Everyday Players at Hogwarts

Chapter 303: The Difference of Phoenix

Chapter 775 The Difference of Phoenix

The anger of a generation of Dark Lords, and the turmoil that was about to arise due to this, was suppressed by the intervention of the White Lord Dumbledore.

And Harry's side.

The phoenix that absorbed the Patronus jumped from the sky, broke through the wall and ceiling, and plunged into Harry's heart again.

The blood in Harry's body - the silvery white potion returned to red.

Boom, boom, boom! Harry's heartbeat became louder and louder.

Click! The illusory sword in Neville's hand shattered like glass.

"Harry, what happened to you just now?" Neville was still frightened.

Just now, in order to awaken the fear in Harry's and the others' hearts (mainly Harry's), he focused all his attention on the sword.

So much so that I didn't notice that Ron, Ginny, and Draco were a little too scared just now.

He didn't even notice the birth of Harry's Phoenix Patronus.

Until Harry's heartbeat sounded in the room.

It was as if he had been punched in the face.

Then he opened his eyes and saw Harry, who was radiating silver light and looked like a humanoid patron saint.

"I just suddenly discovered that I have a permanent patron saint." After the heartbeat disappeared, Harry said looking at his hands that were glowing with silver.

"Really, Bulling Bulling." Ginny returned to normal and carefully poked Harry's face with her finger.

"Permanent? So Harry, you don't need the Patronus Charm to avoid being afraid of Dementors?

Then there is no need to be afraid of the dark creatures in the game.

Even if you don't drink the light potion, Harry. "Ron looked as proud as if he had done it himself.

Draco touched his chin, "You'd better drink.

I noticed that Harry was breathing a little faster in this state.

Although with Harry's physical strength it shouldn't be a problem.

But sometimes victory is better than nothing.

Harry would be better off drinking the potion.

Can save energy. "

"Okay," Harry took a deep breath, and the silver light on his skin dissipated, "Draco is right.

This is indeed much easier. "

“Then let’s keep practicing.

Right now, Ron and Harry have the Patronus.

Draco and Ginny haven't mastered it yet. "As Neville spoke, he put his hands on his chest again. The blue cloud seal was flowing in his palms, and the shadow of the strange sword was about to appear again.

"Wait a minute, you're too fierce! We can't bear it!

If it weren't for Harry's help, I wouldn't be able to do it. Ron said quickly.

Ginny and Draco recalled everything just now and nodded again and again.

"Am I too fierce?" The Yunzhuan in Neville's palm disappeared, and then he pointed at himself, "What did you all recall?

Why are you so out of sorts? "

"I thought about the time when Fred and George turned my teddy bear into a spider when I was little." Ron frowned.

"I imagined breaking up with Harry." Ginny rubbed Harry's face, which looked embarrassed.

Harry scratched the area where Ginny had just touched, "I don't recall anything.

Well, to be precise, the phoenix that resided in my heart woke me up before I had time. "

"Me?" Draco seemed to have a vague memory, "I don't really remember.

That seems to be the long table in my house.

The room was very messy, it had never been so messy before.

Ordinary furniture was pushed haphazardly against the walls.

It seems to me that he is in my mother's arms. The person sitting at the main table is..." Draco was immersed in his memories, with fear on his face. He did not pay attention to his description.

“They were sparkling red eyes with vertical pupils.

He had a nose, but almost none. Only two slender nostrils can be seen. It has pale skin that seems to emit a pearly light. Like a ghost." Draco gasped, "Voldemort!

How could I dream about Voldemort? "

"That must have been the scene when Voldemort held a meeting at your house not long after you were born." Neville twisted his neck unnaturally.

"Why just born?" Ron asked.

"Are you really stupid or are you pretending to be stupid," Ginny glared at Ron angrily, "Voldemort was the death curse that was rebounded by Mrs. Potter's protection spell on October 31, 1981, which was Halloween of that year. Hit, first death.

Draco had only been born in June of the previous year. "

"June?" Harry repeated, "So, Draco, your birthday is coming soon?

Why didn't you before-" Draco waved his hand, "My previous birthdays were all shortly after the exam.

Like this time, my birthday is on Sunday. After the exam ends tomorrow, two days after Friday. "

"Are you still practicing?" Neville reminded.

“Let’s forget it.

This afternoon is Potions class.

Professor Snape's exams are very strict, and my mother will probably invigilate them.

You'd better review it.

It just gave Neville some time to adjust the power of that magic. ” Harry suggested.

"Indeed," Ron's smile froze when he thought of Snape, "We don't know what potions will be tested yet.

Let’s review it. "

"Now that Harry said so." Ginny nodded.

"Okay, Pansy and the others should have finished their exams. Then I'll leave first." Draco waved goodbye and left the room.

"I was just looking for Hannah. I'm leaving too." Neville followed and left the room.

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Harry and Ginny looked at Ron.

Ron looked confused, "Why are you looking at me?"

"Aren't you going to find Lavender?"

"Are you Lavender's boyfriend?" Harry and Ginny were speechless.

"Doesn't she have Parvati? Parvati doesn't like me." Ron muttered.

But his body walked towards the door honestly.

Harry's phoenix undoubtedly attracted all the third-year students who were taking exams at the edge of the Forbidden Forest.

Even if he was not noticed, he insisted on being a good student. Ryan, who was taking the exam, was naturally among them.

"Ryan, is that a patronus?

Why do I feel a bit like the phoenix incarnation?" Luna said, and turned into a phoenix with golden red flames.

Then she flew to Ryan's head.

Hermione was not to be outdone.

She also turned into a phoenix and landed on Harry's shoulder.

One of the two phoenixes held Ryan's hair, and the other pecked Ryan's ear gently.

"That can't be compared to your phoenix incarnation.

Your incarnation of the phoenix is ​​the same species even in the eyes of the real phoenix.

It can be said that if you don't have my cover now.

Dumbledore's phoenix Fawkes will fly over immediately.

And Harry's is just the appearance of a phoenix, with the magic of patronus and love as a filler.

Although he has the magic of the phoenix, it is still a little weak.

That's why Fawkes is indifferent to Harry's phoenix." Ryan reminded.

In fact, he didn't say one thing, the phoenix incarnation he created contains the secret of immortality.

It is really possible to study a feasible method of immortality from it.

And Harry's is just more powerful and better at dealing with black magic and dark creatures.

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