The stick techniques are: chopping, swinging, poking, lifting, hanging, collapsing, tapping, sweeping, penetrating, blocking, picking, framing, supporting, clouding, lifting, smashing, dancing, etc.

Moreover, each action has its own unique techniques and requirements.

In the next few days, Yun Du practiced stick techniques in the Storm Martial Arts Hall during the day and cultivated his soul at night.

After a few days, Yun Du felt that practicing in the training hall was too slow.

So, the idea of ​​entering the wilderness again came out of his heart.

After a day of training, Yun Du explained his idea of ​​going to the wilderness to Yuan Kuo.

Yuan Kuo agreed to Yun Du's reentry into the wilderness: "The real strong are baptized by blood and fire, not practiced."

Early the next morning, Yun Du went out of the city directly.

After leaving the city, he went straight to the business house standing in the wilderness. Then, he walked towards the An's Chamber of Commerce.

"Student Yun, are you going to the wilderness again?" Fang Bo greeted enthusiastically.

Yun Du didn't expect that he would meet Fang Bo as soon as he arrived at the An's Chamber of Commerce.

"Fang Bo, I'm here to buy some equipment and prepare to go to the wilderness."

After exchanging a few words with Fang Bo, Yun Du came to the equipment area.

Looking at the dazzling array of equipment, Yun Du didn't know how to choose for a while.

This time into the wilderness, Yun Du still chose to use bows and arrows as the main weapon, and sticks as the auxiliary weapon.

The bow that Yun Du bought when he first entered the wilderness felt a little light, but he was short of money at the time and could only afford the cheapest one.

When he came to the shop selling bows and arrows, as soon as he entered the door, he saw a transparent display cabinet.

In the display cabinet, there were exquisitely crafted bows.

These bows have different styles and their functions in actual combat are also very different.

"Hello, welcome, what kind of bow do you want, sir?" A middle-aged man in exquisite clothes came up.

"I want to find a stronger and lighter bow?" Yun Du asked.

After the boss's introduction, there are two kinds of bows that are more suitable for Yun Du's requirements.

One is the king bow, and the other is the arc bow.

Both of these bows were among the six famous bows in ancient times.

Among them, the King Bow has the strongest comprehensive strength and the greatest lethality, and is also the most famous bow among the six famous bows.

The Arc Bow is slightly inferior to the King Bow, but the Arc Bow is mainly used for long-range shooting and has the effect of breaking armor.

For Yun Du, who has penetrating spiritual patterns, the King Bow is obviously more suitable.

After asking, the boss took out a King Bow that is more suitable for Yun Du's strength.

Yun Du's average strength in both hands has now reached 1,000 kilograms.

According to Yun Du's strength, a bow with a pulling force of 150 kilograms is the most suitable.

Then, the boss took out a dark gold bow with a wisp of light gold pattern on its surface.

This bow has reached the ordinary high level, so it will naturally not be cheap.

Although he was ready to be slaughtered, Yun Du was still a little shocked when the boss asked for 30,000 gold coins.

After some bargaining, he finally won it at a price of 28,000, and asked the boss to give him an additional 100 arrows.

Yundu started shopping, a set of ordinary high-level combat uniforms: 22,000 gold coins;

an advanced tactical backpack 2,000 gold coins;

supplies, daily necessities, warning equipment, and an ordinary mid-level iron rod: 13,000 gold coins.

The final consumption: 65,000 gold coins, after discount: 61,750 gold coins.

After the supplies were prepared, Yundu left the An's Chamber of Commerce and headed towards the wilderness area.

Fang Bo looked at Yundu's back through the window, raised his warrior bracelet and made a phone call.

After arriving at the outermost jungle of the wilderness, Yundu did not plan to stay on the periphery, but went directly into the middle area.

At the outermost edge, Yun Du did not intend to use bows and arrows. He wanted to use weaker beasts to hone his stick skills.

All the beasts that attacked Yun Du along the way died under his stick.

After entering the wilderness, Yun Du set a 60-day countdown on the warrior bracelet.

After the countdown ended, he would leave the wilderness again, and there would be just one week of rest time to prepare for the warrior exam.

On the first night in the wilderness, Yun Du did not intend to practice, but arranged some warning equipment around him and prepared to have a good rest.

After all, there would be no time to sleep in the next two months!

In the early morning, the sun shone through the layers of leaves and sprinkled on Yun Du's face.

After waking up, he simply packed up and continued to go deeper into the jungle.


At this time, a team of three people set off from the business outside the city towards the wilderness area.

Unlike other warriors, this team moved very slowly and without any sense of urgency.

Everyone carried their weapons on their backs, not only without any tension, but also talking and laughing.


A beast roared, and then a bloody beast rushed out from behind the tree.

This beast was like a giant wolf, blood-red, emitting a bloody smell, and with white lines on its forehead.

Yun Du was not afraid, but a little excited.

The beasts he encountered before were all low-level beasts, which could not help him hone his stick skills.

He held the iron stick in his hand and put the supplies aside.

The reason why Yun Du dared to put all the equipment aside was because the ferocious beast Red Blood Wolf was different from other wolf-like beasts.

The Red Blood Wolf was not only a lone wolf, but if there were any of its kind around, it would kill them immediately!

Yun Du took the lead in launching an attack, bursting out with a terrifying speed, and arrived in front of the Red Blood Wolf in three or two steps.

Without hesitation, he raised the stick and chopped at the wolf's head.

Yun Du used 90% of his strength in this stick. If the Red Blood Wolf was hit, its head would probably explode on the spot.


The Red Blood Wolf narrowly avoided the stick, and the earth and rocks on the ground were blown apart by Yundu's stick.

The Red Blood Wolf that avoided the stick was blown away by the broken earth and rocks.

The winner of this round has been decided!

Yundu swept across and hit the Red Blood Wolf's waist with a stick.

Dogs have always been known as copper heads, iron bones and tofu waists.

The waist is the weak point of all wolves, even mutated wolves.


A scream sounded, and then the body of the Red Blood Wolf fell to the ground, splashing some dust.

"I thought it was a good fighter, but in the end, it was still a scumbag." Yundu silently put away the long stick.

When collecting the spoils, Yundu found that if it weren't for the skin and flesh, the upper and lower bodies of the Red Blood Wolf would have been separated long ago.

Fortunately, the wolf skin was not damaged. The Red Blood Wolf skin is also one of the most valuable skins in the entire wolf clan.

This time, Yundu not only collected the teeth and skin of the red blood wolf, but also its meat.

According to Yundu's understanding, the red blood wolf meat can speed up the blood flow of warriors and improve the efficiency of training.

After collecting the spoils, Yundu sorted out his equipment and walked towards the depths of the jungle again.

After entering the middle area, Yundu began to move forward in a roundabout way.

Practicing stick skills cannot be achieved overnight, but needs to be done step by step.

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