Everyday Players at Hogwarts

Chapter 331 The remaining two people

Chapter 803 The remaining two people

Puff puff, the invisible shield around Krum is constantly breaking.

And Krum also relied on the keen insight of a world-class seeker to discover and then repair.

At the same time, he kept walking towards the passage on the left.

It only took ten steps, a short 30 feet, but now it seemed like a chasm to him.

"Little boy, are you prepared to fight to the end like this?

This game is broadcast live across Europe.

The amount of your role in the game is far more important than the so-called championship.

And I am the guarantee of the scene.

It would be even more exciting if you just go ahead and capture it! "The coquettish and charming voices came from all directions of Krum.

Even though she was moving at such a high speed, the Harpy's voice didn't even tremble at all.

"Hmph, then my game clips can only be broadcast on late-night shows." Klum choked out a sentence while guarding his guard.

At this moment, the sound of crackling glasses and breaking glasses was everywhere in the Leaky Cauldron.

"Krum, refund the money!" Some wizards wearing Krum peripherals roared.

"Put down your wand!"

"Take off your pants and lie down for me!"

"We want to see Hubby!"

"We deserve better, damn Bulgarian rubes!"


Such words also come and go.

Even the bartender Tom turned a blind eye to the actions of destroying the glasses.

Watch the TV closely and whisper, "Drop the wand, drop the wand, drop the wand."

The students in the stands at the game did not behave so openly.

However, the opinions they expressed one after another probably mean:

Isn't Krum too passive in this way? Why not use more binding spells to restrict Hapi's movements so that they can see more clearly.

The harpy didn't know that the audience on the field and in front of the TV wanted her to slow down.

All she knew was that she had to go faster.

The little boy in front of her has discovered the secret that she can only stay in this area.

If she waited until he reached that passage, she would have no choice but to give up.

Running Ocyperta!

This is the wizard boy she finally met!

In their local area, within a radius of 60 miles, there is no such fresh stuff!

As long as they are adults (12 years old, the usable age in Habi's eyes), they will be enjoyed by their leader early.

"So." The condensed wind blades on the harpy's claws became even sharper, "I will never allow you to escape!!!"


The protective cover was completely shattered.

Tear! Krum's robe was torn open, but strangely it didn't hurt an inch of his skin.

Then, the wand was thrown away and fell to the side.

call! call! call! The harpy's wings flapped, and a gust of enchanted wind blew past.

Krum's hair and person were not blown by the wind, but his torn robe and undershirt were blown away.

In just three seconds, Krum had not come to his senses. The wand was gone and his body was completely stripped, leaving only a pair of jeans and dragon leather boots.

"What are you doing?" Krum put his hands on his chest and stammered.

"Hmph," the harpy licked her lips, "I am a professional at stripping clothes!

Are you ready? Hey! "

"Then I can only..." Krum took off his pants.

The harpy trembled with excitement.

However, she didn't notice that Krum put on his shoes again and quietly stuffed a bottle of potion into the pocket of his boxers with his left hand.

"Want to smell it?" Krum said.

His face, which usually could only frown and blink, had a shy look on his face.

At the same time, he swung his jeans at the harpy.

"Are you so proactive?" The harpy was ecstatic.

Her nostrils contracted crazily, greedily sniffing the scent of the boy's hormones on the jeans that became more and more obvious and flew towards her head.

At this moment, all she could see was the jeans.

"Now!" Krum roared in his heart.

When his jeans blocked the harpy's view, Krum jumped.

This leap really stimulated Krum's potential.

In order to protect his chastity, the invisible magic power turned into a forward and upward force, allowing him to reach the passage on the left before the harpy could react.

He gasped, surprised at what he had experienced before.

He succeeded!

What he thought was a desperate struggle turned out to be successful!

That's almost 15 feet!

Is this the remaining magic of the war magic blessing?

These thoughts flashed through his mind at this moment.

In response to this, the harpy was furious, and the jeans on her head were torn into pieces.

However, she said nothing and found a comfortable position to lean against the hedge. Her wings were folded forward to cover her nakedness.

"It seems I guessed it right." Krum stood up and prepared to leave directly.

Because, his boxers have pockets with a potion of light inside.

Possibly, the dark creatures leaving the tunnel pose no threat to him.

Moreover, there should be no other magical creatures.

But after Krum took a few steps, he turned back. He asked with a try mentality: "Excuse me, can you give me the wand? Seeing that I let you feast your eyes, and my gift (jeans) )’s sake.”

The harpy raised her eyebrows, "Unless you."

Just as Krum was negotiating with her, Harry also walked out of the maze.

His mother, Ginny, Mrs. Weasley, Hagrid with tears in his eyes, Dudley, and Aunt Petunia who was dragged down by Dudley were waiting for him outside.

Only Ron, who should be there, was not there.

After a brief greeting, Harry looked up at the big screen in the sky.

He had learned from Ginny what Krum had done.

Elvas had now found the horse-shaped water monster and got the last badge from it.

And with his foresight, he predicted that his tunnel was occupied in advance and quickly found Krum's tunnel.

But strangely, Elvas did not open the stone door in front of the exit of the tunnel.

Instead, he stood there, his mouth opening and closing constantly. It seemed that he was chanting some spell.

It had been nearly five or six minutes.

And now, the stone door opened.

Elvas's voice suddenly rose.

At the moment of opening, he suddenly waved his wand to the upper right.

A large silver net with shining light emerged from the tip of the wand, covering a piece of air.

In the air, a white-haired ape with blue eyes emerged.

That is the invisible beast!

When its eyes glow blue, it can predict the future.

Ginny also knows this, "Why doesn't this invisible beast hide? It can obviously predict the future."

"Because all the futures it predicts are covered by the net.

This is the advantage caused by the time difference.

Elvas also has the ability to predict the future, and it is constant.

It seems that he only stayed in front of the stone door for five or six minutes, but in fact, counting those seven seconds, it added up to more than that.

And he created this silver net according to all the possibilities of the future through that lengthy spell.

The moment the stone door opened, his victory was doomed."

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