Everyday Players at Hogwarts

Chapter 333: Landing in the Center of the North Sea

Chapter 805 Arriving in the center of the North Sea

In a rare move, Ryan did not watch Dumbledore and Riddle's conversation.

Early the next morning, he woke up in his dormitory bed for the first time in a long time and changed clothes with one click.

He casually pushed open the door of the dormitory, and the next second, his figure appeared in the middle of the vast North Sea.

Recently, he got tired of using the dimensional wall.

Love the concept of using doors to travel long distances.

In layman's terms, as long as it is an object that is considered a door, he only needs to push and pull it, and then step through it to get to where he wants to be.

And places are not limited to reality, he can also set foot in illusory dreams and hearts.

In fact, it stands to reason that he should be very interested in what happened next when Dumbledore changed his expression and left the stands.

Especially since he caused it.

He should have been watching this with his girlfriends in his arms.

Instead of running to this place where birds don't poop.

But this is so for three reasons.

For one, Penelope and Kate don't have time for him.

They are responsible for the recruitment of new members of the Skywalker Alchemy Workshop.

To be honest, he was looking forward to the expressions on Penelo's and her classmates' faces when they found out that they were in charge of the interview.

Secondly, he can check everything that happens in Hogwarts at any time. You can definitely watch it later when nothing happens.

Thirdly, what he has to do now is another thing, something that requires his own action.

He wanted to stay here for an hour, leaving enough aura that Voldemort, who was still in a half-baked state of the kingdom, could detect it.

All this actually has something to do with Ryan.

Harry briefly became a god, Riddle sacrificed himself to the dark side, and the subsequent sublimations of their powers were all attributed to Ryan's influence behind them.

And Voldemort, who has an extremely close relationship with the two of them, whose souls are intertwined or even one person.

Also because they received positive feedback on their progress.

Just like Harry and Riddle can live forever through their relationship with Voldemort.

Therefore, Voldemort, whose consciousness should have been in chaos until he was resurrected, suddenly gained a glimmer of reason.

In addition, his current state can be regarded as the Kingdom of God.

It is different from the Kingdom of God created when the gods and wizards become powerful and automatically infiltrate the world and divide their own territories.

Voldemort is the Kingdom of God itself.

This is an extremely weird state of affairs.

The end of the wizard is the spiritual wizard.

But Voldemort is now a by-product of the divine wizards - the Kingdom of God.

But it is precisely because of this that even the God of Death did not notice that Ryan's move to assimilate the dead gods and wizards to the Kingdom of God was noticed by Voldemort.

Although this feeling is just a sense of crisis that seems to be imminent at any time, but I don't know the reason.

But this is also amazing.

Under this inexplicable sense of crisis, Voldemort's sanity also expanded rapidly.

If Ryan didn't interfere, maybe Voldemort would resurrect in this half-hearted state of the Kingdom of God.

Thus giving up resurrection.

To preserve the state achieved by this miracle.

By distributing his own power, he gave the power of his thoughts to his Death Eaters in the form of a deity.

Use this to confront Dumbledore and the others.

Naturally, Ryan would not allow Voldemort to step out of his chessboard.

He had already stipulated that the day Voldemort was resurrected on July 1st would be his death anniversary.

Killed in early July by the prophesied child born in late July.

How interesting.

So Ryan stopped by the middle of the North Sea today.

Prepare to use your remaining aura to return the consciousness of Voldemort and others to chaos.

The principle is actually very simple.

Just like pigs are afraid of butchers.

Voldemort, who is half-dabbled in the Kingdom of God, will also be afraid of Ryan, who can be regarded as the Devourer of the Kingdom of God.

The sense of crisis stemming from the wizard's intuition may revive Voldemort's sanity.

But when the source of this sense of crisis, Ryan's aura, really appeared around him.

Voldemort's sanity, which had become slightly clearer, would return to chaos.

Because in the face of a strong desire to survive, Voldemort's subconscious will automatically focus everything on survival.

No, because the resurrection of Voldemort is approaching, the dark clouds that have been lingering over the center of the North Sea, the looming shadow of Azkaban, despair, and the dark magic have all disappeared with the arrival of Ryan.

Now, the weather is clear and cloudless.

The blue sea surface is calm.

There was no sign that Voldemort was about to be resurrected.

"Mission accomplished." Ryan smiled.

The sea water surged, and a door formed by water appeared. Ryan walked in and disappeared.

At the same time, there was a small boat on the sea not far away.

Finny Dax and Dick looked at each other.

As two people assigned to the Auror Office in the middle of the North Sea to monitor the state of the sea, one was writing quickly while the other was taking photos.

In the office of the Director of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, Dax's anxious handwriting began to appear on the parchment placed in the most conspicuous place.

The black box with slits on the side also kept popping out photos.

The male secretary, who was sitting in the corner of the office and handling paperwork skillfully, quickly raised his head and pressed his hand to the bell on the corner of the desk.

Judging from his unskilled movement of ringing the bell.

This ring should be rarely used.

boom! The fireplace automatically lit up the flames.

Then it turned emerald green.

Arthur Weasley's head hung in the middle of the flames, like a giant, hairy, bald egg.

It was saying something quickly, flames were flying around it, and tongues of fire were licking its ears, but it was not hindered in the slightest.

"What's wrong, Woody?

This bell will only be activated if there is an extremely urgent matter.

It allows Floo to connect directly to me.

Well, I'm really not used to it. I mean, you are green in my eyes. "

"Look!" While Arthur Weasley was speaking, the secretary named Woody had already folded the photos and parchment together and handed them to the flames.

Arthur Weasley's head shrinks and his upper body appears.

So that he could catch the photo and parchment in his hands.

His eyes suddenly widened, "I'm going to Hogwarts! You can help me take care of the rest!"

Then there was just a soft pop and he disappeared.

Harry didn't know everything that happened.

But today he slept in for the first time in a long time.

There seemed to be a voice telling him not to wake up. It is safest to hide under the covers and remain motionless.

But the quilt was briefly lifted, a warm body suddenly pressed against him, and the refreshing fragrance he suddenly inhaled in his breath. These factors made him irresistible——

Let him wake up from his sleep.

His mind immediately thought of Ron who didn't come back for the night.

But when he opened his eyes, it was Ginny's face that appeared in front of him.

And the wand she held up.

"Clean up!"

His mouth suddenly felt fresh, and she kissed him.

Kissing him like never before, Harry kissed her back.

He was in a state of ecstasy, and his mind went blank, which was better than the feeling of firewhiskey.

She was the only real thing in the world, Ginny, the way she made him feel.

He put one hand on her back and stroked her long, lightly scented hair with the other hand——

Um, Ron?

Is there such a person?

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