Henan Province, Yuyang City.

In a classroom at Yuyang No. 3 Middle School.

"Hey! Have you heard, the college entrance examination we are going to face this time will be the most difficult year ever!

"I already knew that my father was from the city's border protection team, and listening to what he said, it seemed that because the foreign race was planning something big recently, and the movement was big."

That's why I deliberately increased the difficulty of this year's college entrance examination, in order to select better people, in my father's words, this is to take the elite military route.

"True or false!? Isn't this pure and killing me! Originally, I didn't have much confidence, but this is good, and I went straight to G before I started!!

"Speaking of which, do you remember the news that broke the other day?

In addition to our Yuyang City, several other cities have been suddenly attacked by foreign races, and many people have died, no doubt, this must be related to the big things planned by foreign races!

"Then the luck of our batch is really bad!" Alas, don't say it, I'll go buy an ass mat after school today!

Otherwise, when the college entrance examination is over, my little ass really can't withstand my dad's big thick whip! "

Ahem... Add me one.

"It's better than nothing, there's nothing wrong with preparing in advance, I want two!"


Tian woke up from the noisy conversation, rubbed his eyes, and took out his mobile phone to check the time.

"Well, it's only 10 o'clock, I think it's twelve."

He was a little disappointed, after all, he could go directly to the cafeteria to eat at twelve o'clock.

Waking up is eating, what a perfect connection, but unfortunately I didn't do it today.

Putting the phone back in his pocket and stretching, Lin Tian looked up at a few large characters on the blackboard.

'Gaokao countdown, 2 days! Yes

, today is June 5th, and every year on June 7th, the college entrance examination is held to select outstanding students and enter vocational universities.

It's just that Lin Tian's current chances of being admitted to a vocational university are not great, even if it is an ordinary vocational college.

A hundred years ago, alien beasts and races were rampant, the rules of the world were overturned, and the era of the whole people changing jobs came.

Everyone can change jobs at the age of twelve, become a job changer, and gain great power through continuous upgrades.

However, on the day of the transfer, Lin Tian's profession was only a small mage.

The strength of this class is low, and it is a very ordinary combat class.

Of course, the profession of mage is not ordinary at all, just because Lin Tian's awakened mage has a 'small' word in front of it!

If this word can be removed, mages are a high-level combat class.

With the increase of level, there are many large-range skills with terrifying lethality, and you can choose to learn at will, and the professional intensity is very high and high!

As for the little mage, the strength and upper limit of this combat class are far less than that of the mage, and there are very few skills that can be learned, which is completely the low, medium and low version of the mage.

Just one word difference, can't be removed, can't change.

Therefore, Lin Tian, who changed his career to become a little mage, naturally had little chance of being admitted to a vocational university.

This year's college entrance examination suddenly increased in difficulty, becoming the most difficult year ever.

This caused Lin Tian's already small chance to become smaller in an instant...

It's just that although the chance of being admitted to a vocational university is small, from Lin Tian's face, there is no anxiety and nervousness at all, not at all.

On the contrary, his whole person looks very calm.

Even if there are only two days left before the college entrance examination, every day should still eat, drink, and do not put anything on hold.

But in the eyes of others, Lin Tian's state is that he knows that he can't get into college, and he is completely rotten...

After all, there are many classmates who are as rotten as him.

These people know that they have no hope of being admitted to a vocational university due to their rank or occupation, so they simply open the swing directly and maintain a rotten mentality to the end!

But what they didn't know was that Lin Tian was not rotten, but there was a reason for this!

Yes, the moment he switched to Little Mage, an upgrade system also landed on him.

Upgrade the system, you only need to consume odd points to upgrade everything.

Like class, level, or weapons, skills.... All of this can consume odd points to upgrade!

Odd points can be obtained by killing alien beasts and alien races!

At that time, hearing the system introduction in his mind, Lin Tianke was very excited.

Originally thought that I was about to reach the peak of my life and marry.... Ahem....

As a result, he was not happy for a while, what he didn't expect was that an incomparably huge pit mission suddenly appeared in front of him!

Looking down at his palm, a virtual panel that only he could see appeared in front of him.

[System: Upgrade System

] [Name: Lin Tian

] [Level: Zero Revolution, Level 8 (0/20

)] [Class: Little Mage (Normal)

] [Weapon: None] [Odd Point: None] [

Only 0.1% away from completing the

newbie task! The current progress is 99.9%! That's

right! It's the newbie mission shown on this virtual panel, and this is the mission of the incomparably giant pit!

The task requires Lin Tian to keep his level unchanged, not to cultivate, and not to be injured (such as burns, skin scraping and bleeding, fractures...). etc.).

Completing the day will increase your progress a little, stick to it, as long as the progress reaches 100% is completed, then you will be rewarded with newbie missions.

It was precisely because of the task of this giant pit that Lin Tian's level had remained at level 8 in recent years, and it had not changed a little.

But fortunately, the progress has reached 99.9% now.

As long as you stick to the past today, you can reach 100% progress tomorrow and get rewards for newbie missions.

Lin Tian believes that this reward will definitely not disappoint him, at least, there should be no big problem in getting himself admitted to a better vocational university!

In short, now he can only pin his hopes on this reward.

However, at this moment, a small fat hand suddenly clapped on his shoulder.

"What, Lin Tian, how many levels is it now?"

"Huh?" Lin Tian couldn't help but be stunned, the virtual panel slowly disappeared, and then turned his head to look.

It was a fat man with an inch head, who was looking at himself with a grin at this time.

This person's name is Xiang Lingjie, he is Lin Tian's good buddy, and the two of them met in this middle school.

Although people are a little fat, there is a saying that people must not look good, and the sea cannot be measured.

There is no appearance and figure, but his strength is still very online!

Right! That's right, Xiang Lingjie's little fat man's strength is not ordinary.

Unlike Lin Tian, who was completely rotten in the eyes of others, he was the top three outstanding students in the class.

A shield warrior with a high-level combat class and a level of 14!

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