Everyday Players at Hogwarts

Chapter 85 Hermione's Secret

Lian, who easily saved Ron, received Ron's thanks and Harry's embarrassed look.

At this time, Seamus was asking Nick about the reason why Barrow was covered in blood.

Nick said stiffly that he didn't know anything and had never asked, which disappointed Harry, Ron, and even Hermione who were listening at the side.

Not far away, hearing the beautiful ghost discussing the Bloody Baron, Ms. Grey floated away from the hall with a cold and arrogant face.

And Ryan suddenly couldn't help but sigh at Voldemort's power. For a cold and arrogant thousand-year-old female ghost like this, Voldemort could easily open her heart with a handsome face and a seven-inch tongue when he was a student, and even get the secret that Ms. Grey didn't reveal until her death.

Even when she recalled, she stammered, like a girl in love: "I... I don't know... He... is very likable. He seems... seems to be considerate... sympathetic..."

Lian suddenly felt that Barrow's hair was a little green.

In Ryan's opinion, Voldemort's magic power is far less powerful than his handsome face and eloquence. If he hadn't given up these, Voldemort would still be a wizard who could make himself very charming whenever he needed to.

Maybe he could have become the Minister of Magic, but unfortunately he became a ghost and lost his mind.

In the gap when everyone was almost full, Hermione began to talk to Ryan intentionally or unintentionally, and directly started to talk to Ryan about Transfiguration.

And Ryan suddenly realized something, and a flash of inspiration flashed through his mind. In the original book, this scene was almost the same as the scene where Hermione and Percy discussed Transfiguration.

In Ryan's memory palace, the book "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire" began to turn to this chapter without wind:

"She didn't do anything-she just shouldn't be in that place at that time!" Hermione shouted back at Percy, which surprised Percy. Hermione and Percy have always had a good relationship-in fact, better than everyone else.

Actually better than everyone else?

Girls, or rather, witches at Hogwarts, are all precocious, just like Ginny fell in love with Harry at first sight, and was madly obsessed with him since the first grade, and was even more so because of this, Voldemort opened her heart and almost fell down.

So would Hermione have liked Percy since the first grade? Hermione, who had not been influenced by Ron and Harry, was a little witch who followed the rules, believed in authority, and loved learning, and Percy completely met all of Hermione's preferences.

The name of Percy's owl is Hermes, which is the transliteration of Hermione's name Hermione's gender change to Hermes.

In the seventh part, when Hermione was caught, the first girl's name that she thought of was Percy's girlfriend Penelope.

So, if Percy is a lolita control, then Ron?

"It shouldn't be, the two of them have a little affection at most, similar to friends?"

"Sure enough, it's the right choice to keep the thinking of mortals and hide more energy in the mind!"

"Life is so interesting this way!" Ryan complained.

Then, Ryan unconsciously touched Hermione's little hand and pointed out that Transfiguration was difficult to get started, and that one should start with small things, such as changing a matchstick into a needle.

Just when Ron was about to notice, fortunately, it was dessert time, which diverted the attention of the hungry Ron again.

The remaining food disappeared from the plate, and the plate and fork became as clean as before.

After a while, the pudding came.

There were all kinds of ice cream, apple pie, syrup pie, chocolate sponge cake, fried jam donut, wine jam pudding, strawberry, jelly, rice pudding...

The little wizards started talking about their families again, and Ron was still eating heartily.

Seamus talked about being half and half, with a witch mother and a Muggle father.

He jokingly told the story of his father finding out his wife was a wizard, causing the surrounding wizards to laugh. Hermione asked Ryan about the key points of the levitation spell, and Ryan had to reluctantly teach Hermione how to cast the spell, even though Hermione had already tried it one by one in the Muggle world and succeeded.

Ron laughed and burped, and began to tease Neville and asked Neville, not paying attention to the interaction between Ryan and Hermione. Perhaps when he heard the boring knowledge of Transfiguration and Levitation, his ears and eyes ignored it.

Anthony Goldstein, with black hair, boasted to his friends around him that he knew Newt Scamander, claiming that Newt had entered the wrong college. If he was in Ravenclaw, he would not be expelled. Ravenclaw is the most willing to accept different colleges (Luna, who had her shoes taken away many times and was hidden, has something to say).

Terry Boot and Michael Connor on the side seemed to agree.

"Goldstein? It's possible. Newt's lover is Tina Goldstein, an American wizard. Maybe she's a distant relative."

"The three of them were good friends in their original world. They really have similar tastes."

"However, brown-skinned Terry Boot and black-skinned Michael Connor are both his friends. Plus, they are suspected to be from the United States. If he is also gay, then the BUFF is really full." Ryan thought.

Neville simply mentioned that he was raised by his grandmother, and was not surprised to talk about how he was mistaken for a Squib (the original text was Muggle, Neville didn't know the name of Squib at this time, and Harry didn't know it until the second grade), and was nearly murdered many times to stimulate the magical ability in his body.

The little wizards around didn't think there was anything scary about this story. Ryan was still discussing homework with Hermione, and then, oh no, a cold look came from behind his head.

"It's Penelope!" Ryan pretended to be a little tired and skillfully ended the topic with Hermione. Turning his head, Penelope looked dead and stared at Ryan coldly, while Kate on the side was smiling with gloating, eating a few bites of pudding from time to time.

"Damn it, I can't rest tonight again." Ryan mourned his tragic fate without showing any expression, and even the historic first look of Harry, Voldemort, and Snape was no longer a viewing nature (the first look from Harry's perspective).

Harry cried out softly and covered his forehead. Ron still didn't notice anything. Percy at the next table asked carefully.

Sure enough, if Percy was willing, Ron and Hermione would have no chance at all. If Percy was willing to change himself and go through some events together, Harry might be pried away.

Harry carefully pointed at the teacher with greasy black hair, hooked nose and sallow skin, and asked Percy about his deeds.

He never thought that the pain of his scar might be caused by Professor Quirrell next to Snape.

Finally, with the disappearance of the last dessert pudding, the meal ended.

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