent maintenance and the gold galleons that invited advanced wizards to inject magic were saved.

The operation of Hogwarts Castle also relies on this principle, gathering all the young wizards and powerful professors in the UK, and some employees also live there during holidays.

In this way, the magic magnetic field here becomes stronger and stronger, and the castle itself slowly becomes stronger like a living thing.

It can even be said that Peeves, who was born with this building, has become an unprecedentedly powerful ghost.

The powerful magic magnetic field and the students' dissatisfaction with learning and being disciplined gave birth to this unprecedented life form, which cannot be destroyed or bound, and symbolizes freedom.

However, because of the reason for its birth, the freest ghost was also bound by Hogwarts.

Peeves is very powerful, and this kind of power is not reflected in strength. After all, even Lupin's Wadiwasi can expel him.

His power is reflected in being unrestrained and indestructible.

In 1876, the administrator at the time, Rancoros Carpe, was a qualified one, and he hated Peeves like all the previous administrators.

The hatred of Peeves, inherited from the first caretaker, Hankleton Humble, led him to join forces with almost all the professors at the time to design a trap to drive Peeves away from the castle.

The trap consisted of various weapons used as bait and a huge bell jar cast with multiple restraining spells. When Peeves was in the right position, the bell jar would fall and hold the mischievous spirit.

But Peeves, threatened, easily blew up the bell jar and left with several scimitars, several crossbows, a large-caliber muzzle-loading rifle and a small cannon.

So Peeves began to shoot randomly for fun, not even caring about the rebuke of the Slytherin ghost, the Bloody Baron.

In the end, the students' lives were threatened, the castle had to be evacuated, and teaching was suspended for three days.

This was really a shocking and helpless thing for the wizarding community at the time. You know, Peeves was almost born with the entire building of Hogwarts. The biggest source of his composition came from the first batch of Hogwarts students, and the Bloody Baron was the most terrifying teacher at the time, just like Snape now.

This is why Peeves is so afraid of the Bloody Baron.

Seeing that even Peeves did not listen to the last rein (the Bloody Baron), and with Peeves having guns and cannons, his magic power was truly manifested, with almost endless ammunition, difficult to be transformed, and weapons that could not be taken away.

This expulsion can be said to have released the most perfect war machine, and its birth may also be guided by the four giants of Hogwarts, and finally for this.

When Hogwarts was invaded and Peeves' life was threatened, he would begin to change.

The school motto of Hogwarts, the dragon in Sleeping Dragons, may even refer to him.

Three days later, Professor Eupraxia Moore, the then headmaster, knew that she was powerless to save the situation. In order to prevent Peeves from even taking out the cannon in the end, she had no choice but to sign an agreement with Peeves.

With the privilege of being able to swim in the boys' bathroom on the first floor once a week, giving priority to the moldy bread in the kitchen to throw away, and getting a new hat specially made for him by Ms. Bonabile, Peeves gave up his weapons and returned to normal.

This was the most disastrous and final attempt to get rid of Peeves.

This incident also forced Mr. Kalpe to retire early due to health reasons.

"It's really interesting. Will this zombie trail also be for collecting the fear of wizards and finally having its own poltergeist?" Ryan thought.

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The wizards here are obviously not as powerful as the four giants.

But it's true, the poltergeist is too useful. If Voldemort himself was not a student of Hogwarts, or even a descendant of Slytherin, the original owner of the castle, otherwise the final ending would probably be Peeves killing Voldemort.

After all, although the poltergeist is not strong, Peeves has been in Hogwarts for thousands of years and is a growing horror monster.

Although this is almost impossible, there are too many students in Hogwarts, and the Death Eaters have also studied in Hogwarts. When they were in school, they probably contributed to the continuation of Peeves (their dissatisfaction with the pressure of study and being controlled).

In this case, it is difficult for Peeves to change to war mode, unless some blind Death Eater attacks Peeves with the Death Curse.

Peeves can be considered as the first generation, but it is a pity that he did not become a population like his kind, the phoenix born from immortality and positive emotions. It's a pity.

Now few wizards can detect the power of Peeves. After all, a few simple prank spells can drive it away, and he is even afraid of a dead ghost.

Even Ryan used his reconnaissance skills to detect the magic hidden under the seemingly simple Peeves when he was in Hogwarts as a phoenix.

The most important component of Peeves, the wizard's emotions, or the wizard himself is too terrible.

Every wizard is like God, a natural reality twister, but there are too many gods, and they hold each other back, and they become wizards who can only use magic.

The original stones born later, the Muggle-born wizards, are no longer as powerful as the first wizard.

Pure blood is constantly weakened, slowly degenerating into a tool man who uses spells, and even a dud has appeared.

Learning magic is more like regaining one's instincts, the powers that one possesses from the beginning, but is restrained by fellow wizards who are also gods.

The process of regaining one's instincts is bound to fail, and after the dangerous magic transformation fails, magical creatures are born.

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