The firelight was a beacon pointing the way in the jungle at night.

Soon, a figure appeared in Yundu's sight.

The person who came was none other than the person who was being hunted before.

"Um, can you give me some?" A gentle voice sounded.

"Female?" Yundu said in shock.

The person's voice was a little angry: "What do you mean? Do I look like a man?"

"No, no, no, I was too far away before and didn't see clearly." Yundu was a little embarrassed.

Through the firelight, Yundu saw that the woman's eyes were very bright.

Preliminary judgment is that she should be a college student!

Yundu took out a knife and cut off a large piece of the roasted wolf leg meat and handed it over.

She rubbed her hands on the cleaner part of her clothes and took the barbecue handed over by Yundu with both hands.

The little nose sniffed the barbecue, and then she started to eat it.

Yundu was a little confused. There was no university in Xingyuan City. The nearest city was Zhantian City, more than 1,000 kilometers away.

However, Zhantian City is also a third-tier small city, and there is no warrior university at all.

Suddenly, a dirty, slightly oily little hand stretched out in front of Yundu.

"Do you have water? It's a bit choking." The girl puffed her cheeks and said vaguely.

Yundu was numb all over. This is too much of an outsider!

Why do you want it, and more?

After a few seconds of hesitation, Yundu took out a bottle of water and handed it over.

"Thank you." The girl took a few sips and thanked him.

Yundu didn't say anything, but waved his hand gently, indicating that you're welcome.

The two of them sat around the dying fire, eating the meat in their hands silently, and the atmosphere gradually became weird.

"What's your name?" The girl took the lead in breaking the awkward situation.


Seeing that Yundu didn't speak again, she closed her eyes, raised her right hand, and a golden light appeared on her fingertips.

The light flashed, and the girl put down her arm, opened her eyes, and stared at Yundu.

Because she had just used the detection technique on Yun Du, but she didn't detect anything.

The detection technique is not a superpower, but a martial art created by a strong person who combines technology and superpowers.

This martial art will not have any effect on the person being cast, but it will read the target's public information on the Internet.

However, the detection technique can only detect creatures with the same or lower energy level as itself; except for objects without consciousness.

"Do you have a treasure that can isolate detection?" The girl stared at Yun Du and asked in a puzzled tone.

She didn't believe that Yun Du in front of her would be a high-level warrior.

Yun Du didn't understand what the other party was saying: "Treasure? What treasure? I don't have it."

"Then why didn't my detection technique detect your information?" The girl asked puzzledly.

At this time, Yun Du also understood that the light on her fingertips just now should be the so-called detection technique.

However, Yun Du didn't understand why his information could not be detected.

He didn't have any special items on him. His clothes were bought at a street stall, and his battle suit was bought before entering the wilderness. Other equipment and supplies were placed on the ground.

"How do you use that detection technique?" Yun Du asked.

After the girl explained the principle of detection, Yun Du thought of another possibility.

That is his other ability, [Special Level: Self].

In order to verify his guess, he asked the girl: "Can I learn this detection technique?"

"Sure, anyone who is a warrior can learn it." The girl answered without hesitation.

The girl continued, "To thank you for treating me to such delicious barbecue, I will teach you for free."

"Okay." Yun Du nodded and said.

After a series of teachings from the girl, Yun Du was able to successfully perform this martial art.

Raising his arm, a white flash of light flashed from his fingertips, and the girl's information instantly appeared in Yun Du's mind.

Name: Feng Lingjin

Gender: Female

Age: 18

Level: Intermediate Warrior

Power: Saint Level: Holy Light

Skill: Unknown

Martial Arts: Detection, Light Sword, Sacred Fire, Holy Light Gift.

Warrior Number: 1033623010632681

Yun Du did not expect that the girl in front of him was actually a Saint-level awakened power.

"So your name is Feng Lingjin, and you are already an intermediate warrior, so amazing." Yun Du gave the girl a thumbs up.

Feng Lingjin said a little aggrievedly: "What's so great about it? If it weren't for the special cultivation method, I would have been a high-level warrior long ago."

"Why can't I detect any information about you?" Feng Lingjin was a little confused.

"Maybe, it's because my cultivation is too low." Yun Du found a lame excuse.

Feng Lingjin frowned: "That shouldn't be the case. If it's just that the cultivation is low, at least the identity information can be detected.

But, the detection technique has no effect on you at all."

"You're talking about this. I changed my name some time ago. I guess this is the reason." Yun Du was very glad that he changed his name at the time, otherwise he couldn't make it up now.

After explaining Feng Lingjin's problem, Yun Du quickly changed the subject: "Why are those two men in black chasing you?"

"Because they are stingy, I just robbed them of some treasures, and they sent people to chase me everywhere." Feng Lingjin said arrogantly.

After hearing her words, Yun Du began to look Feng Lingjin up and down. This woman doesn't look like a good person!

Feng Lingjin looked at Yundu looking at her, and seemed to guess what Yundu was thinking: "What are you thinking? This girl is punishing evil."

"They are just a group of bandits who rob people everywhere. This girl robs them because she respects them." Feng Lingjin continued righteously.

Yundu gloated: "So you are also being hunted!"

"Why? Are you also being hunted?" Feng Lingjin was stunned

"Otherwise, why would I be here? As a newly awakened warrior, wouldn't it be good to train in the martial arts hall? Why stay in the wilderness area?" Yundu complained.

"Who are you being hunted by? Why are you being hunted?" Feng Lingjin's gossip soul burned fiercely.

Yundu was a little helpless: "Maybe, they are jealous of my beauty."

After Feng Lingjin had eaten and drunk enough, she left.

That night, Yundu neither slept nor practiced, but was thinking about his special ability.

He kept repeating: "Beyond the myriad ways, it is self-contained; the strongest body does not rely on anything; it is endless, and nothing can come near it."

Suddenly, Yun Du seemed to remember something: "Last time I entered the wilderness, Qin Fen's poison had no effect on me, and this time Feng Lingjin's detection technique was also ineffective on me. Is this the so-called 'nothing can come near it'?"


When he thought of this, something seemed to explode in Yun Du's mind.

His soul quickly became stronger, and his physical fitness improved in all aspects. Yun Du hurriedly ran the Dao Yan Jing with all his strength.

After an unknown amount of time, Yun Du's consciousness entered a huge space.

A small, translucent self was sitting in the center of the entire space.

"Sea of ​​​​Spirit?!" Yun Du was very excited.

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