Everyday Players at Hogwarts

Chapter 86 Prohibited Items

In the splendid auditorium, there were only sparse conversations, plus the occasional burp.

Dumbledore stood up on the stage and looked around. The restaurant soon became silent.

"Oh, now that everyone has eaten and drank enough, I want to say a few more words to you. At the beginning of the semester, I want to put forward a few things to pay attention to."

"Attention first-year students, students are prohibited from entering the woods on campus. Some of our classmates from the old class should also remember this." Dumbledore glanced at the Weasley twins.

"Furthermore, Mr. Filch, the administrator, also asked me to remind everyone that this year, several more items are prohibited in the castle. They are bamboo dragonflies, horse bamboos and water snorkels. The entire list includes approximately four hundred and ten Three items can be seen in Mr. Filch’s office. Anyone who is interested can check it out.” Then, there was a noise, all of which were condemnations of this.

"What's wrong with Bamboo Dragonfly? It's too much to not allow flying broomsticks in the first grade!"

"I'm in the second grade. We can carry broomsticks, but the bamboo dragonfly, which can only fly slowly, can't?"

"What's wrong with this school?"

"Can't Hogwarts go underwater? This must be Slytherin's conspiracy. They only allow themselves to enjoy the underwater scenery!"

"What did Ma Zhu do wrong again?"

"Okay, okay, the relevant explanation will be posted outside Mr. Filch's office."

"The review of Quidditch players will be held in the second week of this semester. Students who are interested in participating in the college team please contact Mrs. Huo Qi."

"Finally, I must tell everyone that anyone who does not want to suffer an accident and die in pain should not enter the corridor on the right side of the fourth floor."

At this time, almost no young wizards paid attention to the following words. Almost all the young wizards started to denounce Filch, and even wrote letters together to apply to Dumbledore to lift the ban.

Dumbledore unexpectedly looked at Harry, who was also unmoved and completely uncurious about the fourth floor. At this time, he abandoned Percy again, walked towards Ron's arms, and asked about Ma Zhu, what is the underwater breathing tube? Which volumes does it come from?

"Now, before everyone goes to bed, let's sing the school song together!" Dumbledore said loudly.

Then, the other teachers on the stage and the other senior students except the Weasley twins all stiffened and lost their smiles.

Dumbledore flicked the wand, and a long golden ribbon flew out of the wand, twisting and coiling like a snake above the high dining table, forming lines of text.

"Everyone chooses the tune he likes." Dumbledore said, "Get ready and sing!"

Then all the teachers and students sang loudly:





Please give us knowledge,

No matter we are bald old people

Or the child who injured his knee in a fall,

our minds can accept

Something interesting.

Because now our minds are empty,

filled with air,

Dead flies and trifles,

Teach us some valuable knowledge,

Take what we have forgotten,

Give it back to us,

Just try your best,

Leave the rest to ourselves,

We will study hard,

Until my brain is a mess.

Most of the students were serious about singing the school song.

A few others sang the school song to the tune of "Doraemon". As time went on, Harry, Ron, and even Hermione joined in.

Only the Weasley twins continued to sing along with the slow melody of "Funeral March", but judging from their expressions, they probably wanted to join the "Doraemon" team. Perhaps the reason for not joining was that they didn't start the prank themselves?

However, Dumbledore directed the last few bars for both of them with his wand, and when they finished singing, he applauded the loudest.

"Music," he said, wiping his eyes, "is more charming than anything we do here! It's bedtime now. Let's go back to the dormitories."

The Ravenclaw first year followed Penello through the noisy crowd, out of the dining hall and up the marble stairs.

The new students of Slytherin and Hufflepuff walked downstairs, and their common room was in the basement.

After eating and drinking enough, what follows is often uncontrollable sleepiness.

Along the way, the little wizards yawned and walked forward slowly as if their legs were filled with lead.

Soon, we arrived at the sixth floor, where there was an entrance to the Ravenclaw Tower. After passing through sets of armors and turning corners, a spiral staircase finally appeared in front of Ryan and the others.

Then we climbed and climbed again, almost everyone was sweating slightly, and walking up in dizzying circles was really a test of physical strength.

Finally, an old, bare wooden board appeared in front of the freshmen, with an eagle-shaped bronze door knocker on it.

Penello stretched out his slender fingers and knocked on the door. The eagle's beak immediately opened, but instead of making a bird call, he said in a gentle, musical voice: "Where did the disappeared things go?"

"Everyone, please pay attention!" Penello did not answer immediately, but turned his head and said softly.

"I am Prefect Penelope Clivat, and it is my pleasure to welcome you to Ravenclaw House."

"This is where the smartest witches and wizards live, just like our founder - Rowena Ravenclaw. This is the entrance to our common room. Just tap lightly and the eagle ring will ask you questions. , as long as you answer correctly, the door will open for you to enter.”

"Transformed into nothingness, that is to say, transformed into everything." Penello turned his head and replied.

"It makes sense." After the voice said, the door opened.

The freshmen filed in closely behind, and what appeared in front of everyone was a large circular room, full of elegant arched windows hung with blue and bronze silk.

The ceiling is domed, with stars painted on it, and the dark blue carpet below is also covered with stars. The room is filled with tables, chairs, and bookshelves, giving people the feeling of coming to a library.

There is a door next to the statue in the alcove opposite the door, which leads to the dormitories.

There was no long speech or introduction. Penello first led the girls into a door and went to their dormitories.

Then take the boys through another door.

Then there is the spiral staircase, going up continuously. Each person's bunk, that is, the bed with four pillars, has his or her name written in gold letters. There are five beds with four pillars, with dark blue hanging hangings. Colored flannel drapery.

The other little wizards were very tired, so they changed into their pajamas one by one and climbed into bed to sleep.

Ryan's bed was in the corner, next to Harry and Ron.

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