Everyday Players at Hogwarts

Chapter 72 Grindylow

In the magnificent seabed, Penelope and Kate held two gray Loba worms, giving people the feeling of sweeping the floor with a vacuum cleaner.

It was not until Ryan shouted to start that Penelope came back to her senses.

The seabed covered with snow-white gravel below her continued to grow red, blue, purple, and various corals. In the holes of the corals, green monsters kept poking their heads out.

Good guy, this thing also has green teeth, long fingers, and pointed horns on its head.

"Hehe, Grindylows are not simple. They mainly rely on very long fingers to attack fish, and even sneak attack Muggles and wizards passing by the water. Their strongest point, fingers, are also their weakness."

"That is, Grindylows' fingers are very slender and powerful, but they are brittle and fragile!"

"The best way to get rid of them is to make them unable to catch themselves, so that they can relax their strength, that is, the extraction spell can deal with them very well." Kate said proudly. In the sea water, her black hair was tightly attached to her fair skin. They also became much longer, covering her private parts.

"No, the extraction spell will only turn into a hot water column underwater. It is useful, but not very useful. And our task is to shoot as many Grindylows as possible with the Loba worm." Penelope said cautiously. It was magical to say that although he could feel the warm sea water at the bottom of the sea, he spoke and breathed like he was on land.

But the only shame is this outfit. If it weren't for his hair becoming much longer and covering things that shouldn't be exposed, otherwise, otherwise, Ryan, the little devil, would never let him go.

Penelope gave Ryan a fierce look, and Kate came over to discuss tactics.

"Hey, hey, hey! Aren't you curious? Why is it a shooting game, and it has to be scored? Is the pronunciation of the mermaid language words that fall a reward? This is obviously a confrontation game!" Ryan reminded on the side, and then said that there was a mysterious gift, intending to interrupt Penelope's plan.

Penelope was unshakable. In the short movement just now, she found that the speed and movement form under the sea were different from those on land. She seemed to have grown a fish tail. As long as she thought about the direction she wanted to go, the fish tail would slide with her.

She knew that even if Ryan was playing a prank, it would not be without reason. Without a magic wand, the Loba worm was the secret to dealing with Grindylo. The next step was to test the effect of the venom and then change her strategy according to her.

Next, it was up to Kate.

Then, the slaughter, which was pleasing to Ryan but boring, began. After Kate used her height advantage to test the effect of the venom in the coral, Penelo followed Kate closely in the blind spot, catching the fish that escaped the net for her, and slowly counted in her mind according to the effective time of the venom she observed, one, three, four, five.

A charming, wise woman who is strategizing is really more attractive.

As expected, soon, the gold card appeared, accompanied by the waves that knocked everything around, and the horse-headed fish-tailed sea monster appeared. It lowered its big head. At Penelo's signal, Kate jumped up, while Penelo stood still and adjusted the angle.

With the help of the horse-headed fish-tailed sea monster, the game soon came to the end.

"Ryan, what is the extra reward you mentioned?" Penelo held her head high and took Kate with her, riding the horse-headed fish-tailed sea monster and swam around Ryan.

Ryan looked unsatisfied, which made Penelo blush, but Kate seemed not to notice and asked questions while pulling Ryan's arm.

"Okay, okay, one of the rewards of the game is this." Ryan's voice fell, and the falling golden and black notes formed two books, one flying to Penelo and the other flying to Kate. Under the impact of too much knowledge, Penelo and Kate began to be dazed.

In the field of consciousness, everything passed quickly. Penelo and Kate seemed to have spent a long time, and they remembered the pronunciation and meaning of the mermaid language with difficulty.

Then, Ryan's voice sounded, and his voice had a wonderful magic, which gradually soothed the brain that had just remembered a lot of things.

"And the winner is you, Kate, and the reward is------" Ryan deliberately stretched out his voice.

"What is the reward?" Kate couldn't hold back her temper and kept hitting Ryan with the tablet. Penelo couldn't bear it and pulled it a few times, but Kate didn't seem to notice.

"Okay, okay, the reward is------Ding Ding Ding!" Then, the two people's consciousness left Ryan's mind. In reality, Ryan took out a gorgeously packaged box and handed it to Kate.

Kate opened it without hesitation and took out a wristband with a knob on the base.

"This wristband absorbs and stores sunlight during the day. At night, or when you need it, turn it to dispel darkness and bring light." Ryan emphasized.

"What? It's just a portable version of the magic lamp." Kate said disdainful words while groping with a smile, showing off in front of Penelope from time to time.

"Kate Lewinster! You little dwarf!" Penelope finally couldn't help but quarrel with Kate.

"Kate, Kate, the light emitted by this wristband is not ordinary sunlight. Even the glorious hand that makes people's eyes darken can't block its light." Ryan introduced, you know, although Ryan is familiar with alchemy I don’t have much interest, but before time travel, that is, before he was 7 years old, Ryan had been working hard to specialize in alchemy and inherited Smith’s alchemy skills that have been passed down for thousands of years. Although this work is a casual work, it is not ordinary.

Next, after the fight was over, Ryan ordered another three-point nut ice cream and started chatting about his trip to France with Penello as the core.

But the strange thing is that when it comes to key points, Penello always changes the topic, and Kate also cooperates with him.

On the other hand, in Flint's eyes, these three strange little wizards suddenly began to communicate. The little wizard even gave a gift to one of the witches, which eventually led to a fight?

Your industry is in such chaos, are you already behind the times?

Not far away, Ryan noticed Flint's eyes and couldn't help but cursed: "This is the poor boss who was captured by the Death Eaters and killed because he knew the secret of Ravenclaw's diadem and the Elder Wand. ?”

"How do Death Eaters know these things? It's not because this guy likes to show off his knowledge casually."

Finally, after Ryan accompanied Penello and Kate to buy textbooks and supplies for the next semester, he couldn't wait to leave.

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