Everyday Players at Hogwarts

Chapter 269 The Second Coming and Going Room

Chapter 741 The second one comes and goes from the house

In a large room, the floor was replaced by a huge blue flannel bed.

Kate, who had already changed into pajamas, widened her eyes like a kitten, "What?

Has anyone been to the Room of Come and Go (another name for the Room of Requirement)?

This is impossible!

We have always used this room and never left it empty! "

Kate put her little hand on a ridge of the bed and shook it.

Then, a head stuck out from inside, it was Ryan.

Next was a flushed Penello.

She glared at Kate before shrinking back.

Judging from the rustling sounds, she seemed to be getting dressed.

Ryan doesn't have to bother.

A black silk nightgown appeared from his naked skin almost as soon as it came into contact with the air.

“Be thankful we haven’t started yet.

Otherwise you won't be able to walk tomorrow, Kate. "Ryan shook his right hand, and a cup of black tea appeared in his palm.

Kate pointed to the TV embedded in the wall of the room that could broadcast Hogwarts from any corner, "That Longbottom and Amber are going to use to go to the house during this holiday."

At this time, the TV was playing a scene of Harry and Ron looking at each other and smiling affectionately.

"I only saw Ron and Harry.

Well, looking at it this way, they're really disgusting. "Ryan turned his head in disgust, and the black tea in his hand turned into flying smoke in time.

When he thought that he was in the same dormitory with them, he unconsciously felt physically sick.

The literal description is goosebumps.

"But, I remember that it was you who made Ron like this." After changing her clothes, Penello crawled out and reminded him.

Ryan: "Ahem, I'm just hinting.

It's useless if Ron doesn't think so himself.

And he said bad things about Kate at that time, as he should.

Okay, back to Kate.

What were you just talking about?

Well, you are saying that you are not afraid that you will not be able to walk on the ground tomorrow? "

"Hey, I'm not afraid!

You won’t forget, right? Mysterious Travel Agency’s two-person travel voucher, the destination is in the United States, and the time is April 4th, tomorrow afternoon.

You promised to accompany me. "

"Oh, you just said travel?" Ryan suddenly realized.

"It's a ghost! I'm talking about this room, the Room of Requirement.

While we are using it, it seems to have been used by others.

Don’t you have a photographic memory?

Are you treating others as fools if they don’t get angry? "Kate excitedly rushed towards Ryan, almost riding on his face.

Like a facehugger.

"Hermione can answer this, even though she's not here.

Reducing brain function sometimes does not mean stupidity. "Lian said angrily.

"It's so itchy." Kate was defeated.

Blushing, she shrank into the quilt.

"I don't think it smells fishy yet!

Okay, let me take a look. "As Ryan's words fell.

Except for Ryan and the other three, time began to rewind.

What is more intuitive is that the picture on the TV in the room also recedes.

Came to the scene where Neville gave up on himself and talked about his Easter plans.

"Is there a possibility.

You can just have the TV replay it.

Rather than going back directly to the past. Penello said with a strange expression.

Although the time of reversal is very short.

But she could still draw the conclusion that they had returned to the past from the brief blurred vision and weightless feeling just now.

Just like now, because the time to go back is too short,

Ryan applied no protection, so there was an invisible squeezing feeling that seemed to come from the entire room.

There seems to be an invisible time guardian who wants to rush them back to the correct time.

"Wouldn't it be cooler this way?" Ryan shrugged.

Then, there was a crisp popping sound as the cork was pulled out of the bottle.

They returned to the original point in time.

Immediately he looked at Kate, who had buried her face in the pillow since Ryan said about the fishy smell of the sea, and didn't even raise her head even when time went back.

"Okay, now I know what you just said.

Our current coming and going room was re-opened by me on the basis of the original coming and going room.

Otherwise, how dare I spend the night here—if it was ever used.

Moreover, don’t you think the functions of this TV are a bit too advanced?

There was no such concept when Lai Qu Wu was established. Ryan said calmly.

Seeing that Kate still didn't move, he slapped her butt.

"What are you doing?" Kate shrank back into the quilt again.

But his head left the pillow.

He peeked out from the gap in the quilt furtively.

"Do you believe I can get in?"

"Then I'll just come out."

"That's right!

When you were Molly and the others, you were never so shy. "

"That was different," Kate crawled out and hid behind Penelo, "I wasn't using my own body at that time.

And Penello is not here. "

"Then, shall I go?" Penelo, who was suddenly cueed, rubbed his ears as if doubting his life.

How could Kate say such cold words from her 36°C mouth.

“Hey hey hey hey!

I don’t want to say that!

You just used their shadows, but your body is still yours. "

"I understand." Kate made a face.

"I seem to have heard that someone is going on a trip alone with Ryan. Tomorrow!" Seeing that neither of them paid attention to her, Penelope said sinisterly about the trip.

"What's the big deal!" Kate hugged Penelope from behind, "Although we only found out recently.

But it is an indisputable fact that Ryan can appear in different places at the same time.

I dare say that there must be another Ryan in the carriage of Beauxbatons and in Fleur's room."

On the cliff behind the Forbidden Forest,

in a secret room that looks like a gold galleon,

Ryan, who was warming up with Fleur, said that Kate was wrong.

"In that case, even if Ryan and I go on a trip alone.

Ryan is still by your side." Penelope shook her head, "It's different.

The fact is that you left Ryan and me to travel.

You know, in terms of the time we spend together, you and I have spent much more time together than Ryan.

And this time, I finally got to stay in school during the holiday instead of participating in the family trip.

But you want to leave me and travel with Ryan. "

"What's the difference!" Kate said so, but she knew that she couldn't get around it.

It was obvious that she forgot her loyalty for the sake of beauty.

So, her hand quickly pointed to the TV.

"Pepe (Kate's nickname for Penelope) Look!

What are they talking about!"

After Penelope looked at the TV, she quickly put the travel aside.

On the TV, the focus at this moment was Harry's big face. He was frowning and said in a low voice: "I feel that my father's green hat, I'm afraid I can't escape it.

They are now leaving me, the person involved, and chatting in the small room.

Isn't it discussing Snape and my mother's marriage? ”

I have diarrhea and keep vomiting.

I hope it’s not Yang, but just the sudden cold weather.

I’ll write the rest of the chapter during the day or later when I’m ready.

ps: Thanks to Lang わ Wang, Yun Yan Cang Hai, Yu Chi Jin Yin for their monthly tickets, and other classmates for their recommendations and subscriptions!

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