Everyday Players at Hogwarts

Chapter 351 Mobilization Part 2

Chapter 822 Mobilization Part 2

The hall was buzzing with excitement.

The adults discussed the alliance, the division of educational resources, and other topics that stimulated them.

The students were proud of their participation.

Then, after Dumbledore announced that

the adults and students who wanted to stay in the hall could spend the night here,

the buzzing reached a peak.

Then he asked everyone to stay away from the long table.

"Oh, by the way, you will need..." He waved his wand casually, and the long tables flew to the edge of the hall and stood against the wall;

another wave, and the ground was covered with hundreds of purple sleeping bags.

"You all have to get up at 6 o'clock tomorrow.

After breakfast, you will perform group magic under the guidance of the teachers in the hall.

Continue until the teachers tell you to stop.

Harry and I will go to the Ministry of Magic.

But unfortunately, this test will not be broadcast live."

The audience was immediately filled with buzzing discussions.

Many students said they would spend the night in the hall.

But soon after, they had a heated discussion with their parents about whether to sleep together.

As a result, almost most students chose to go back to the dormitory to rest.

But Harry and his friends are different. Mrs. Weasley said that as long as Harry and Ginny don't sleep in the same sleeping bag, it's fine.

But Ron, Neville, and Draco don't have this luck.

Lavender's mother also came to Hogwarts.

She and her daughter will sleep together tonight.

Also in Hogwarts, Neville's grandmother doesn't ask her grandson to sleep with her.

But Hannah's mother is the same as Lavender's.

Although Draco's parents did not come to Hogwarts, Pansy's father did.

Her family is very strict about the upbringing of their children.

So Pansy had to go back to the dormitory to rest in shame.

So Ron, Neville, and Draco had to go to the corner with Harry and Ginny, carrying their sleeping bags.

The same thing happened to Ryan.

Fleur was going to go back to the carriage with Gabrielle to rest.

Kate's mother also came. She was also short.

Black hair, blue eyes.

She looked like a more rugged Kate.

Kate's delicate features came more from her father.

Kate's mother was as strict as her appearance.

She took Kate to her side.

Asked her to rest with her tonight.

Only Luna and Hermione survived.

Luna's father did not come to Hogwarts because he was afraid of being reminded of the past.

Hermione's parents were both Muggles.

She was not a warrior and was not invited.

And Penelope, she was the president of the student union.

Dumbledore had other instructions for them.

So, in the end, Ryan, who wanted to try sleeping in the hall, could only pull Luna and Hermione to the corner near the fireplace and get into the sleeping bag with clothes on.

On the stage, Dumbledore smiled and watched the scenes below the stage.

"You all have decided.

You all have to get up very early tomorrow.

Especially students, you shoulder the responsibility of each school.

You really need to have a good rest.

So, students who have decided to go back to the dormitory to rest, please leave the hall as soon as possible.

In a while, Professor McGonagall and Professor Flitwick will close the door of the hall.

I ask the supervisors to stand guard at the entrance of the hall, and the male and female student union presidents will stay in the hall to manage.

Report to me immediately if anything happens - find a ghost to tell me."

After speaking, Dumbledore and a group of professors left the hall.

And closed the door.

As soon as Professor Flitwick and Professor McGonagall closed the door, they trotted up and stopped Dumbledore.

McGonagall: "Did I hear you right? You are going to take Harry with you to face Voldemort tomorrow?"

Flitwick: "He is still a child!"

"If you had noticed, neither Lily nor Severus reacted to this.

You wouldn't be so surprised." Dumbledore shrugged, "In fact, Harry himself will not actually step into Azkaban, but will stay in the mirror world.

Only he can enter there.

So, no one is safer than him.

I just need him to do some auxiliary work-the kind that is indispensable."

McGonagall and Flitwick's faces relaxed.

On the other side, in the hall.

"Everyone, please get into your sleeping bags!" Percy shouted, "Lights will be turned off in ten minutes!"

Facing many parents of students, his attitude softened a lot.

"Harry, are you going to face Voldemort tomorrow?" Neville asked in a corner.

This is a question they have been reluctant to raise.

These days, they just pretend it doesn't exist.

Especially Ginny.

"You are crazy!" Ron poked Neville.

"You want to?" Draco was keenly aware that Neville was probably not just asking casually.

Harry hugged Ginny and nodded nonchalantly, "I guess so."

"If possible, can you help me kill Bellatrix?" Neville took a deep breath, "I thought I had a chance to kill her myself. And I have been working hard for it, but now."

Harry's body stiffened at the moment he heard the name.

Ginny noticed something was wrong and touched Harry's chest behind her.

Harry responded with some stuttering: "Okay."

The moment he answered this question, he deceived himself.

Relying on the ability of [lie], all the reluctance, charm, anxiety, and the traces of love that were evoked were buried in the bottom of my heart.

All that was revealed in his heart was the disguised determined killing intent.

Because he knew that Neville's [Transparent Sword Heart] could sense his heart.

Sure enough, in his eyes.

Neville breathed a sigh of relief, his eyes filled with gratitude.

Instead, Ginny, who had always been in physical contact with Harry without relying on her abilities, sensed something was wrong.

A memory discarded in a corner came to mind.

In the garden of the Burrow, when Harry suddenly went crazy and seemed to want to rub her into his body, what seemed to flash past was Bella's murmur.

At the time she thought it was an illusion, but now

A touch of coldness appeared in her heart.

She is not as good as a picture as a living person (from Ginny's perspective, Harry only saw the picture of Bellatrix when she was young once in Kreacher's room)?

Although the photos in the magical world move, this is not the reason for her loss!

In the corner where Harry wasn't paying attention, Ginny's eyes were filled with fire.


Luna rubbed her eyes.

She felt someone approaching.

She followed her intuition and said directly: "Ginny, it's so late, you're looking for me. Hmm, does it have something to do with Harry? You want to look for Ryan."

As Luna's friend, Ginny has long been accustomed to her terrifying intuition, which is the same as predicting the future and reading minds.

"Tell me what you want." Ryan opened his eyes in time.

"I want to go to Azkaban, tomorrow.

At the same time, I hope to have the ability to kill Bellatrix with my hands. "

“Oh, it’s harder than you think.

Originally, you, who had discovered your own strengths and had been studying the "Book of Bats", had only an experience gap with her.

But now.

Just based on your relationship with Luna, you-" Ryan shook his head.

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