The next morning, the hungry Yanying woke Jiang An up. It shook its cute fox ears, and its eyes were full of desire for food and dependence on Jiang An. [Master, Master~ Yanying is hungry~] [I want...] [Please give me~] This made Jiang An's waking mood disappear instantly, and he took out some dried meat to comfort Yanying. Seeing Yanying eating dried meat contentedly, Jiang An took out his vibrating mobile phone. When he opened it, he found that someone was chatting in the class group, and the message content was already 99+. After a quick glance, Jiang An realized that what they were chatting about was actually related to him. "Oh my god, did you see that? The auction that was announced some time ago suddenly added a new item today! BOSS-level pet eggs!!!"

"Is it true?"

"Of course it's true, go and see for yourself, it's pinned on the official trading website!"

"Who is so lucky, a BOSS-level pet egg exploded! It's a pity that it's the poisonous colorful spider king, the BOSS of the tenth-level copy, it would be better if it was a high-level copy BOSS."

"You said it as if you can afford it."

"Ah, it's a spider! So disgusting!"

"Tsk, you still think spiders are disgusting, if you really brush spider nests, I'll teach you a lesson!"

The group was very excited, and Jiang An didn't expect the official exchange to act so quickly, and the news spread so quickly.

But this is also a good thing, after all, the more people pay attention, the higher the price can be sold.

Sent a message to Bai Hong, Bai Hong immediately replied, saying that he would come to pick him up immediately.

Not long after, a luxury business car stopped at the door of the orphanage.

Jiang An found out that the driver was Bai Hong after he got in the car.

Bai Hong, wearing a suit, said to Jiang An respectfully: "I will take you to the exchange now. The auction will be held in an hour."

"As for the materials you need, we have also found a seller who sells the crystal of the Queen of Flames. After the auction is over, we can exchange them."

Jiang An nodded, it was relatively smooth.

In this way, he only needed the soup spoon of King Jili and the blood of the devil.

The blood of the devil is not bad. After the pet eggs are sold, I will save some money and it will be enough.

As for the soup spoon of King Jili, it depends on fate. If it doesn't work, I can only go there myself to see if I can get this thing.

Bai Hong drove fast and steadily. Soon they arrived at the Lin'an branch of the official exchange of the Huaxia Empire.

Although online transactions are very convenient, there are still many adventurers who choose to trade offline in person. The hall on the first floor is crowded with people, and every window is queuing.

There is also a huge electronic screen in the center of the hall, which clearly displays the relevant information of the poisonous colorful spider king pet egg and the countdown of the auction.

Many people stared at the electronic screen intently, and exclaimed with envy from time to time.

"Please follow me..."

Under the guidance of Bai Hong, Jiang An came to the second floor.

The flow of people on the second floor was obviously much less. Every customer was accompanied by an official staff of the exchange. Obviously, only senior members could enjoy this treatment.

Bai Hong explained to Jiang An: "This is a membership service of our exchange, open to high-level or high-potential customers."

He took Jiang An to a private room with the house number 103, and then took the pet egg and poison sac from Jiang An using the exchange employee backpack.

"Please take a rest and wait for the auction to start. If you need anything, you can tell me. I will wait outside the private room."

After that, Bai Hong left the private room.

Jiang An was the only one left in the huge private room.

Jiang An looked at the private room with interest. The floor was covered with luxurious carpets, and the walls on both sides were decorated with luxurious gems.

So this is what the legendary private room in the exchange looks like.

When Jiang An was still a student, he heard that the private rooms in the exchange were prepared for the powerful people. Usually, they were arranged according to the other party's power and status. The closer the room number was, the higher the status.

The value of the pet eggs sold by himself should not be enough to own a private room, but it is said that the exchange will also favor people with potential.

There is a large piece of transparent glass in front of the private room. From Jiang An's perspective, he can see the location of the auction venue on the first floor.

In addition to the main auctioneer in the front,

In addition to the holders, there were also a crowd of people watching the excitement below.

Although the auction had not officially started yet, the atmosphere was already very hot.

This auction was originally prepared for freshmen who had just graduated and changed jobs. The equipment exhibited before were all low-level top-quality equipment and props.

Every year, many parents are willing to go all out for their children to let their children win at the starting line.

It is precisely because of this that this BOSS-level pet egg can be called a king bomb.

What is more powerful than a powerful BOSS pet?

As the auction began, under the attention of everyone, a beautiful woman in a red dress slowly stepped onto the stage.

Her slender waist that could be held in one hand made everyone's eyes locked on her.

The seductive red lips slowly opened, and her delicate voice was full of the charm that could kill people.

Even the boring introduction of the auction items was exciting.

Whether the men sitting below were adults or minors, the excitement on their faces could not be concealed.

After seeing the woman's appearance, Jiang An's eyes flashed with surprise. Isn't this Bai Jing, the head of the Lin'an branch of the exchange and the chief auctioneer?

As the chief auctioneer, Bai Jing is well-known in Lin'an City. The charm in her bones makes countless men bow down to her.

Even if it is a piece of garbage, in order to win her smile, he is willing to spend a lot of money.

The first exhibit is a black iron-level magic wand. According to Jiang An's estimate, it can be sold for about 20,000 to 30,000 yuan. However, under Bai Jing's guidance, the price has soared to 50,000 yuan, which can be regarded as a smooth start.

Looking at the crowd below, Jiang An actually saw a familiar figure.

Zhang Bingyang.

Why is he here? Shouldn't he be refreshing the beginner copy now?

Is there something at the auction that is worth him not refreshing the beginner copy as soon as possible and running here?

Jiang An's expression suddenly became a little subtle. Isn't he also coming for the pet egg?

The exhibits at the auction were rich. Except for a few items that were too unpopular and failed to be sold, most of the items were sold at prices higher than their estimated prices.

This had something to do with Bai Jing herself. Her well-placed words, coupled with her beautiful face, could always lure out the deepest desires of others.

As the bidder in Box 142 bid a small top-grade mage ring at a high price, the atmosphere of the auction became increasingly heated.

Jiang An looked thoughtfully at Box 142. He recognized from the bidder's voice that the person in this box should be Sun Zhenghao, the person in charge of the novice dungeon. As for the ring, it was probably bought for Sun Mei.

It seemed that the people in their team were planning to further arm themselves before continuing to brush the dungeon.

"Okay, then what about the next auction item? I believe everyone has been looking forward to it for a long time."

After removing the ring, Bai Jing waved her hand, and a pet egg with yellow and green patterns on it appeared on the exhibition stand.

"This is the poisonous colored spider king pet egg!"

The voice in the auction hall stagnated, and then there was a noisy sound.

Obviously, many people came for this pet egg.

"The BOSS of the spider nest in the tenth-level copy, as long as you have it, it is equivalent to having a combat partner with super attack ability."

"Recently, it is a critical period for newcomers to change jobs and take the college entrance examination. If you want your children to win at the starting line, don't miss such a good opportunity~"

The red lips opened slightly, and the numb and ecstatic voice came out quietly, and many people's eyes turned red instantly.

Zhang Bingyang, who was sitting below, stood up excitedly, breathing rapidly, clenching his fists, and his eyes were full of fanaticism!

This thing!

I am determined to get it!

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