Everyday Players at Hogwarts

Chapter 81 On the eve of the division

In the quiet night, the first-year students of Hogwarts were whispering to each other.

Boom, boom, boom.

Three loud noises made the surroundings quiet again, and also woke up Ryan who was still thinking.

It turned out to be Hagrid, who slammed the door with his fist.

The door opened automatically immediately.

What came into everyone's eyes was a tall black-haired witch with a stern face and wearing an emerald green robe. This was Minerva Magg, the vice-principal of Hogwarts and the professor of Transfiguration.

Professor Magg exchanged a few words with Hagrid, pulled out her wand neatly, and tapped the huge oak door.

The door slowly opened wider, and a very spacious hall appeared in front of the young wizards. This hall was so large that it could even fit dozens of trucks.

The ground of this castle was paved with stone, and the surrounding walls were lit with blazing torches. The ceiling was so high that it could not be seen, and the luxurious marble staircase led directly to the upper floor.

Then, under the leadership of Professor McGonagall, the freshmen quickly came to a small empty room at the other end of the hall.

Professor McGonagall cleared her throat and began to speak.

It started with a welcome speech such as welcome to Hogwarts, followed by an introduction to the sorting ceremony, and the names of the four colleges, namely Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin.

The most important thing is that each college is your home.

"Wow, isn't Hogwarts?" Ryan couldn't help rolling his eyes.

This kind of talk can only be listened to. In the nine years of compulsory education in the previous life, Ryan had heard enough, and even his ears were worn out.

Harry and others on the side showed a look of being fooled, speechless, and they would probably understand when they were deducted points.

When Professor McGonagall mentioned Slytherin, Ryan clearly saw the expression on Ron's face as if he saw something dirty.

After a brief pause, Professor McGonagall introduced the system of adding and subtracting points. Outstanding performance will earn extra points for the college, and any violation will deduct points from the college.

At the end of the year, the college with the highest score will receive the college cup, which is a great honor.

At this time, Harry, Ron and others began to be absent-minded. Ron was even hungry again, and his stomach was growling.

Hermione and Malfoy looked like their college had won the college cup. More accurately, they looked like they had made great efforts in the process.

However, in Ryan's opinion, these were more like means of scaring children. As long as you have no morals, others cannot be morally blackmailed, just like Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw never care about these.

Only Gryffindor and Slytherin would care about these, and even isolate others because of deductions.

"In a few minutes, the Sorting Ceremony will be held in front of the entire school. I suggest that you tidy yourself up and be more energetic while waiting." Professor McGonagall concluded. Her eyes wandered over Neville's cloak (the cloak strap was tied under his left ear) and the dirt on Ron's nose, while Harry nervously tried to smooth his hair.

Professor McGonagall was unmoved by Harry's messy hair. Obviously, she knew very well that it was just hereditary. The Potters' hair could not be neat, even if they even invented shampoo for it, but it didn't work.

Only useless gold Galleons continued to flow into the Potter family's vault.

"I will come to pick you up when it's ready over there." Professor McGonagall said, "Please keep quiet while you wait."

As soon as Professor McGonagall left, the surroundings immediately became buzzing, which made Ryan feel particularly familiar and kind.

Harry finally couldn't help it and began to worry again, asking Ron how to sort.

However, Ron was clueless, and the young wizards around him began to feel insecure. Various rumors spread among the crowd: they had to take an exam to test whether the young wizards had prepared; they had to defeat the dragon and snatch the dragon eggs; they were sorted according to psychological tests.

Hermione, on the other hand, turned a deaf ear to the outside world and recited the spells she had learned quickly.

This had the opposite effect on Harry. The harder Hermione recited, the more blood disappeared from Harry's face.

Ron still looked heartless, just holding his stomach and thinking about what to eat tonight.

Just when Harry was about to faint and Ryan was about to tell Harry the truth to comfort him, screams like waves appeared one after another.

It was ghosts, about twenty pearly white, translucent ghosts appeared from behind the wall, floating in the air, whispering to each other, and completely unaware of the trembling little wizards under them.

During the conversation, they were discussing Peeves, whether they should give him a chance, and whether they should expel Peeves from the ghost class.

"What are you doing here?" A ghost wearing a tights with a round ruffled collar suddenly discovered a first-year student. He was Sir Nicholas de Mimsy-Porpington, the resident ghost of Gryffindor Tower, also known as Almost Headless Nick.

However, no young wizard dared to talk to him, and the only brave Ryan was apologizing and chatting with Penelope and Kate in the hall.

"New student!"

"I think you are probably preparing to take the test?" The fat monk said with a smile, but no young wizard dared to talk to him, just nodded silently.

"I hope you can be assigned to Hufflepuff!"

"I used to study in that college." The fat monk said patiently, and the whole ghost gave people a kind and sacred feeling, worthy of being a wizard who almost became the Pope when he was alive.

At this time, Professor McGonagall came back and asked the little wizards to line up in a single file, and the ghosts floated through the opposite wall and disappeared.

After leaving the room, walking through the foyer, and then through the double doors, what appeared in front of the little wizards was a magical, wonderful and magnificent restaurant.

The other students are sitting at four tables, each table is a different color, green, red, blue, and yellow.

Tens of millions of candles floated above the table, illuminating the table.

The tables were covered with gleaming gold plates and goblets.

There is another long table on the table at the top of the restaurant, which is where the teachers sit. Professor McGonagall took the little wizards over there,

Have them line up in a row facing the entire upper class, with the teachers behind them.

It was really embarrassing. When Ryan came back to his senses, he suddenly discovered that under the flickering candlelight, hundreds of faces like pale lanterns were looking towards him, and ghosts were also mixed in among the students with their hazy eyes. A little silver light.

The most powerful white wizard Dumbledore and the Dark Lord Tom Riddle were behind him. Not far away, Kate was winking at him at the Ravenclaw table, while Penello just smiled and held the Gill looked at Ryan.

Ryan had no choice but to divert his attention. At this moment, in order to avoid being nervous, Harry looked at the velvet-black ceiling, which was dotted with twinkling stars. It was hard to believe that there was really a ceiling above it, as if it were in an open-air environment.

Hermione noticed this and whispered: "A spell has been cast here. It looks like the sky outside. I read about it in "Hogwarts: A History of the School"."

Ron looked very impressed and praised him from the side, completely forgetting that there was a teacher standing behind him and his brothers were looking at him from the audience.

Ryan only saw the Weasley twins looking like they were making noises, but due to the separation, they didn't say it loudly. Ryan didn't use his superhuman hearing, and spoke meaningfully directly through their lips. Analyzing what they said, it should be roughly , that red-haired one is my brother, girlfriend or something like that.

Percy, on the other hand, was frowning, looking dissatisfied.

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