Everyday Players at Hogwarts

Chapter 268 The Eighth Secret Passage

Chapter 740 The Eighth Secret Path

"Hannah?" Neville was caught immediately, and he asked nervously: "I almost forgot. What happened to her?"

"You should know that she went to the Pig's Head Bar to study." Ginny smiled proudly.

"I know," Neville nodded, "Her dream is to become a bar owner.

So study there.

There's no problem, right? The owner is Dumbledore's brother.

I heard Hannah say that he was pretty good, for example: he never used his brother's reputation to show off. No one in the store was allowed to mention him.

The only bad thing is that Hannah goes back to Hogwarts very late every time - around seven or eight o'clock. "

"Every time?" As a frequent visitor to Hogsmeade, Harry expressed doubts. "The passage between Hogsmeade and Hogwarts, well, is the iron gate where we go through the normal channel. The time period you mentioned It was closed long ago.

If you return to Hogwarts late, you will be deducted points by Filch who is guarding the iron gate.

How did Hannah get back to Hogwarts?

She has never been deducted points. "

"Oops!" Neville looked like his secret had been discovered.

But then he shook his head and said, "Since I can't hide it, I'll just tell you. She came back through a secret passage."

"Oh, which one is it? The one under Honeydukes' storeroom floor? Or the Shrieking Shack?

Come to think of it, there are seven secret passages on the map, and Filch knows four of them.

In addition to the two I just mentioned, there is only one.

But it has collapsed and no one can enter through that passage. Harry asked with great interest.

"No?" Neville shook his head.

"What? Is there an eighth secret passage?" Harry's neck seemed to stretch out because he was so curious.

Although Harry knew that his father was not as pure and innocent as he initially thought, he was a pure hero.

But when it comes to causing trouble and violating school rules and uniforms, Harry is confident that his father must be number one.

No one knows the secret passages of the castle better than his father!

Even Filch.

But now, the castle seems to have another unknown passage to the outside world.

His dad doesn’t know yet!

He now desperately wants to know the location so he can understand where his father lost.

"Its entrance is on the eighth floor. Opposite the tapestry where the troll clubbed Barnabas Silly." Neville hadn't finished speaking yet.

He was interrupted by the impatient Ron, "No! There is an empty wall there. There is nothing!"

"Perhaps it takes silly Barnabas to defeat the troll before the entrance will open." Harry said casually, then looked at Neville, "You continue. Leave Ron alone."

"Well, Harry, you're actually pretty much right.

But the conditions for entering that portal have nothing to do with the tapestry.

You need to imagine that there is a hiding place inside the wall.

Went up and down that corridor three times.

A door will appear from the wall, revealing an empty room.

As long as you stay in there and don't go out, when you get too hungry, the passage leading to the Pig's Head Bar will open - in that room. "

"Do you have to be hungry?" Ron touched his stomach.

A series of delicacies flashed through my mind: roast beef, roast chicken, pork chops, lamb chops, sausages, and steaks.


Neville was obviously holding back a laugh, "Of course not. That's the entrance.

First, you can go back to Hogwarts through the exit of the Hog's Head Bar, just like Hannah.

Second, as long as you know that room leads to the Hog's Head Bar.

That channel will open when you want to go to the bar.

Well, but this still requires the consent of Aberforth himself and his sister. "

"That's good." Ron breathed a sigh of relief, and then he rolled his eyes at Neville, "You don't need Aberforth's permission to enter from the Hog's Head pub."

Harry questioned, "The sister you are talking about is Ariana. She died many years ago."

"Well, it's dead. I'm talking about Ariana's portrait.

That portrait is very strange and rare. It is a magic painting that does not rely on the body of the portrait to inject thoughts and memories into shape.

At the same time, it can also form a tunnel to Hogwarts.

As long as Ariana agrees. Neville replied.

"Where's that room? What's special about it." Ron was keenly aware that the topic was about to turn to the advanced magic field that he was not interested in, so he quickly changed the subject.

Surprisingly, Neville was easily led astray.

It seemed like he wanted to talk about this room from the beginning.

“Its shape is that of a particularly elegant tree house, and it also looks like the cabin of a ship.

At the same time, it seems to be able to record the number of people entering and the specific college, and expand accordingly.

It was small at first, and when only Hannah entered, there was only a pink hammock hanging from the ceiling.

There are Hufflepuff hangings on the walls.

After I entered, it expanded.

There are also elements of Ravenclaw inside - a bronze eagle, set off by blue.

There is an extra purple hammock.

It hangs in a windowless hall with dark wood-panelled walls.

It was outrageous, I didn't understand why my bed was so far away from Hannah's. "

"'My bed?'" Ginny repeated with a teasing smile, "Why am I listening, where are you spending the night?"

"What? I don't allow it!

So am I not the most backward among us (referring to him, Harry, Neville, Draco)? " Ron shouted loudly.

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"Come on! Haven't you also thought about taking Lavender to the rose garden for the night?

It’s just that you didn’t succeed! "Harry said immediately.

But Harry wasn't being sarcastic.

Ron's words always had no sense of proportion.

Harry said this because he was afraid that Ron's words would hurt his friendship with Neville, so he was trying to make up for Ron.

But Neville didn't pay attention to Ron's words.

In fact, he couldn't hear anything after Ginny finished speaking.

At the same time, his face suddenly turned red.

The index fingers of both hands faced each other and kept poking each other.

The whole person looked extremely reserved.

"I. I just thought about it. It's not too late yet."

"Really?" Ginny's words followed like a sharp knife against her neck.

Neville had no choice but to close his eyes and said self-defeatingly, "Okay! I'll tell you the truth.

Originally, we had made an appointment for the next two weeks this Easter.

We spent our time in that room.

But don’t think too much!

I was far away from her hammock.

It’s no different than going camping together.

To be honest, it's a bit further away.

Camping is at least in a tent. "

"That's not necessarily true!" Ron and Harry said in unison.

The two of them looked at each other and smiled affectionately.

They all thought of Draco's tent.

It was Harry and Draco's first time at the Burrow.

Spend the night in Ron's room.

For a chance to sleep with Harry.

In the end, Ron and Draco, who couldn't compete, chose the tent.

That tent is huge.

It was much larger than the room Neville had mentioned.

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