Everyday Players at Hogwarts

Chapter 350 Mobilization (Part 1)

Chapter 821 Mobilization

Azkaban Island, the scene that appeared on Ryan's TV began to appear.

Every action, dialogue, and even tone were consistent.

Soon, it came to the moment when Ryan deliberately interrupted.

"7, isn't it the most magical number?

I said that the Dark Mark has my power.

When the time comes, you just need to-" Voldemort paused, "just call my name.

My name-Leaping Death is the shortest and strongest spell.

When the time comes, you will understand,

what is power.

What is invincible.

There is no opponent in front of us!"

"But." Old Mulciber raised his hand tremblingly.

"Huh?" Voldemort, who seemed to be behind foggy glass, widened his bloodshot eyes.

A strong pressure, accompanied by the cries of dead creatures, pressed towards Old Mulciber.

He has now moved his murderous intention.

If he didn't have obsessive-compulsive disorder, he must have 7 subordinates to bear his power.

Old Mulciber was probably dead.

Old Mulciber naturally understood this.

But for the sake of his son, he decided to ask this question.

So, even though he was pressed down on the stone slab with his mouth close to the ground, he still said with difficulty: "Master, we don't have a wand."

A wizard without a wand is a waste.

This is common sense in the magic world.

Only a few wizards can reverse it.

Even the wizards in Ogado, Africa, who use fingers or gestures to cast magic, they only perform small tricks.

They can only deal with ordinary lives with fragile flesh.

For magical creatures with strong flesh or special structures and organizations that ignore swords, it is useless.

It is just a surprise for wizards with wands.

The real duel still depends on their local special self-transformation, turning into elephants or cheetahs that are resistant to spells.

So, when Old Mulciber said this,

even the craziest Travers, who wanted to collect a few wizards' heads, froze his smile.

He also echoed and asked: "Master, do you want us to go to Diagon Alley first and grab a few wands?"

"Stupid! Would I not have thought of this?" Although Voldemort said this, he withdrew his magic pressure.

Old Mulciber sat cross-legged on the ground with the help of his son.

"With my power, wands are not necessary.

But considering that there is also one of me among your opponents

Forget about Diagon Alley.

I said. We just need to wait for our guests here.

As for wands - you should be glad that you didn't use them as firewood."

Voldemort waved his hand, "Now is the time to witness a miracle."

The Death Eaters were a little confused about what they were referring to.

But the next second, they understood.

In the air, a large number of wands that were broken by various accidents appeared in front of them.

Suspended in the air.

The black turbid stream flowed out of the void and sank into the broken part.

The exposed black and red dragon's tendons, the heartstrings gradually turned blood red.

Green sparks followed the tips of the wands.

The wands were reconnected and flew into the hands of their respective owners.

Travers waved his wand impatiently, "Renew and preserve!"

A blue light emerged from the tip of his wand and shot towards the waist of Crouch Jr., an irregular round object - Crouch Sr.'s head.

The skin, which had been pale because it had not been protected by magic for too long, suddenly returned to a light pink.

It made people feel that he would open his eyes and resume breathing in the next second.

"Thank you," Crouch Jr. thanked him and immediately looked at Voldemort, "Master, look! My father's head!

I killed him! For you!"

"Oh, I recognize it." Voldemort yawned lazily.

"Now I have a wand, I'm going to use voodoo spells to refine it.

It will definitely become a very powerful black magic prop."

"Go! I'm very relieved." Voldemort nodded.

Crouch Jr. stood up, bowed, and walked out of the room with his head held high.

He disappeared into the darkness.

"So can I! My sister Andromeda is still alive!

Um. Narcissa can too! Her husband betrayed us!" Bellatrix raised her hand.

Like a child waiting to be praised and get candy.

"You will have a chance. For a long time, many of our oldest families have become a little sick." Voldemort said.

Bellatrix held her breath and stared at him earnestly.

"You must prune the branches and leaves to keep it healthy, don't you?

Cut off those parts that threaten the overall health.

In your family, in the whole world... we must dig out the rotten sores that invade us until only pure-blooded wizards are left..."

"Yes, master." Bellatrix's wand, with the excitement of her master, emitted pale sparks.

Rodolphus ignored his wife.

Instead, he waved his wand casually, turning the cockroach string in front of him into a string of sizzling meat.

He stuffed it into his mouth and asked, "What else do we need to do?"

"You?" Voldemort waved his hand indifferently, "If you have nothing to do, just have a good sleep.

Recharge your energy for tomorrow.

Yes, that's right!

Change into a decent robe.

You have wands now.

I don't want to be in this state of honor when I arrive at Hogwarts after the victory and meet your juniors. "

"Sleeping?" Bellatrix's eyes lit up.

'Accidentally' exposed her collarbone in front of Voldemort.

At the same time, she signaled to the others to leave the room quickly with her eyes.

Voldemort stopped Travers and others who were about to leave the room.

"You can stop. I'm not in the mood now. "

Now Voldemort, who was now talking nonsense, said that the reason was that he was in a bad mood.

Bella's eyes dimmed.

At the same time, in the hall of Hogwarts.

The cold white flames spread throughout the hall, including but not limited to the long tables and benches.

At the same time, the hall became very crowded.

There were already three extra long tables because of the competition.

Now there are two more.

The extra students' parents occupied them.

Because Lily was at the staff table above.

Penny sat with Mrs. Weasley uneasily.

After eating and drinking.

Dumbledore stood up, "Have you all eaten and drunk well?

You should have known from various channels what kind of activities we are going to hold in July.

And tomorrow, July 1st.

We will warm up for the event.

What you all have to do is to cast war magic on the four volunteers again according to the division of the school.

We will compare and demonstrate the magical energy of the volunteers under the eyes of the education bureaus of various countries.

For the division of educational resources in the next alliance.

The professors of the school will guide you.

You will need to use group magic many times this time.

The volunteers are me, Professor Benjamin Barker (Grindelwald's external name), Professor Tom Riddle, and Harry Potter.

After the first blessing, we will go to the Ministry of Magic.

Take the test. "

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