Everyone: Awakening Myself At The Beginning

Chapter 23 Martial Arts Examination Rules

The whole body of the lord-level beast is full of treasures, but unfortunately, the head of this black green snake was smashed by Yun Du.

The most valuable snake venom was knocked out, and now only the snake gall and snake skin can be collected.

After collecting the materials from the three beasts, Yun Du did not leave the swamp, but followed the traces of the black green snake to see if there were other black green snakes.

After all, this swamp still belongs to the range of beast general-level beasts, and it is reasonable that there will be no lord-level beasts.

However, now it has appeared, so Yun Du has to check it carefully, otherwise, he dare not hide the materials he collected here.

Yun Du followed the traces of the black green snake crawling and walked all the way to the depths of the swamp.

After walking about two kilometers along the traces, he finally saw a cave with a diameter of about two meters on a large mound.

The traces of the black green snake also lead to the cave.

In order to prevent another lord-level black green snake in the cave, Yun Du did not enter directly.

Instead, he found a few stones and threw them into the cave. Seeing that there was still no movement in the cave, Yundu slowly approached the cave entrance.

In the end, no other beasts were found in the snake cave, but 5 snake eggs were found.

These 5 snake eggs were about half a meter high and weighed more than ten kilograms. The surface of the eggs was a pattern of black and dark green interweaving.

Seeing these snake eggs, Yundu seemed to have seen a gold mine. The eggs of lord-level beasts were very valuable.

However, he would not go back for nearly a month, and Yundu knew that ordinary snake eggs on Earth would take about 50 days to hatch.

As a beast's black and green snake eggs, Yundu really didn't know how many days it would take to hatch.

Even if the detection technique was used, it only showed that it was hatching, and there was no indication of how many days it would take to hatch.

After some entanglement, Yundu chose to move all the beast materials he had collected here first.

Bury all the materials in the deepest part of the snake cave. If the snake eggs have not hatched when he returns, he will take the eggs away. If they have hatched, he will take his materials away.

After making the decision, Yundu spent a day and made three trips to move all the beast materials he had collected.

Yundu then realized that he had collected about 500 kilograms of materials.

He hid the things, put on the high-level backpack, collected some black green snake meat, and set out with weapons to continue hunting beasts.

At the same time, the three-person team that entered the wilderness one day later than Yundu was looking for targets in the mixed area of ​​beast soldier-level beasts and non-level beasts.

"Where did Yundu go to kill the beast?" Luo Ming asked the other two teammates.

An Qingyue replied coldly: "I don't know, but Fang Bo said that Yundu went into the wilderness in this direction at that time."

"Then he might have changed direction in the wilderness." Mu Lingxue whispered.

These three people were An Xiaohua's team. At the beginning, An Qingyue deliberately asked Fang Bo to reveal Yundu's whereabouts to her, in order to see how Yundu hunted beast soldier-level beasts alone.

But they didn't expect that they didn't even see the shadow of Yundu after setting off one day later than Yundu.

What they didn't know was that Yun Du was already fighting a beast general-level beast.

Moreover, a beast general-level beast could not last more than half an hour in Yun Du's hands.

On Yun Du's side, the hunting speed has obviously slowed down, not because the beasts are too powerful, but because the number of beasts is too small.

Now, Yun Du can only encounter two or three beasts on average every day, and there are even a few days without encountering any.

A month has passed...

Yun Du has only hunted more than fifty beast general-level beasts.

It was getting dark, and Yun Du once again lit a fire, took out the beast meat, and started to solve today's dinner.

"Ding, ding, ding~"

The warrior bracelet on his wrist sent a reminder sound, which means that the warrior exam is about to begin.

And Yun Du should go back.

The next morning.

Before returning, Yun Du went to the Poison Barrier Swamp and found the cave where he had hidden things. After testing that no other fierce beasts had entered, Yun Du entered the cave. At this time, the black green snake eggs had not hatched yet, but the color of the snake eggs had become much lighter. Maybe they would hatch in a few days. So, Yun Du poured out all the beast general-level materials on his back and dug out the beast soldier-level materials he had hidden. Filled two low-level backpacks with beast soldier-level materials. Then put the snake eggs in a high-level backpack. Yun Du did this to hide his strength. This time when he entered the wilderness, the Qin family might send assassins in. It was just that he was lucky. His strength suddenly increased greatly, and the range of experience went from the beast soldier area to the beast general area, so he did not encounter assassins. Therefore, before he had enough self-protection ability, it was the best choice to keep a low profile and hide himself. After packing up, before Yun Du left, he also pulled some branches and weeds to fill the cave. After going back this time, it was not certain when he could return to this swamp again. The warrior exam would last for a month. Starting from March 6th of each year, all middle schools will start unified testing to collect the physical data of students who sign up for the warrior exam.

This process lasts for 3 days.

Then, people from the Warrior Association and the City Defense Army will send students who sign up for the warrior exam to the designated wilderness exam site.

This process lasts for 7 days.

After arriving at the designated wilderness exam site, everyone will be given 2 days to purchase all the equipment and supplies that may be used in the wilderness area.

Candidates can enter the wilderness area in advance on the 12th day.

However, the exam will not start directly on this day.

The exam starts at 9:00 am on the 13th day and ends at 9:00 am on the 23rd day.

When entering the wilderness area, everyone's test monitoring is turned on.

The beasts killed before the exam will not be included in the exam score.

After the exam starts, it will last for 10 days.

During the exam, the scores of the warrior candidates will be synchronized to various online media.

For auxiliary candidates, after the exam, the invigilator will review the video and give the score.

The real-time monitoring screen of each candidate's exam will be synchronized to the chief invigilator, but will not be disclosed to the outside world.

The remaining few days are considered as additional questions for the martial arts exam. If you can complete them, you will receive additional rewards.

The additional question is to return to the gathering place outside the city from the wilderness by yourself before the 30-day exam is completely over.

And, in these last few days, all the candidates' scores, rankings, and admissions will all have results.

While students taking the martial arts exam are taking physical tests and going to the wilderness exam site, teachers with logistics abilities are also counting the candidates' abilities and formulating corresponding exam questions.

The logistics candidates and the martial arts exam start and end at the same time.

The difference is that after the exam, the students who have registered for the martial arts exam and are admitted to the martial arts university will really start their exams.

Because from the day they receive the notice, they have to go to their own university alone.

Even if there is a wilderness area on the way, this time is three months.

The notices of each university will be delivered to the candidates within three days after the end of the exam.

That is, before June 10, students who are admitted to the Warrior University must arrive at the university they applied for.

Students who fail to arrive on time must either take the exam again the next year, or drop out to join a guild or a mercenary group.

However, students who apply for logistics and liberal arts will be escorted to school by a special convoy after being admitted to the university.

Although there is no shortage of high-speed trains and airships between cities, there is still the possibility of being attacked by ferocious beasts.

Moreover, the price is not affordable for ordinary people.

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