The auction was held in the auction hall.

Inside the auction hall.

Seeing the huge reaction of the crowd below, Jiang An was also a little surprised. It seemed that he had underestimated the appeal of the BOSS-level pet egg.

In addition to the newcomers, many summoners were also eager for this pet egg.

One of the men stood up first and said to the others: "Although this pet egg is BOSS-level, it is after all a poisonous colorful spider king. Although it is strong in combat, it lacks protection ability. Except for summoners, other professions can only contract a pet once in their lifetime, and it cannot be replaced."

"Whether it is a profession that needs protection, such as a mage or an archer, choosing this pet egg will naturally upgrade quickly in the early stage, but it is extremely easy to lose the ability to protect itself when facing danger in the later stage."

"This pet egg seems to be of great value, but it is only suitable for summoners, or professions that are meat shields and need output pets!"

"And everyone knows that this is a level 10 BOSS, and its potential is definitely not low, but it is not as good as the BOSS in high-level dungeons."

"I hope you will be cautious."

Hearing this man's words, many people's hot hearts were instantly poured with a basin of cold water, and gradually calmed down.

Seeing this, the man's mouth curled up a smile. He himself is a summoner, and he is very jealous of this pet egg. It is naturally a good thing to reduce competitors as much as possible.

Bai Jing was obviously prepared for this situation. She covered her mouth and chuckled, "Haha, that's right. Please think carefully before participating in the auction."

"However, I would like to kindly remind you, especially the newcomers who are about to take the college entrance examination. You all know that each school has high-level dungeon secret resources. If you want to upgrade quickly in the future, it is very important to be able to enter a higher school. In this case, even if you upgrade one more level, you can stand out from the geniuses."

"Only after entering a higher school can we discuss the later stage, right?"

"As for the protection ability..." Bai Jing put down her fair hands and chuckled, "As long as all the monsters are killed, isn't that the best protection~"

The venue, which had just cooled down a little, was boiling again.

Jiang An leaned back in his chair, and was satisfied with Bai Jing's business ability in his heart.

"Then I will now announce the start of the auction of the poisonous spider king pet egg, with a starting price of 100,000! Each increase in price must be no less than 10,000!"

"Two hundred thousand!"

As soon as the voice fell, someone immediately raised the number plate and bid.

"Two hundred and fifty thousand!"

"Three hundred thousand!"


The price continued to rise, and just as the opening, it had reached the price Bai Hong had estimated at the beginning.

Zhang Bingyang's face was a little ugly. He didn't expect the price of this pet egg to soar so high!

He looked at his father pleadingly, and after his father nodded in agreement, he immediately raised the number plate excitedly.

"Four hundred thousand!"

The voices in the venue quieted down a little, and many people cast their eyes on Zhang Bingyang and his son. Although this BOSS-level pet egg is expensive, many people's psychological estimate of four hundred thousand is already the limit.

After all, it is a level 10 dungeon BOSS, and many people will definitely have concerns in their hearts.

"Four hundred thousand!" The summoner who spoke at the beginning gritted his teeth.

"Four hundred thousand for the first time!" Bai Jing smiled and looked at Zhang Bingyang and his son. Just a wink made them tremble all over.

His father couldn't help but excitedly shouted: "Four hundred and thirty thousand!"

The summoner who had been following the video had a livid face and was full of reluctance, but he finally put down the number plate awkwardly.

"Four hundred and thirty thousand for the first time!"

"Four hundred and thirty thousand for the second time!"

Zhang Bingyang's heart almost jumped into his throat as he watched the hammer being raised high.

Just when Lian Jiangan thought that Zhang Bingyang would buy it for four hundred and thirty thousand, a very clear female voice like a silver bell suddenly came from the No. 5 box.

"Five hundred thousand!"

Bai Jing's calm face flashed with surprise, and it was obvious that she knew something about the guests in the No. 5 box.

I didn't expect that even she would be interested in this thing.

Zhang Bingyang's face was pale, and his father Zhang Sihai's face changed slightly.

Everyone who can stay in the exchange room can be said to be a big shot, not to mention the top ten number rooms, which are usually left empty if there are no big shots in ordinary auctions.

The price of 500,000 yuan has reached the limit of what he can afford, let alone continue

If he bid, he might offend the big shot.

But before he could say anything, Zhang Bingyang had already raised his number plate unwillingly and shouted, "510,000!"

Zhang Sihai hurriedly stood up and was about to cancel the bid, fearing that he would be unhappy with the big shot if he was slow.

But he didn't expect Zhang Bingyang to hold him first, "Dad, as long as I get this pet, I will definitely soar to the sky!"

"The big shot won't be soaring with us because of this pet!"

"Have you forgotten the job change phenomenon that day?"

Zhang Sihai hesitated a little. He was there on the day his son changed his job. The terrifying phenomenon of heaven and earth was something he had never seen in his life.

That was the most glorious time in his life. Even classmates who had not contacted him for many years came to curry favor with him, and everyone said that their son Bingyang had the potential to be a general!

If Zhang Bingyang really rose because of this pet, his future achievements would definitely be great. Maybe he would really have a seat as the chief general of Shanhaiguan.

At that time, the big shots in the box will take the initiative to curry favor with him.

It is totally worth it even if I bet my entire fortune for this!

Thinking of this, Zhang Sihai remained silent and decided to take a gamble!

In the box No. 5.

In the spacious box, there sat a woman in a light blue dress. She looked only seventeen or eighteen years old. Her facial features were carefully carved by God. Her eyes were like a sea of ​​stars, and every time she blinked, it was like the stars twinkling.

At this moment, she frowned slightly when she heard the offer of 510,000.

"I didn't expect that there would be a BOSS-level pet in this auction. It is suitable for me because of its strong offensiveness. Unfortunately, it is only a level 10 dungeon BOSS, and it is a spider. Forget it..."

After shaking her head, she put down the number plate in her hand.

As the No. 5 box did not continue to bid, the auction of this pet egg finally came to an end.

"Five hundred and ten thousand for the first time!"

"Five hundred and ten thousand for the second time!"

"Five hundred and ten thousand for the third time!"

"Congratulations to bidder No. 1069 for successfully winning this auction item at a price of five hundred and ten thousand!"

Bai Jing hammered and announced the final result of the auction of the pet egg!

Zhang Bingyang clenched his fists excitedly.

Strong self-confidence emerged in his eyes. Great, with this pet egg, his upgrade speed will definitely be greatly improved. Even if Jiang An broke the record of the novice copy, so what? He will definitely surpass him next time!

This is a BOSS-level pet, definitely much stronger than Jiang An's fire fox!

Just wait, I am the one who caused the job change phenomenon.

I am the chosen one!

I am the only one!

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