Everyday Players at Hogwarts

Chapter 71 Welcoming Party

In Florin's cold drink shop, Florin Fusco was bored and dazed in his shop.

Although it was close to the start of school and there should be many customers, the morning was a good time to sleep in, and eating ice cream in the morning was something that wizard parents did not support, which led to Florin Fusco being very leisurely now.

Florin did not love his job. He inherited his family's cold drink shop just because he could not find what to do. In addition, he was usually free. The shop was his own and he did not need any rent. He just muddled along.

What he liked most on weekdays was chatting with customers in the shop, especially guiding the little wizards to do their homework. He had a lot of experience in the history of magic.

Not only did he have extensive knowledge of the common burning of witches in the Middle Ages, but he also had a lot of experience in some unofficial history, the Elder Wand and the Ravenclaw's crown.

But today was a very strange day. Early in the morning, three little wizards came to his shop, and according to Florin's observation, the relationship between these three little guys was difficult to distinguish.

The handsome little wizard seems to have a close relationship with both witches, the kind of boyfriend and girlfriend, definitely not relatives or friends.

And the black-haired little witch seems to have a good impression of the little wizard and another tall blonde witch beyond the boundaries of friendship.

The blonde witch is the same as the black-haired little witch.

"How strange! Which two of them are a pair." Florin thought curiously.

However, the most unusual thing is not the relationship between them, but that until now, 20 minutes have passed, and they have not said a word to each other.


It has been almost two months since the underwater trip. Ryan, who returned to the castle, used the Lord God more to reorganize the layout.

From a magical perspective, Smith Castle can be said to be an unbreakable city, and even Voldemort was defeated three times.

However, from a physical perspective, this castle was not built overnight after all. It took many Smiths to check for leaks and fill in the gaps together, and it took thousands of years to finally complete it, so the layout is not very reasonable.

Plantations and pastures should be closer to the inner test of the castle to avoid being poisoned through food.

The outermost tower should be used to receive letters. It is a natural barrier in a deep canyon. During the war, flying was even prohibited. All wizards who wanted to attack Smith would be teleported here, then fall to death and be trapped.

After dealing with the layout problem, Penelope returned from France close to the start of school in September, and Kate wrote letters whenever she was free to hint that she wanted to communicate about Atlantis.

In order to welcome Penelope back to France, the three of them agreed to meet at Florin's cold drink shop at 8 o'clock in the morning on August 15, 1988, which was Monday.

Ryan finally breathed a sigh of relief at the first sight of the meeting.

Penelope was not tanned. In the original book, Hermione went to France in the summer vacation after the second grade, and then her skin was tanned brown. Fortunately, Penelope was still white and tender.

Thinking of this, it was ridiculous.

In my previous life, "Harry Potter and the Cursed Child" was performed at the London Court Theater, which was the story 19 years after Harry defeated Voldemort.

The three main characters will all be shown as adults. Harry in the play is overloaded in the magic department, has a wife and three school-age children.

Rowling, one of the authors of Harry Potter, set Hermione as black for political correctness, completely ignoring the fact that Hermione is white in the original work, and how can black people be tanned brown.

To be truly non-racist is not to force other races into the stories, but to write related stories in a truly equal way, and it should be what it was at the time.

Face up to history and accept history.

Later, Rowling publicly opposed "transgender people" occupying women's rights, and then she was expelled from Harry, removed from the two largest Harry Potter websites abroad, and all pictures and texts were deleted.

Now it's her turn to be knocked down by the iron fist of political correctness.

"Alas, my poor Hermione." Ryan warmly hugged Penelope, who he hadn't seen for a long time, while thinking wildly.

Then, Ryan was pulled by Penelope to play a mind game.

"Damn! It must be Kate." Ryan complained.

So, a new thinking game began, this time in the deep sea, based on the previous trip, Penelope and Kate both looked like mermaids, while Ryan was dressed as the Sea King in his previous life.

Looking at their own appearance, Penelope and Kate blushed, and the realistic and beautiful underwater world around them could not bring them back to their senses, while Ryan was feasting his eyes.

All the body details were Kate and Penelope's own subconscious, and they were no different from the real thing.

"Ryan, where are the weapons?" Kate quickly adapted and was disappointed that there were no cool weapons.

"Mermaid's weapons, do you still need to guess?" Ryan casually pointed to the 10-inch Loba worm next to him.

"Loba worm is an aquatic creature that lives on the bottom of the North Sea."

"This is a simple animal, ten inches long, consisting of a flexible nozzle and a venom sac."

"Loba worm uses the venom sac as a weapon. When it is threatened, it will shrink the venom sac and use venom to drive away the attacker."

"The venom of the Loba worm will not dissipate easily in the water, nor will it hurt other creatures by mistake. The mermaids took advantage of this and used it as a weapon, similar to a water gun." Penelope easily recited the information about the Loba worm, but looking at her slightly red ears, it was probably to divert attention from her clothes.

"Do you know the language of mermaids?" Ryan asked.

"No." Kate said.

"The language of mermaids is suitable for underwater use. This language is very strange. If it is on land, this language sounds sharp and harsh, but it is no longer harsh underwater."

"Just like Miranda Goshawk's "Book of Spells" has been translated into 72 languages, one of which is the mermaid language." Penelope still looked absent-minded. At this time, she was like a search engine, inputting questions and getting answers that were not irrelevant, but did not meet the questions.

"Just say you don't know."

"The current setting of this game is to spray Grindylows. Every time you shoot, you can get the pronunciation of a word in the mermaid language."

"By the way, in addition to the language, there may be summoning cards." Ryan conjured a card with a shining gold border. On it was a blue creature with a head and front body like a horse, and a tail and back body like a big fish - a sea monster with a horse head and a fish tail.

"What's the use?" This is Kate.

"Shouldn't this be green?" This is the knowledgeable Penelope, who to be honest doesn't look like a little witch from Muggle.

"This can increase your speed so that you can keep up with the faster and faster Grindylows."

"Okay, without further ado, the game begins!" With Ryan's order, Kate and Penelope had two more Loba worms in their hands.

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