Everyday Players at Hogwarts

Chapter 332 The End of the Tournament and Dumbledore's Concerns

Chapter 804 Chapter 332: The End of the Hegemony Tournament and Dumbledore’s Worries

Krum finally got his wand back, as well as his jeans that had become rags.

After a repair is as good as before, drink the potion of light.

Krum stumbled forward in his jeans.

Well, I also changed myself into a shark nose.

Only the harpy, wearing black boxer briefs with Krum's face on it and casting a spell on her head, was left.

Ervas also took the potion of light, and after a brief hesitation at each fork in the road, he moved forward quickly.

Right now, both of them are approaching the end point - the exit of the maze.

Outside the maze, their family members also glanced at the big screen from time to time while looking at the dark maze.

Finally, with Mr. Weasley's voice, "Krum ran out of the maze first! It must be said that his tendons helped him a lot."

Next up is Ervas!


The game is over.

All that's left is the awards ceremony, which is lengthy and not of much interest to many people.

Madame Maxime's mouth seemed to burst out of laughter.

After letting go of Fleur and giving her to Ryan, she fell into Hagrid's arms.

Harry doubted that Hagrid even wanted the frog on the moon at this moment.

Madame Maxime would also fly to the moon on her broomstick without thinking.

Krum clutched his chest uncomfortably, seeming very regretful that he forgot to ask the harpy to give him the torn undershirt and robe.

He was now surrounded by his parents and his former dance partner, the Slytherin girl.

No chance to get dressed at all.

The female student seemed very satisfied with Krum.

But Harry suspected that it was more likely because she knew Krum was still a boy.

It was probably because of this that Krum was being harassed by his parents and unable to put on his clothes.

They saw the girl's obvious affection for Krum.

Klum was deliberately shown to be manly - shirtless

(Harry didn’t really understand, but thought that this might be the custom of the Bulgarian wizarding community.

After all, Klum often wore boxer briefs while diving at the Black Lake).

Ervas, Harry thought it was a bit strange.

Although he was in last place, he was not disappointed at all.

The same goes for the students of Kastrubshe around him, and their principal, Mrs. Volkanova.

They were even very excited, as if Ervas had become the first.

Harry didn't have time to think about this, though.

Because, among the students who were gradually approaching him, he did not find Ron's figure.

And Ginny seemed to understand.

And didn't want to tell him.

Harry was most surprised by this.

Because Ginny never hid any secrets from him.

Ginny was even willing to share her memories of bedwetting as a child with him if he wanted to.

Until 12 o'clock in the evening, the TV in the lounge was turned off and everyone went back to the dormitory to rest, but Ron still didn't show up.

Not even in the dormitory.

At this time, Harry really couldn't sit still.

So, he dug out the Marauder's Map.

Soon, in the Gryffindor common room, he discovered Ron Weasley's name and his footprints that kept walking around the common room.

"Merlin's beard! Neville, come and see." Harry pointed at the Marauder's Map.

"What's wrong?" Neville came over.

"Ron is the only one in this lounge now!"

"Yes, the competition just ended today, and our Hogwarts came in second.

How could a Gryffindor student go back to the dormitory to rest so early? Even Fred and George were missing. "

"No, they are in the cleared maze with Angelina. There are many couples in it." Harry was stunned for a moment, then became a little frustrated, "That's not the point. The point is Ron!

He was now alone in the Gryffindor common room!

And there is no Lavender beside him now!

Why was he going to the Gryffindor common room?

And I haven’t seen him since I entered the competition! "

"There is something wrong with his relationship with Lavender?" Neville guessed.

"It must be," Harry stood up suddenly, "I knew it a long time ago! Look at Ron like this!

I barely interacted with Lavender all day long.

Not even you and Hannah can match the frequency. "

"Huh?" The shadow of the sword appeared in Neville's pupils.

"I'm making a comparison.

You and Hannah, Ron and Lavender, are all couples from different colleges.

But Ron rarely took the initiative to go to Lavender.

Something like that happened before. If I were Lavender, I would break up with him too. "

"Then do we need to go find Ron? There happens to be no curfew tonight."

"Forget it," Harry quickly changed into his pajamas and got into bed, "I already know where Ron is, so I don't have to worry anymore.

If you want to go out and hang out, I suggest you go to the Hufflepuff lounge.

Hannah hasn't returned to the dormitory yet. "

"I'm going right now!" Neville disappeared in a flash.

In the Defense Against the Dark Arts office at Hogwarts, Dumbledore and Riddle were discussing what happened to the manticore during the Contest.

"Have you ever sensed a power similar to your own?

Although you didn't watch the game, if it were you, there is a power similar to yours within this range. Even if it may be so high that I didn't notice it, you should be able to sense it. "

"You mean, this is Voldemort?

As the time of His resurrection progresses, is he greeting us?

Is it possible that he is so powerful now?

According to our calculations, even if he is stronger than before after being resurrected through that ritual, he is still at our level.

Even though they may not be opponents, I, you, and Grindelwald can all deal with one or two on their own.

Judging from the combat power, his power will not expand to the extent that it exceeds that of Hagrid in the Forbidden Forest.

How could he use power beyond your ability to sense?

And it also focuses on the manticore.

This beast is almost immune to magic.

If it were me, apart from the death curse, I could only deal with it by transforming into an angel form.

How could he cast spells at such a long distance in the middle of the North Sea, focusing on that monster?

He is not Rubeus, who specializes in magical creatures. "

"You may not quite understand what his current state is called.

When wizards were still called gods, this realm that belonged exclusively to wizards, transcended time and space, and was supported by their unique legal principles had a unique name - Kingdom of God.

Of course, he is a dabbler.

Therefore, if he is really in this state, he can still regain his consciousness.

Distance is no problem for him.

The North Sea may be a long way from Hogwarts. But to him, it might just be a thought. "

"Lie! Based on my relationship with him, I can roughly estimate his level after resurrection!"

"His current state - a semi-finished Kingdom of God, his mind should be in chaos.

This is the price that non-gods must pay for imitating the posture of gods.

After his resurrection, he will be reduced to a wizard again.

This experience will only turn into further qualifications for him, which will require a lot of time to dig out.

We don't give him time to dig.

Your estimate is not wrong.

What I'm worried about now is whether he has regained his consciousness ahead of schedule.

Was today's scene the result of a thought in his sleep, or a greeting when he was awake? "

"So, he was stronger before resurrection than after resurrection?"

"You can understand that."

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