Everyone: Awakening Myself At The Beginning

Chapter 16: Unexpected Fortune

As the sky began to darken, Yundu set up camp on the spot and began to collect branches, preparing to grill wolf legs.

The red blood wolf meat will gradually lose its efficacy as time goes by.

This is why there is a huge demand for red blood wolf meat, but no merchants sell it.

A moment later, the wolf leg was roasted by Yundu until it was golden in appearance, sizzling with oil, and sprinkled with the secret seasoning that Yundu bought specially. The children next door cried with greed.


Yundu had just taken the wolf leg off the fire and was ready to enjoy it, when an arrow accurately shot into the fire.

He quickly put the wolf leg down and put a shield spirit pattern on himself.

Then, he hid the iron stick behind him, held the bow and arrow, and stared at the direction where the arrow flew.


A figure covered in mud appeared in Yundu's sight, and the other party was very fast.

Yundu had entered a state of alert, and the arrow was already on the string. If the comer showed a trace of hostility, the arrow would be shot at the other party without hesitation.

However, after seeing Yundu, the other party quickly ran in another direction.

Then, several more people came out from the same direction. This time, two people appeared, and they were all dressed in black.

Looking at this outfit, you don’t have to guess that these two people are here to chase the previous person.

Moreover, one of the two people holds a sword, and the other holds a bow.

Obviously, the guy with the bow and arrow almost shot the wolf leg.

At that time, if Yundu hadn’t reacted quickly, the wolf leg would have been written off.

The momentum of these two people is obviously not as good as the previous one.

However, Yundu would not participate in unnecessary battles unless he had to.

What was unexpected was that the two men in black ignored Yundu and also changed direction and continued to walk.

Yundu was a little speechless. These two people were more or less seriously ill and went in the wrong direction.

This happened to be the case. Yundu was too lazy to meddle in other people’s business. Respect the fate of others and do your best.

Continuing to taste the freshly roasted wolf leg is the top priority.

Yundu had just taken a bite when the two men in black came back again.

The two looked at Yundu at the same time, and Yundu also looked at them with the wolf leg.

"Little brother, did you see anyone passing by here just now?" The archer swallowed his saliva.

"He ran from the direction you just chased, but I don't know if he changed direction."

Then, the archer didn't say anything else, but closed his eyes.

After a few seconds, he opened his eyes: "He has run out of my tracking range."

"It doesn't matter, as long as he is still in the wilderness area, he can't escape." The man holding the long sword said.

After a short silence, the two looked at Yundu again.

The archer spoke again: "Little brother, can you sell us some of your wolf legs?"

Hmm? Are the bad guys so polite now?

Yun Du did not answer the other party: "You almost shot my wolf leg just now."

The archer looked at the fire and saw the arrow in the fire. Then he understood: "I'm so sorry, can you sell this wolf leg? I'll pay double the price as an apology to you."

Yun Du shook the wolf leg in his hand: "But, I've already taken a bite."

The man with the sword suddenly grabbed the archer: "Why waste time talking to a student who has just awakened? Just take it. If he disagrees, just kill him!"

Hearing this person's words, Yun Du's eyes instantly became sharp.

From the arrow shot by the archer into the fire, this person's strength barely reached the level of an intermediate warrior.

It is estimated that he has awakened the ability of tracking or marking, and was forcibly pulled to chase the person in front.

The two people are led by the man with the sword, and their strength may be stronger than the archer.

But not too strong. It is not difficult to see from the person being chased that they must have fought each other.

In a two-on-one situation, the man still escaped, and was not seriously injured.

In other words, these three people are all intermediate warriors. The person being chased is slightly stronger than the sword-wielding man, and the archer is the weakest.

Yundu is not necessarily weaker than them when he bursts out with all his strength.

It is best to avoid unnecessary battles.

Now it seems that it is unavoidable!

The man holding the long sword walked towards Yundu, trying to snatch the wolf leg.

Yundu seemed indifferent on the surface, but in fact he had already put his hand on the long stick behind him.

The man holding the long sword stretched out his left hand: "Give me the wolf leg!"

Yundu said nothing and handed the wolf leg in his hand to the other party.

The moment he took the wolf leg, the long sword in his right hand swung towards Yundu's neck.



Blood spurted out and fell on the fire, extinguishing it.

In the other party's horrified eyes, Yundu took the wolf leg in his hand.

Then, the sword-wielding man slowly fell to the ground.

Yundu pulled the long stick out of the man's abdomen and rushed towards the archer not far away.

The archer had never expected this to happen.

He raised his bow and arrow and shot at Yundu, but it was too late, he was already close.

He blocked the arrow with the wolf leg in his hand and pointed the stick at the archer's abdomen.


The archer's body fell slowly.

Yundu looked at the wolf leg in his hand: "It seems that the arrow is not poisonous, it can still be eaten!"

He searched the two people, but there was no time to study the spoils, so he quickly packed up and moved.

First, to prevent the two people from having accomplices, and second, the smell of blood would attract ferocious beasts.


A space belt, two martial arts, and some exotic flowers and plants that Yundu did not recognize.

The space belt was pulled out from the man holding the long sword, and the martial arts and flowers were in the belt.

In the archer's backpack, there were only some supplies and ferocious beast materials.

"This belt has only one cubic meter of space." Yun Du nodded with relief, "It's free, you can't despise it."

Since Yun Du came to this world, he has been coveting space equipment.

It's a pity that he is short of money and can't afford such luxury goods!

He took out two martial arts books and looked at the "Liuyun Sword" and "Tingfeng Bu" written on the cover.

Yun Du's eyes could hardly hide the excitement: "It turned out to be a body movement martial arts, this time I can be considered to have picked up a treasure!"

Body movement martial arts have always been relatively expensive among all martial arts, and I didn't expect to come across one here.

Yun Du almost didn't recognize the remaining flowers and plants, but he knew that they must be good things.

Put the things away and start to enjoy the wolf leg. After eating the wolf leg, start practicing.

After only practicing for half an hour, the wolf leg he ate was almost consumed.

Yun Du also clearly felt that the result of this half-hour practice was better than the effect of practicing for three nights before.

So, Yun Du took out another wolf leg and started roasting it again.

"Sizzle, sizzle, sizzle~"

The second wolf leg also began to sizzle and emit an alluring aroma.

At this time, the sky had completely darkened, and Yundu was also preparing to roast the wolf leg and move it to the tree.

Suddenly, the warning device set up by Yundu was triggered.

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