Everyday Players at Hogwarts

Chapter 302 Phoenix Guardian

Chapter 774 Phoenix Guardian Saint

The smile disappeared from Ron's face.

The silver creature ran through the air for a few steps before dissipating.

Ginny guessed correctly.

That's not a swallowtail dog.

But a Jack Russell hound.

Draco ignored Ron.

He was just thinking about any happy memory that was stronger than being with Pansy.

"Invoke the Guardian!" A ray of silver light came out of his wand, swaying in front of him like mist.

Harry, on the other hand, was recalling the strange feeling he had when he cast the Patronus Charm.

At that time, a second heartbeat suddenly sounded in his heart.

This feeling that could not be ignored blurred his memories of the joy of being engaged to Ginny.

It seemed that Draco's guess was correct, the Patronus Charm did react to the phoenix residing in his heart.

Born from the combination of the magic of his mother's love and the holly wand,

Combined with "The Casting Method of a Strong Heart" to further strengthen,

After combining with the evil side of oneself, one becomes more flexible,

After absorbing the fragments of Voldemort, he fell into silence.

Awakened again after possessing the magic power of a dragon,

The Phoenix, transformed after being combined with the Resurrection Stone, opened its eyes for the first time.

Looking at the narrow phoenix eyes, he had an illusion that the reason why his patron saint could not be summoned.

It's because he already has the strongest and most invincible patron saint in his heart.

Ginny's words startled Harry out of his 'eye contact'.

"Ron, that's just a trick.

Neville hasn't struck our fears yet.

Only the patron saint who blooms in the face of dementors is the true patron saint. Ginny frowned at Harry.

I mistakenly thought that he was a little disappointed because he failed to summon the patron saint.

"Okay, Ron has succeeded.

Next, you must be careful not to let fear affect your mind. Neville reminded.

He withdrew his wand and clasped his hands in front of his chest.

The shadow of a strange sword appeared in his hand.

Harry had seen it before, and it was the embodiment of the magic of Neville's inner sword.

Only its color is a little different this time.

No more indigo.

It's more of a purple-leaning blue.

It’s also a bit unreal.

The moment he looked at the sword over there, a chill radiated from the bottom of his heart.

This is not a physical heart.

A chill first ran through his body, and then his breath seemed to be condensed in his chest.

Finally it penetrated the skin, reached his chest, and finally reached his heart. His eyes rolled up and he couldn't see anything anymore. He was drowned in the cold.

There was a surge in my ears, like water rushing against me.

He was pulled down, and the sound in his ears became louder. Then the elegant, ethereal cry of the phoenix sounded from Harry's heart.

Then it echoed throughout the room.

Harry opened his eyes.

At the moment, Ginny was huddled in the corner, Draco was trembling all over, and Ron was pale, feebly shouting over and over again, "Holy Guard!"

However, what emerged from the end of Ron's wand was only a shapeless silver shadow.

The patron saint seemed to be aware of the instability of his master, and also lost the ability to condense into shape.

However, as the phoenix cries, a fiery red phoenix emerges from his chest.

The color on the faces of the three people gradually returned.

Ginny stood up.

Draco stopped shaking.

At the end of Ron's wand, the silver dog ran out from it again, circled Ron, and flew through the air.

Harry watched it all with a smile.

Although fear still kept pouring out of his heart.

But it could no longer affect him.

Fulin's heart was at the bottom of his heart, and Harry stabbed forward.

He did not recall any happy memories, only the phoenix singing on his shoulders at this moment was in his heart.

"Calling the Guardian!" A door of light appeared at the end of his wand.

The phoenix on the shoulder turned into a red light and passed through the light gate at a speed that was almost impossible to catch with the naked eye.

In the light door, a silver, life-like, holy red bird appeared.

Its slender neck was raised high, its silver wings waved, passing through the ceiling and walls.

Appeared in the blue sky.

At the same time, there was a long phoenix cry.

Harry covered his left eye, he seemed to have two bodies now.

If he hadn't had this experience before, he might even have fallen to the ground.

In the luxurious room at the center of the ship in the black lake, a woman dressed luxuriously in maternity clothes opened her eyes.

‘She’ recognized that it was the aura of the patron saint, the cry of the phoenix.

Clapping his hands gently, the skull on the table exhaled white smoke.

The unique phoenix patron saint appeared on the screen formed by white smoke.

‘She’ narrowed her eyes and seemed very unhappy.

A tall full-length mirror seems to detect the woman's emotional instability.

The smooth mirror surface began to ripple.

A tall, thin figure stepped out.

"What's wrong?" The man who walked out of the mirror seemed to turn into a gust of wind.

Almost as soon as he stepped out of the mirror, he was in front of the bed the next second.

He held the woman's white wrist, his face full of worry.

The woman said nothing.

The man followed the woman's gaze towards the screen above the table.

This screen formed by white smoke seems to be able to completely reflect the traces of magic power.

This allowed the man to immediately recognize the owner of the patron saint.

He gasped, "This is Harry."

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He is good at white magic, and no one understands what it means to have a patronus that is similar or similar to it.

"Humph!" The woman snorted coldly and closed her eyes.

"This may have nothing to do with the closeness in the heart." The man hurriedly explained: "Maybe I used to think Harry was the most important.

But now, you and the child are undoubtedly more precious to me than him.

Even if he likes a man, that person will only be Ron.

Not me."

The woman raised her eyelids.

The man smiled and struck while the iron was hot, "You may not understand.

Harry is carrying the love spell that Lily sacrificed her life to cast.

In the first year, under the pressure of Voldemort, it combined with Harry's holly wand with phoenix tail feathers, and became a strange magic with the appearance of a phoenix in a state of life and non-life.

The reason why Harry's patronus looks like this may be the influence of this magic."

The woman opened her eyes, "Albus, you pass this time."

Then, she raised her upper body and leaned on the cushions piled up with pillows with the help of the man.

"Have you thought of the name of the child? If you delay any longer, I will make him last name Grindelwald."

"I have thought of it a long time ago." Dumbledore said softly, "If it's a boy, his name will be Percival Dumbledore.

If it's a girl, it will be Kendra Dumbledore."

"You can obviously use magic to determine the gender of the child.

And you don't care at all!

These are your father and mother's names!" The woman's words were full of disgust.

But her face was filled with a happy smile.

Giving the child the name of one's parents or oneself.

This represents incomparable attention and love.

"You have passed this time." The woman said softly.

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