In the undersea city of the Bermuda Triangle, accompanied by a red light that was difficult for ordinary wizards to detect, Ryan opened his eyes. But Ryan was still thinking, and the long-lost freshness filled Ryan's heart.

This city is so interesting. Even a wizard would not be able to find this place without signing a contract and being guided by the Poseidon.

Like Durmstrang, the location is unknown, hard to find by non-Durmstrang wizards, and kept secret.

Just like in the original book, Trum told Hermione about school life: "Ah, we also have a castle. I don't think it is as big as here, and it is not as comfortable as here."

"Ours is only four floors, and the fire can only be lit by magic. But our grounds are wider than this—

—But the days are short in winter, so you can’t play on the field. In the summer, we were flying around outside every day, flying over the lake and over the mountains—" and then was interrupted by Karkaroff, the principal at the time.

"Okay, okay, Viktor!"

"Don't give away any more secrets, or your charming friend will know where we are!"

But even so, after Voldemort was resurrected, Karkaroff still left the so-called hidden Durmstrang, fled there alone, and finally died in a wooden house, hiding for only a year.

It would be interesting if Karkaroff played Terror Tour when he was young. I wonder if Voldemort can find this place.

"Kate, you can go out." Ryan suddenly raised his head and said.

"When did you come back?" Kate was so surprised that she almost spoke, thinking in her heart.

"I'm really curious as to how the group of wizards behind the Horrible Journey will introduce this city and their vision." Ryan curled his lips.

Kate could no longer hold back her curiosity and pulled Ryan to lead the way towards the interesting place she had seen in the corridor.

Along the way, the wizards here all looked familiar, and were not surprised at all by the different costumes of Ryan and the two. Although they were aware of their identities as foreigners, they all behaved in a lukewarm, carefree manner. He glanced away curiously.

The ground here does not use any floor tiles or cobblestones, but has an original ecological look. It feels similar to the ground on the Zombie Trail. It looks ordinary, but the mud does not stick to your shoes at all.

There is a large virtual sun in the sky. From Ryan's professional perspective, it does not use magic to release light, but collects the natural sunlight that the sun shines on the sea.

The most common ones in the surrounding shops are various fish tanks, some decorated with red corals, and some with the dorsal fin of a shark.

Put it on your head and you can breathe in the water.

There are also various clothing stores. Ordinary wizard clothing is very rare. Most of them are made of underwater creatures as raw materials and magic is applied.

Kate is like a curious deer, asking about prices and chatting from time to time.

Then, the city's history, layout, mission, etc. were slowly revealed to Ryan and the others during the chat.

There are many here, and they are all composed of wizard families that are recognized as extinct.

Perhaps it is for the purpose of reproducing future generations. Surprisingly, pure blood does not matter here. As long as you are a wizard, you can enjoy education and do not have to work. You only need to choose a topic to research and occasionally publish papers.

The Muggle families of the occasional squibs and half-blood wizards are responsible for the service industry, doing simple jobs that are deliberately reserved for people without magic.

When Kate heard about the paper, she hurriedly asked if she could borrow it.

Surprisingly, although the papers and journals here are not allowed to be distributed to the outside world, almost everyone has a copy, just like the Daily Prophet.

If you pick up a Muggle casually, you can discuss it and talk about a few simple magical knowledge.

Even under Ryan's investigation, most of the wizards here are at level 4 or above in Charms. Unlike Hogwarts graduates who are supported by several high-level spells in Charms, they are very average, with some common spells. The spells almost always match your Charms level.

"Ryan, come and take a look." Kate pulled Ryan to sit on a chair by the roadside and opened a journal given by a passerby.

It's a neat page. Unlike the Daily Prophet, there is only one page about gossip, aircraft, and sea beast driving competitions. The rest is about magic.

Improvement of the confusion spell, how to grow food on the seabed, the captivity of sea beasts, and the development of protection spells

It was really jaw-dropping to watch.

It's really me who is the clown. Other wizards have already achieved my ideal wizarding society.

Sure enough, there is always more than one smart person, and wizards also see the development of Muggles.

How could a wizard with a similar character from Ravenclaw College succumb to reality and forget his desire for knowledge for the sake of golden galleons.

The reason why there are many wizards like Lockhart in the wizarding world is probably because more aspiring wizards are contacting each other privately to create their own pure land.

The Dark Lord and the White Wizard are all just floating clouds.

Faced with these powerful wizards who are pure-blooded, wizards are supreme, or everything is about love, a group of wizards directly said that they no longer want to play with you, jumped out of the chessboard, and established their own communities and homes.

In the mind of the horror tour receptionist, Ryan also learned that in addition to the bottom of the Bermuda Triangle, there seemed to be a group of wizards living in seclusion on the moon.

So the alien in Armstrong’s moon landing port was a wizard?

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So besides the moon, is there anything on Mars? What about more distant planets?

Ryan suddenly felt a little bored. Dumbledore was just a mediocre person. He did not reform the society and did not propose more progressive ideas.

After reading the journal for a short time, Kate also asked passers-by. In the center of the city, there is still a library, and wizards can still borrow books.

Even Muggles and Squibs can read if they want. The only difference from wizards is that they cannot take books out of the library and can only read them inside.

The books and journals here are different. According to a bald Muggle, they are relatively "outdated". They are all knowledge that cannot be used in the sea. For example, there is a spell that can force a werewolf to temporarily reverse into a human when the moon is full.

Dragon treatment, maintenance magic, Animagus improvement, etc.

In this case, Kate completely forgot about the fish tank and went to the other side of the city (the seabed) to play. If Ryan hadn't pulled her, she would probably want to stay here at night.

As the sky gradually darkened, the sun in the sky slowly turned into a crescent shape, emitting bright moonlight, but until then, no staff came up to explain and introduce the city.

Ryan suddenly understood that there was no need to introduce this place at all, and everything along the way was the best introduction.

Ryan also tried to find faults at first, such as the oppression of people who could not use magic, but Ryan found that their treatment of people who could not use magic was closer to the way kind people in his previous life treated disabled people.

After all, with magic, there is no need for the services of ordinary people. Some positions specially reserved for them can show the attitude of this city.

It is not that there is no dark side here, but the contract that cannot hurt each other prevents this. All competition has turned into healthy competition such as writing articles, carrying out aircraft and sea beast driving competitions, and singing.

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