Shield Warrior, this class not only has powerful melee combat capabilities, but also has super high defense power far beyond other classes!

Simply put, the shield warrior is the kind that can both fight and resist, or thief and thief resist!!

Therefore, the shield warrior class is completely a favorite of some classes with weaker defenses.

With shield warriors in front, they can safely and boldly output in the back! Crazy output at all without panic!

"Eh, what's the matter, hurry up, Lin Tian."

"What's up? How many levels are you now? Seeing

that Lin Tian did not reply, he raised his hand to Ling Jie and waved in front of him, and asked again.

Lin Tian looked at him, sighed a little helplessly, and finally couldn't help but say: "It's really worthy of you, fatty."

"In terms of grade, you can come and ask me every day for a month, just like clocking in at work..."

"I was grade eight yesterday, and today I must still be level eight, and it hasn't changed a little."

Xiang Ling Jie scratched his head and said with a smile: "Good brother, mainly, this is not worried about your level."

"Don't forget, we said that we would be admitted to the top vocational university together!"

"If I go alone at that time, without you by my side, buddy I still have to die alone!"

Hearing this, Lin Tian's mouth couldn't help twitching: "Hey, fatty, it's a little disgusting to say so!"

"Hahaha, what's disgusting, who are we with whom!"

Xiang Ling Jie put his hand on Lin Tian's shoulder and laughed, "In short, we must be admitted to the top vocational university together!"

"There are still two days to go, and you must rush with all your strength!!"

Lin Tian: "....."

What words! What does this say!

Fatty, the rush in your mouth is the serious rush!

"Hey, you two, don't dream there in this big day."

A tall thin classmate next to him was attracted by Xiang Ling Jie's words, turned his head and said, "The difficulty of the college entrance examination has increased this year, judging by Lin Tian's occupation and level.

"Not to mention the top vocational university, it is difficult to get into an ordinary vocational university."

"That's not true, but it's true." The man's table mate nodded, very approving.

"Unlike Xiang Lingjie, you are a group of low-level and poor occupations, you are destined to fail to enter a vocational university this year!"

"Yes, staying in this classroom is also boring, or skip class in the afternoon to play games, we have to make good use of the time!"

"Great idea! When the time comes, take me one, let's sit in a row for five and open the black! The whole up!

"No problem! How can Kaihei not have me as a keyboard pianist, who will pit in the afternoon, watch me play online!! "


That's it, and now many students with low grades in poor careers have given up.

Admitted to a vocational university, what the hell, they don't even think about it.

There is also the difficulty of the college entrance examination, how to increase the love of this thing, anyway, whether it increases or not, they have no hope of being admitted to a vocational university, and it has nothing to do with them.

They only remember one sentence, one moment is rotten and one moment is cool, and all the time is rotten and always cool!

"Cut, play with yours!" Xiang Ling Jie directly pointed at them with a middle finger.

Looking back at Lin Tian again, he patted his chest and smiled: "Okay, don't deal with them, brother!" They love it, let's test us!

"Besides, can't you form a team for this college entrance examination, and you're afraid that you won't be able to get into a vocational university?"

"That's right! Anyway, today is a day of self-study, let's skip class in the afternoon, I'll take you to cultivate and see if you can raise the level to level 9!"

"I really don't believe it, you can not rise a little in this level for a few years!!"

After speaking, Xiang Ling Jie rolled his sleeves, looking energetic.

He also really felt strange, Lin Tian's level a few years ago was at level 8, which was already a very high level among his peers at that time.

Ben thought that Lin Tian's future level would always be ahead of his peers, walk in the front, and let others chase.

But since he changed his career to become a little mage, Lin Tian's level was like being fixed by Brother Monkey's body-fixing technique...

A few years have passed, and it really doesn't drive at all! It's always set at level 8!!

Xiang Ling Jie even wondered if the profession of the little mage was poisonous, sucking Lin Tian's power dry and sucking it up, and not letting him upgrade!

"No, I'm going to sleep, and I have to pick up someone at night." Lin Tian decisively refused.

After all, as long as you survive today, you can make 100% progress tomorrow.

In order to complete the newbie task, in order to reward, how could he possibly practice today.

"Pick up someone!?"

His attention was completely focused on these two words, and for a moment, Xiang Ling Jie seemed to smell gossip.

Quickly put his head together and asked, "Who is it, what is the other party, does he look beautiful!?"

"How old is it, is it the same age as us, is it also this year's college entrance examination?"

"Then what profession is she, how many levels is she, and she is ready to enter that vocational university?" One more point, good buddy, how long have you been talking to that woman!? "

Hey, hey!" The corner of Lin Tian's mouth twitched and looked at Xiang Lingjie, "Fatty, ask so much, what about you checking this account!?" He

was speechless, he didn't mention the slightest gender, how could the fat man directly guess that it was a woman!


Xiang Ling Jie found that he was a little too excited, and couldn't help scratching his head and laughing.

"Tell me, buddy, just our relationship, you can't tell me yet?"

Lin Tian glanced at him and said lightly: "It's a girl who lives next door to me."

"Her mother has something to do tonight, so please let me pick up her daughter and take her daughter to dinner by the way."

"As for age, I have met a few times, and it seems to be the same age as us."

"Huh! Are you sure!? Xiang Ling Jie's eyes widened.

Quickly bumped Lin Tian's arm lightly with his elbow, "Then she must also take the college entrance examination, or can you ask her if she will team up with us?" "

Let's talk about it." Lin Tian waved his hand and said, "Okay, I'll go to sleep again, and you will also play."

"Good, good, I know!"

Xiang Ling Jie gave a thumbs up to Lin Tian, and said with a playful smile, "As soon as the beauty appeared, the buddy was thrown aside by you."

"Now I completely understand, buddy, I'll find a corner and cry alone."

Looking at Xiang Lingjie's mean look, the corners of Lin Tian's mouth couldn't help twitching, and he quickly said, "Roll quickly." "

Gotta ~~~"


And just like that, in the blink of an eye, the time came to night.

After Lin Tian left the school, he rushed towards Yuyang No. 1 Middle School.

The daughter of the aunt next door, she went to school in Yuyang No. 1 Middle School.

There are several streets between Yuyang No. 1 Middle School and Yuyang No. 3 Middle School where Lin Tian is located, not to say that you can rush over immediately.

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