Everyone: Awakening Myself At The Beginning

Chapter 24: The Only Way To Relieve Worries Is To Get Rich Quickly

Yundu placed the iron rod across his shoulders, hung two low-level backpacks on both sides, and carried a high-level backpack to fix the iron rod.

This time when he returned to the city, the spoils he brought back were mainly tendons, meat, and skin; the remaining horns, bones, teeth and other materials were buried in the caves of the poisonous swamp.

Yundu estimated that he should have brought about 200 kilograms of beast materials and five black green snake eggs.

After sorting, he took the bow and arrow and officially set off on the journey back to the city.

On the way, Yundu ignored the beasts he met as long as they did not affect his journey.

After a morning of running around.

Yundu has reached the area of ​​beast soldier-level beasts. After entering this area, his speed can be improved a lot.

He can almost reach the intersection of the outer area and the middle area of ​​the wilderness before dark.

Take a simple rest, eat something, and continue on the road.


Yundu traveled all night and just walked out of the jungle at dawn.

Looking at the business and Xingyuan City in the distance, a trace of nostalgia actually arose in my heart.

After sorting out my mood, I went straight to the business outside the city.

After entering the business, Yun Du did not go directly to the An's Chamber of Commerce, but planned to go to the Warrior Association first.

He wanted to sell the eggs of the lord-level black green snake in the Warrior Association.

The price of this kind of exotic beast egg will be much higher than the material of the fierce beast.

If he made a move openly, it is very likely to expose his own strength.

However, in the Warrior Association, when trading fierce beast materials, warriors can ask the association to keep it confidential.

Although it was only a lord-level snake egg traded, Yun Du still gave priority to safety.

The later his own strength could be exposed, the safer he would be.

After entering the business, Yun Du first opened a room, put other things in the room, and only took the snake egg with a backpack to the Warrior Association.

"Hello, what do you need?" The staff asked Yun Du.

"I need to sell fierce beast materials, where should I go?" Yun Du nodded slightly to the staff.

After the guidance of the staff, Yun Du came to a counter in a corner.

There was an old man sitting at the counter, who was a little thin.

When the old man saw someone coming, he said slowly: "What do you want to sell?"

"You can take out the things you want to sell directly."

Yundu did not take out the egg after hearing this: "The materials are a little special. I wonder if you can talk to me for a moment?"

Hearing Yundu say that the things were a little special, the old man's turbid eyes lit up instantly.

Then, he took Yundu into the door behind the counter.

The door was not a room, but a corridor.

A very long corridor that meandered downwards.

The old man walked slowly in front, and Yundu followed silently behind him.

After walking for five minutes, they finally came to a small room of only more than 20 square meters.

After entering the room, the old man closed the door.

There were no windows or electric lights in the room, only two chairs, a table and an oil lamp on the table.

The old man walked to the chair inside and sat down, and motioned Yundu to take a seat.

After both of them sat down, the old man asked Yundu, "You can take out the things you brought."

Yundu did not speak, but opened his backpack and took out a black green snake egg from it.

The moment the old man saw the snake egg, he jumped up from his chair.

He stared at the snake egg in Yundu's hand, as if he was afraid that the snake egg would run away in the next second.

Yundu put the black green snake egg on the table without making a sound to disturb the old man.

The old man stared at the black green snake egg for two minutes, but he didn't touch it with his hands, just stared at it.

"Excuse me, young friend, how did you get it?" The old man pointed at the snake egg and said.

"I got it by accident when I was training in the wilderness."

The old man nodded, didn't say anything, but looked at the snake egg again.

Another minute passed.

"Young friend, you are so lucky to pick up this lord-level beast egg."

Yun Du understood that the other party already knew that he was lying, but the old man didn't expose it.

"It was just luck."

The old man asked: "I wonder how many gold coins you plan to pay?"

Yun Du didn't know the price of the beast egg.

Although the price of beast cubs and beast eggs is much higher than that of materials of the same level, the price fluctuates too much, and there is no standard for Yun Du to refer to.

"I wonder how much you plan to pay?" Since he didn't know, he threw the question to the other party.

"One hundred thousand." The old man's tone became firm.

Yun Du stared at the old man, and the old man remained calm.

Seeing this, Yun Du stood up and was about to put the snake egg back into his backpack.

100,000? Isn't this bullying an honest person? !

Lord-level materials start at at least 80,000 gold coins, and only 100,000 for an incubating egg, what's the difference between this and robbery?

The cubs and eggs of fierce beasts, in addition to those wealthy families who want to buy them as pets, the other part is warriors who have awakened the beast-controlling ability.

For warriors who have awakened the beast-controlling ability, the souls of adult beasts are strong and they are difficult to contract; and this kind of beast egg that has not yet hatched, or fierce beast cubs, has become their best choice.

Therefore, the higher the level of the beast egg, the higher the price.

However, for a lord-level beast egg, this old man only gave 100,000 gold coins.

The old man quickly pressed down the snake egg in Yun Du's hand and put on a smiling face: "Little brother, what are you doing?"

"If you think the price is not to your liking, just say it and let's continue to talk."

"I came here because I believe in the Warrior Association. If you do this, there is no need to talk." Yun Du's words became sharp.

"Two hundred thousand, the most I can give is this price." The old man seemed to have made up his mind.

Yun Du couldn't help but sigh, this old guy is quite black-hearted, just a back and forth, he can squeeze me 100,000 gold coins.

"Five hundred thousand." Yun Du stretched out five fingers.

Yun Du knew that this snake egg could not be sold at this price, but what if the other party agreed!

After the two people's extreme pulling, they finally sold it at a price of 350,000 gold coins each.

This wilderness experience, just the black green snake egg made Yun Du earn 1.75 million gold coins.

Getting rich overnight is not a dream, and the serfs who have turned over will sing from now on! ! !

After the gold coins arrived, the old man waved his hand and took away the five snake eggs.

Space equipment!

This was the first time Yun Du had come into close contact with space equipment since he came to this world.

Space equipment is a very rare special equipment.

Under normal circumstances, only Grandmaster-level warriors can afford space equipment.

Of course, this is an exception for people like Yun Du, who can collect hundreds of kilograms of ferocious beast materials in a single trip to the wilderness area.

For ordinary warriors, if they can hunt ten ferocious beasts of the same level as themselves in the wilderness area for a week, it would be a great honor for their ancestors.

In addition to the loss of weapons and equipment, only Grandmaster-level warriors can afford space equipment.

The cheapest space equipment is one million gold coins, and the space inside is only one cubic meter.

Then, for every cubic meter of space, the price increases by one million gold coins.

This price was an astronomical figure for Yun Du before he sold the snake eggs.

Now all the property in Yun Du's hands is less than two million gold coins. If he sells all the materials in the room, he can buy a two-cubic-meter space equipment.

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