Everyone Draws Cards To Change Jobs, And I Draw Full Health!

Chapter 53 Special Monster: The King’S Flesh And Blood

After seeing the Rakshasa King permanently increasing his attributes, Zhang Yuan was immediately moved. He took out two tissues and blocked his nose, and was about to rush in to accept the baptism of the curse.

[The Rakshasa King has been killed! 】

Before Zhang Yuan had time to enter the body, the reminder that the Rakshasa King was dead came, which immediately stopped him.

"Didn't I clear the monsters with my spiritual storm? How did King Rakshasa die?"

The sudden death of the Rakshasa King made Zhang Yuan calm down immediately, and he waited patiently for the Rakshasa King to be resurrected outside.

Under the curse of this copy, the cooldown of skills was halved, physical strength and mental strength were restored quickly, and the Rakshasa King was not slow to come back from the dead. Zhang Yuan did not wait long before the Rakshasa King regained his fighting power.

This time, Zhang Yuan switched to the perspective of the Rakshasa King, and personally controlled the Rakshasa King to enter the body, remove the carrion, and clear a passage.

[The Rakshasa King is subject to a special curse, and his four-dimensional attributes are permanently +10. 】

The special curse prompt appeared again, which gave Zhang Yuan, who was suppressing his nausea, a little more psychological comfort.

Endure it and it will pass.

Zhang Yuanzheng was thinking this when he suddenly saw a monster made of flesh and blood rushing out of the carrion, hugging the Rakshasa King tightly and biting the Rakshasa King's neck!

The Rakshasa King's physical strength dropped rapidly. Zhang Yuan used the Eye of the Abyss on the flesh and blood monster before the Rakshasa King was killed.

【The King's Flesh and Blood (Elite)】

【Level: 30】

【Power: 0】

[Agility: 0]

[Spirit: 0]

[Physique: 0]

[Skills: Curse of Weakness, Fatal Vampire, Immortality. 】

The level 30 elite monster had 0 attributes in all four dimensions. This was the first time Zhang Yuan had seen such a special monster.

"What a strange attribute panel. All the attributes are 0, but it can move so fast, and it can kill the Rakshasa King instantly..."

"The permanent increase in the attributes of the Rakshasa King is due to the Curse of Debility. The Rakshasa King was instantly killed. It should be the effect of its fatal blood-sucking skill. My spiritual storm did not kill them. It should be their immortality skill."

"As for their ability to move quickly, there should be one monster that controls these flesh and blood monsters, and that should be the boss."

Zhang Yuan got some information from the skill panel of the flesh and blood monster, but he has not yet fully understood the monster's mechanism. He cannot move forward rashly and has to wait patiently for the Rakshasa King to be resurrected.

After a while, the Rakshasa King stood in front of Zhang Yuan again, and was once again sent by Zhang Yuan to open a way among the giant corpses.

[The Rakshasa King is subject to a special curse, and his four-dimensional attributes are permanently +10. 】


When Zhang Yuan saw the curse reminder, he immediately held his breath and looked around, and soon discovered that the flesh and blood on the left side of King Rakshasa was slightly bulging!

Skill: Sword Flash!

A flash of sword light flashed, and the Rakshasa King's sword cut the flesh-and-blood monster that rushed out in half. However, the flesh-and-blood monster that was cut in half turned into two, one wrapped around the Rakshasa King on the left and the other on the right. Suck the Rakshasa King dry.

[The Rakshasa King has been killed! 】

King Rakshasa was killed again.

"Can anyone really pass this copy?"

Seeing that the Rakshasa King was killed by a flesh and blood monster again, Zhang Yuan couldn't help but complain.

The body of the Rakshasa King has the attributes of a level 30 hidden boss, and it also has the curse amplification of the dungeon. Its attributes are much higher than those of a level 30 human professional. Even so, the Rakshasa King was killed three times instantly.

Even if other professionals use various methods to bypass the elite monsters in front of the dungeon and get here, they will still have a dead end.

"Forget it, I won't be greedy for these attribute increases and just go ahead."

Zhang Yuan couldn't find a mechanism to kill the flesh monster in a short time, so he planned to let the Rakshasa King use his life to make a passage for him.

Anyway, this copy has no time limit, and the Rakshasa King can be resurrected infinitely, so he just needs to dig a little bit.

After making up his mind, Zhang Yuan continued to wait for the Rakshasa King to be resurrected, and then let the Rakshasa King rush into the flesh passage, swinging the sword wildly to chop the flesh.

[The Rakshasa King was cursed with a special grade, and the four-dimensional attributes are permanently +10. ]

[The Rakshasa King has died! ]

The Rakshasa King advanced less than 10 meters and was killed by the flesh monster.

Then Zhang Yuan waited for the Rakshasa King to be resurrected again, and let the Rakshasa King continue to open the way.

Seeing that the Rakshasa King opened the way without complaint, Zhang Yuan couldn't help but sigh: "Rakshasa King, although you are dead, you can be resurrected, die and resurrect, resurrect and die again, jump back and forth in front of the gate of hell, and lose countless lives. The flesh and blood of the king's body will not increase, so why can't you dig through it?"

"In ancient times, Yugong moved the mountain, and now there are Rakshasa digging corpses. It's the same principle!" The newly resurrected Rakshasa King heard Zhang Yuan's words and seemed to give Zhang Yuan a blank look, then he picked up the big sword and rushed in to open the way.

This was repeated countless times, and the Rakshasa King finally dug near the chest cavity of the king's remains and entered an empty space.

There are no internal organs in the chest cavity, and the dome is flesh and blood supported by huge ribs, and in the middle of the chest cavity, a black stone is suspended.

Zhang Yuan used the Eye of the Abyss through the Rakshasa King.

[First Turn Awakening Stone (God Level)]

[Note: It is transformed from the essence of a certain king. The awakener who uses this awakening stone will gain the power of the king. 】

"That's the god-level awakening stone!"

After several hours of digging, Zhang Yuan finally saw the awakening stone he had been thinking about, and he was completely excited.

However, despite his excitement, Zhang Yuan remained calm and did not enter the body himself.

The boss did not appear, and those flesh monsters were not solved. In this case, the dead Rakshasa King was enough.

Under Zhang Yuan's control, the Rakshasa King walked towards the awakening stone, but after a few steps, a large number of flesh monsters grew on the flesh ground.

A rough glance showed that there were hundreds of them!

"So many?"

Zhang Yuan frowned when he saw the flesh monsters blocking the way that the Rakshasa King had to pass.

With the ability of the Rakshasa King, he could not pass through the defense line of those flesh monsters.

"It seems that skipping classes can only go so far. If you want to get the awakening stone, you still have to find the boss who controls these monsters."

Zhang Yuan let the Rakshasa King be killed by the flesh monsters, and then waited for the Rakshasa King to revive again.

This time, Zhang Yuan did not let Luosha King enter the corpse again, but let him climb up along the surface of the corpse to find the boss.

Zhang Yuan was not idle either, and circled around the giant corpse to look for clues.

There is no copy in the world that cannot be passed. Since this copy has been born, no matter how difficult it is, there must be a way to pass it!

Zhang Yuan walked around the corpse and soon found that there was a flesh monster entangled by water plants at the rotten wound on the shoulder of the corpse, motionless.

Indeed... a monster with 0 attributes in all four dimensions, even if its level is 30, is powerless after being entangled by ordinary water plants.

"Luosha King, come quickly!"

Zhang Yuan saw the flesh monster entangled by water plants, and suddenly had an idea, and immediately called Luosha King to his side, "Go touch it!"

Luosha King immediately executed the order and touched the flesh monster with his hand.

[Luosha King was cursed by a special grade, and the four-dimensional attributes were permanently +10. 】

The panel shows a prompt that the Rakshasa King's attributes have been permanently improved, and the immobile flesh and blood monster cannot attack the Rakshasa King!

Seeing this, Zhang Yuan showed a perverted smile on his face.

Isn't this the place to brush attributes?

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