Everyone Draws Cards To Change Jobs, And I Draw Full Health!

Chapter 54 The Conspiracy Of The Cursed King

Zhang Yuan licked his lips and tentatively touched the flesh and blood monster.

[Suffering a special curse, the four-dimensional attributes are permanently +10. 】

A prompt appeared on the panel, and Zhang Yuan's four-dimensional attributes were increased by 10 points!

"Sure enough, anyone who touches these monsters will be cursed!"

Upon seeing this, Zhang Yuan immediately stood with the Rakshasa King and poked the flesh and blood monster with his finger, causing the monster to curse them continuously.

[Suffering a special curse, the four-dimensional attributes are permanently +10. 】

[Suffering a special curse, the four-dimensional attributes are permanently +10. 】

Every 10 seconds, the attributes of Zhang Yuan and Rakshasa King will permanently increase by 10. Zhang Yuan has been squatting here to brush his own attributes, even forgetting the purpose of coming to this copy.

Brushing attributes is as addictive as leveling up.

When the four-dimensional attributes of the Rakshasa King reach 1000, the Rakshasa King will no longer be cursed.

"It seems that the upper limit is 1,000 points. It's a pity that you can't have unlimited points."

Zhang Yuan saw that the Rakshasa King's attributes were no longer increasing, and a gleam of disappointment flashed in his eyes.

Soon, his attributes also reached the upper limit.

At this moment, not counting the increase given to him by the dungeon curse, his mental attributes have reached 4280 points. With this mental power bonus, even if he uses an ordinary iron sword, without relying on the bonuses of Chi Xiao and Zhan Lu, the damage will be It can exceed 100,000.

"Tsk, tsk, I didn't expect that by clearing this dungeon, I would get such a reward."

Zhang Yuan was very satisfied with his current gains, but he was not happy for long before he became distressed again.

He still hasn't found the boss who controls those flesh and blood monsters.

If you can't find the boss, you can't solve the flesh and blood monster. If you can't solve the flesh and blood monster, you can't get the god-level awakening stone.

The treasure is clearly right in front of him, but he can't see it, which makes Zhang Yuan very distressed.

"The king's flesh and blood... what kind of freak is this Cursed King? Why can his flesh and blood become a monster even though he's dead? Yes... this guy is the Cursed King!"

Zhang Yuan was complaining about those troublesome flesh and blood monsters, but suddenly an idea flashed in his mind.

Although the Eye of the Abyss only said that the corpse larger than the mountain was that of a certain king, he knew that the reason why the copy of the King's Boneyard was born was because of the death of the Cursed King!

This huge corpse is most likely the Cursed King!

And Zhang Yuan happened to have the weapon of the Cursed King, the Blade of the Cursed King!

"Perhaps, this is the only solution to this copy!"

Zhang Yuan felt that the logic of his guess made sense, and he immediately took out the Blade of the Cursed King and stabbed the flesh and blood monster that could not move!


The cracked Blade of the Cursed King easily pierced the flesh and blood monster's body, and the flesh and blood monster immediately emitted black smoke and then disappeared.

[Successfully kill the king's flesh and blood, experience +0]

[Blade Artifact Quest of the Cursed King (72/100000)]

"Finally it worked!"

Zhang Yuan was so excited when he saw the killing information that he didn't even care why he gained 0 experience after killing this monster.

After finding a way to kill the flesh and blood monster, Zhang Yuan no longer let King Rakshasa fight alone, and the two of them entered the flesh and blood passage opened by King Rakshasa together.

The Rakshasa King walked in front as a bait, and when the flesh and blood monsters attacked the Rakshasa King, Zhang Yuan immediately used the Blade of the Cursed King to kill those monsters.

In this way, Zhang Yuan fought his way into the chest of the Cursed King, and used the Rakshasa King to attract monsters, killing the flesh and blood monsters blocking the way one by one.

[The Blade of the Cursed King Artifact Quest (1982/100000)]

Finally, when the progress of the artifact mission reached 1982, Zhang Yuan finally cleared all the monsters in his chest.

"Huh, I finally killed them all."

Zhang Yuan breathed a sigh of relief, but he did not relax and asked the Rakshasa King to get the awakening stone to prevent any traps.

[Successfully cleared the King's Burial Ground dungeon. ]

[Obtained the first-level awakening stone (God-level)]

The dungeon clearance prompt appeared, Zhang Yuan obtained the God-level awakening stone, and the dungeon teleportation exit appeared next to him.

"Is it over?"

Zhang Yuan looked at the awakening stone in his hand and the dungeon teleportation exit, and was stunned.

Although the difficulty of this dungeon is exaggerated, it is also within Zhang Yuan's acceptable range, and he didn't even fight a boss, and all he encountered were some small monsters.

Even if he had the help of the Curse Heart and the Curse King's Blade, it would be too easy to pass this dungeon.

If other professionals come, as long as they have the Curse Heart and the Curse King's Blade, and their own strength is stronger, they can easily pass this dungeon.

The dungeon rewards and difficulty were completely mismatched, which made Zhang Yuan smell a conspiracy.

[Talent 'I am a legend' is triggered, and a myth trial is found in the dungeon, and the myth trial opening props are forced to drop! ]

Suddenly, such a prompt appeared on Zhang Yuan's panel, and then a normal-sized black heart suddenly appeared where the awakening stone was placed.

"Myth Trial!"

Zhang Yuan saw that his talent triggered a myth trial, his pupils shrank suddenly, and a huge wave of shock rose in his heart!

There is indeed a huge secret hidden in this dungeon, and the Eye of the Abyss also gave a hint!

Zhang Yuan immediately used the Eye of the Abyss on the black heart.

[Heart of the Cursed King (God-level)]

[Note: The fallen king will eventually return. ]

"The fallen king will eventually return..."

Zhang Yuan saw the note of the Heart of the Cursed King and suddenly thought of a terrible situation.

The Cursed King will be resurrected, and the key is the Blade of the Cursed King and the God-level Awakening Stone!

If Zhang Yuan really took this God-level Awakening Stone to awaken, I am afraid that he will be possessed by the Cursed King sooner or later!

"This Curse King has a really vicious plan. He set the dungeon as a single-player dungeon and used the God-level awakening stone as bait. Those who can pass this dungeon and get the God-level awakening stone are all geniuses among the human race, and will be fully cultivated by the Great Xia Empire!"

"In this way... once the Curse King is resurrected, he will become even more powerful than before!"

Zhang Yuan was shocked and broke out in a cold sweat when he thought of this!

Even if the Curse King is dead, he is still calculating the Great Xia Empire. If it weren't for his talent to force the trial, the Curse King's plan would have succeeded! !

Once he walks out of this dungeon today, everything will be over!

"Although the Abyss has idiots like Odysseus and Ishtar, there are also terrifying enemies like the Curse King. The Abyss really can't be underestimated!"

In Zhang Yuan's mind, the points that Odysseus and Ishtar pulled down for the Abyss were pulled back by the Curse King, and even crazily increased!

Zhang Yuan took a deep breath and picked up the Heart of the Curse King.

[Do you want to awaken the soul of the Curse King and start the Myth Trial? ]

[Warning! This trial is extremely! Dangerous! Dangerous! 】

A red warning message appeared on Zhang Yuan's panel, which was enough to show that the next trial might be beyond imagination.

Zhang Yuan smiled bitterly: "I have been trapped now. If I leave now, I will only become a puppet of the Curse King. Now this myth trial is the only one I can fight to the death. How can I retreat?"

"Start the trial."

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