Everyday Players at Hogwarts

Chapter 68 Mysterious Contract

What should you do first when you come to a strange city?

Investigate the terrain and stay alert?

No, no, no, Ryan is not going to visit this so-called underwater city at this time.

From the moment he entered the Poseidon, Ryan found that he seemed to be bound. That was the contract that had been lurking since he signed the "menu" and checked the service items at the beginning.

The only function of this contract is to make the wizards who come and go accustomed to it, and they can't tell everything about the underwater city after leaving.

The reason why Ryan was tricked was that he was very proud at that time. He had just mastered the power of the lv6 death curse and felt that the world was so big that he couldn't set foot anywhere.

In addition, there was no harm in this contract, and the requirements were very low. With cheap charges and protecting the safety of customers as the other side of the scale, the contract was established.

If the contract was malicious or unfair, it would not be established, and it could not hide Ryan's intuition.

After arriving at the underwater city, Ryan was even more surprised to find that even the phoenix and the house elves could not apparate to the land in this city.

It's not that you can't Apparate here. After all, even if the house elves may be bound by some anti-Apparate array against them, the phoenix cannot be bound.

The reason why Ryan discovered this is that this place is too far from the land. The phoenix can only teleport in the city. Their powerful magic vision is also limited by distance.

Unless the phoenix directly Apparate to the bottom of the sea, then be killed by water pressure, and finally be washed to the surface of the sea to revive.

This mechanism is probably to prevent creatures similar to the phoenix from outside from entering, and there are not many restrictions on leaving here. It is estimated that all the lives here have signed a contract with or without knowing it.

However, this so-called contract itself is ineffective for Ryan, who has the magic power of the phoenix. He just didn't pay attention to it before, or the contract has not been "born".

At the moment of birth, this contract was unilaterally resolved by Ryan.

However, even if the wizards who left here were soul-stealing, the people behind the horror journey were not afraid of this, and even wanted to be like this.

Because Ryan discovered that the carrier of the contract is the memory of this underwater city. Only when you arrive here or recognize the destination in advance, the contract will take effect.

Then, after being soul-reading, when the caster sees the relevant memory, he himself is also bound by the contract and cannot tell others.

It is really a wonderful contract, which can be based on the illusory memory. It can be compared with the Fidelius spell.

No, Ryan further sensed the contract that he had broken free from. This contract is not only to keep secrets, but also to be voluntarily observed by almost all underwater wizards. After a long time, they can't even hurt each other.

This contract is like a spider web, sticking all the wizards in the underwater city. This contract has no source. It is a common vision of utopia between wizards and wizards.

This surprising discovery made Ryan listless, and even the sumptuous seafood feast in the waiting room could not attract him.

"Kate, I need to leave temporarily. Be careful not to touch my body and interrupt the spell." Ryan's voice suddenly rang in Kate's mind while she was feasting.

Ryan pretended to lie on the sofa beside him, and the phoenix incarnation flashed by with a perspective that ordinary wizards could not see.

And Smith Castle welcomed its owner again.

Jack, who had been communicated with by Ryan in advance through the Lord God, came to Diagon Alley with Ryan almost the next moment Ryan left the underwater city.

Jack had put on the magic hat and turned into George Smith, while Ryan possessed the back of Jack's head in the form of magic.

Jack, who had communicated in advance, walked straight to No. 59 Diagon Alley, a horror journey.

This travel agency, which was designed by the same designer as Ollivander's Wand Shop and looked ordinary, did not close even at 7 o'clock in the evening.

Pushing open the door, the previous receptionist was still on the right side of the room. At this time, he was still sitting on a very high chair, leaning on the marble stone platform, pointing at the wand boredly, and a pear grew two feet and tap danced on the table.

Seeing Jack, who looked like George Smith, walk in, maybe it was late, the receptionist behaved very differently from before, without a friendly smile, and even without an introduction, he waved his wand directly, and the list on the table turned into a bird and flew into Jack's hand, and changed back to its original state.

The whole person looked like he didn't want to come or go, and it felt like a big store bullying customers.

Although Ryan was behind Jack's head, Ryan, who had reconnaissance skills and a 365-degree phoenix perspective, didn't need Quirrell to turn around like Voldemort.

Ryan looked at the "menu" in front of him in detail. It was not different from the previous one, but the price of the private trip soared to 1,000 gold galleons, which was ten times the previous one.

And no matter how carefully Ryan observed, this "menu" was just ordinary. The only thing that was a little magical was the colorful little man who would move and guide people to write.

There was no trace of the contract at all.

"The only difference from before is the time, and the adult wizards who came." Ryan, who was "thinking", suddenly thought.

"Jack, relax." Ryan's voice rang in Jack's mind.

Then, from the receptionist's perspective, the gentleman-looking middle-aged man suddenly looked at him, and then, just... a trance.

The receptionist scratched the back of his head, thinking that he was just distracted and nothing happened.

Then, Jack pretended to be uninterested and left quickly.

Ryan, who was at the back of his head, was in a state of panic: "How is it possible!"

"Things are far more complicated than I thought. The previous 'menu' is indeed problematic!"

As long as the wizard is still young, the receptionist will personally hand over the 'menu', which has a preferential price and an imperceptible contract attached.

Their purpose is simple, to absorb new blood.

With the development of Muggles, except for the wizards in Britain who are still not making progress, wizards from other places have taken various actions against the development of Muggles. Delindover's action is just the most obvious one.

More wizards have taken actions on their own to open up secret realms in places that are difficult for Muggles to reach.

Although the power and complexity of the Confusion Spell have been improving with the development of the wizarding world, being physically together with Muggles still makes some wizards feel full of crisis, especially after experiencing the First World War in the Muggle world.

Although Muggle weapons do not carry magic and can be easily transformed into harmless and controlled by spells, the destructive power of missiles and even nuclear bombs is no longer beyond the level of protection of a single wizard.

The underwater city was built by such a group of wizards. After discovering the legacy of Poseidon, the god of the sea, they kept it a secret and opened a travel agency around the world - Horror Tour.

For young wizards, let them arrive in the city in person and finally introduce their vision to them.

Even if they are rejected, the constraints of the contract prevent them from telling any secrets and sabotaging the actions of the Horror Tour. Even if this secret is peeped at by someone, it is just one more wizard bound by the contract, and it saves the trouble of pulling people into the secret realm.

So, generation after generation, unknown wizard cities were born on the bottom of the Bermuda Triangle.

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