Everyday Players at Hogwarts

Chapter 80 Harry is discovered

It was already dark, Ryan saw a mountain and forest under the deep purple sky, and the train slowed down.

This meant that Hogwarts was coming, and Ryan was about to become one of them.

But Ryan didn't feel happy at all at this time. Kate knew which compartment he was in, but until now, only the Weasley twins, Neville, Hermione, and Malfoy and his little brother had suddenly opened the door of the compartment. Kate or Penelope had not appeared yet.

I hope that the sudden position of prefect made Penelope too busy to take time out, and I said before that I wanted to keep a low profile and didn't want to expose the relationship in school.

"I hope so!" Ryan looked at Ron, who was still crazy about him, and prayed to himself.

How important is the first impression? Hermione in the original book gave Ron a bad impression. It was not until their fourth year that Ron really realized that Hermione was a girl, a girl he liked and was fascinated by.

Now, strict but caring about him (Ron thought), gave Ron a feeling of his mother Molly Weasley, plus kindness and helping classmates, which made the awkward Ron not feel guilty about falling in love with a mother-type girl.

Ryan pretended to point with his wand, and the coat on his body turned into a black robe of Hogwarts like a flowing plate.

Seeing this, Harry and Ron took off their coats and changed into school uniforms before they could be surprised. However, Ron was indeed the tallest in the Weasley family (of the same age), and Bill's old school uniform was still a little short for Ron, which made Ron's sneakers show from the bottom.

Then a soft voice suddenly sounded: "The train will arrive at Hogwarts in five minutes. Please leave your luggage on the train and we will take you to school."

Ryan was shaking slightly with excitement, and Harry, who was so nervous that his stomach was turning up, seemed to have misunderstood something. He breathed a sigh of relief inexplicably, leaving Ron still pale.

Harry was considerate enough to attract Ron's attention by cleaning up the unfinished snacks, and inexplicably called Ryan to join him.

Time passed quickly, the train stopped, and Ryan and the other two followed the crowd in the aisle and went down to a small dark platform.

"First-year students! First-year students, come over here! Harry, come over here, how are you?"

The tall Hagrid held a lamp above the students' heads, and shouted to the first-year students to come over to him in the crowd, and even greeted Harry next to Ryan.

"Harry? That's it?"

"Harry Potter!"

"I knew it! He must be on the train!"

"That lucky boy next to Ron is it!"

Ryan quickly lowered his presence, and passers-by and the surrounding crowd subconsciously avoided Ryan and rushed towards Harry.

Hagrid's bearded face showed an obvious panic. He probably didn't expect that Harry was so good at hiding, and almost no one knew his identity until now.

"Follow me, Harry!" Ryan pulled Harry and walked directly towards Hagrid. Everyone along the way subconsciously avoided Ryan's pace.

Harry was surprised to see all this, and Ron followed closely behind.

"First-year students, follow me, watch your step! If you want to see Harry, you can watch hard when you get to Hogwarts!" Hagrid said with a sigh of relief when he saw that the situation was somehow under control.

However, Hagrid's words made the students further confirm that the Harry he was talking about was the boy who survived. If it weren't for Ryan leading the way, it is estimated that the freshmen would still stay at the platform until late at night.

Walking down a steep and narrow path, there were dense woods on both sides. Because of the surrounding environment, the noisy crowd just now became particularly quiet, and only the regular sniffing sound continued to sound. Ryan looked and saw that it was Neville, who was still sobbing because the toad was gone.

Along the way, Hagrid kept saying that they were almost there, almost there, and finally, this time they were almost there, they really arrived.

Oh oh oh oh!

The crowd was surprised and delighted. What came into view was a black lake. On the high hillside on the other side of the lake stood a towering castle with towers and windows flashing under the starry sky.

"Harry, do you know why we have to walk and row to Hogwarts?" Ryan said suddenly.

"Why?" Harry was suddenly disturbed by the sudden question, and his mind went blank.

"The road we are walking now is the road that the four giants, the founders of Hogwarts, walked back then." Ryan concluded, and at the same time secretly thought in his heart that this is also a contract, a contract between students and Hogwarts. In the next seven years, students will grow up with this castle.

"No more than four people on each boat!" Hagrid said loudly, pointing to a team of small boats moored on the shore.

Harry, Ron, Neville and Hermione got on the boat together, while Ryan floated aside, no one paid attention to him, and no one could pay attention to Ryan now.

At Hagrid's last shout, Hagrid took a boat by himself, pushed the boat down to the horizon, and began to sail towards Hogwarts.

"Are you all on board?" Hagrid shouted. He took a boat by himself. "Well... let's go!"

When sailing on the lake, there was silence all around.

It was really surprising. In the past three years, I had never tried to see Hogwarts from this angle. On the lake, this huge castle was high into the sky, as if it was towering above my head, like a city in the sky.

But it was also dangerous, because when everyone was looking up at the castle, a cliff appeared in front of them. At Hagrid's reminder, everyone lowered their heads. The ivy covering the cliff was like a curtain. When it was removed, it was A secret tunnel, finally reaching an underground dock, which is completely different from the movie.

The ground in front of them was composed of gravel and cobblestones, and everyone headed up the tunnel together. When Hagrid was inspecting the empty ship, he found Foley and handed it over to the ecstatic Neville.

Under the illumination of Hagrid's lantern, the little wizard finally came to a flat, damp grassland in the shadow of the castle.

In front of you are high stone steps and a huge oak door.

The layout here is not the same as in the movie. Even without magic, this place is more like a strict military base. There are tunnels everywhere along the way, and Hogwarts is surrounded by mountains and rivers. It can be said to be in the medieval period. The unbreakable city.

In terms of layout alone, not counting magic, even Smith's Castle can't compare to it, but it was just before the Lord God.

With the Lord God, after the rearrangement, the terrain alone makes it difficult for people to break in. What's more, the current Smith Castle has sneaked into another dimension. The fake castle in this world is just a signpost and a distraction.

As long as the real castle is immortal and magic power is expended, everything in the fake castle can be repaired.

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