Speaking of which, when Lin Tian's parents were still seven years old, both died at the hands of foreign races.

Aliens, like humans, possess extremely high intelligence and are divided into eleven races.

And that day, Lin Tian saw one of the races.

Fire Devil, Lava Fire Demon!

The sudden attack caught people off guard, and within seconds, a raging fire enveloped everything.

In order for Lin Tian to survive, his parents desperately fought against the lava fire demon.

Because they knew that if they could fight for one more second, Lin Tian's chances of surviving would be a little more!

In the end, Lin Tian survived, but the fire burned everything, and his parents left forever.

On that day, in the midst of the pouring rain, the young man swore to the sky that he would kill all the alien beasts in this life!

Yes, since the world needs heroes ....

Then be the hero yourself!

Later, Lin Tian used a pension of one million to buy a house, which is where he lives now.

After the aunt next door knew what happened to him, she felt that Lin Tian's child was too pitiful, and knocked on the door twice in three days to send Lin Tian some delicious food, especially taking care of Lin Tian.

Therefore, when the aunt asked him to pick up his daughter, Lin Tian naturally would not refuse.

Soon, Lin Tian was already very close to Yuyang No. 1 Middle School, and he arrived after crossing two streets.

At this time, the pocket suddenly 'Didi' sounded twice.

Took out his mobile phone and saw that it was not someone else who sent the message, or the fat man.

'Lin Tian, come on! Find more topics to talk about when eating with beautiful women!

''When I run out of money, ask my buddy for me, and give it as much as I want under a hundred!'' If I have more than a hundred dollars, I should not be able to see the information!!

Lin Tian: "...

.." For a while, Lin Tian was directly silenced and replied. Then put the phone back in his pocket.

But at this moment, 'Boom! A loud bang came.

Just looking at the new city community in front, a tall building suddenly burned.


Looking at the burning tall building, Lin Tian's face was not very good-looking.

The fire grew stronger and stronger, and even the night sky was illuminated by the firelight.

At this moment, Lin Tian's mind couldn't help but reappear the picture of that night...

Gritting his teeth, without any hesitation at all, Mu Chen immediately ran towards the direction of the new city community.

When he rushed to the burning tall building.

He found that rescue teams had arrived here, and they had pulled up a cordon to seal off the scene and were rescuing people.

People kept running out of the building, all of them with burns, each with varying degrees of burns.

Some people don't have time to get dressed, only wearing a pair of big pants, or they just run out naked.

After all, in this kind of crisis, it is naturally important to save the small life, and take this first.

As long as you can survive, what can you do if you are seen!

The rest came out of the building and were carried out by the rescue team.

Their injuries are more serious and they urgently need treatment.

However, there are too few rescuers present at present, and there are only two people who are medical professionals, and there is no way to treat all the wounded.

And the two medical masters must first treat the most seriously injured people, just like this.

As for those who have not yet been treated, although the pain is unbearable, it is very uncomfortable.

But they also saw that the rescuers here were just a few people, and they couldn't be busy before and after.

There is no way, this group of them can only grit their teeth and endure, waiting for treatment.

"Don't panic yet! Everybody!!

Seeing that everyone was in pain, a rescuer quickly raised a loudspeaker and said to everyone: "Hold on for a while, more rescuers are coming to us at full speed!"

"When they arrive, all of you will receive the best treatment, just stick to this meeting!" They arrived quickly!

These words were like a shot in the arm, calming the hearts of the people present and stabilizing their emotions a lot.

In short, now it is only necessary to stay outside the cordon and wait for other rescuers to arrive.

Just then, a rescuer rushed out of the burning building carrying a woman on her back.

The rescuers were so smoky and blackened that they couldn't even see their eyes.

The woman on his back was even worse, covered in blood and her clothes burned a lot.

However, despite the misery, after rescuers took her out of the cordon.

Without waiting for the medical practitioner to come and treat, the woman completely ignored her injuries and desperately rushed towards the burning building again.

"Hey! What is she going to do! Hurry up and stop her!! Seeing

this, a rescuer's face suddenly changed drastically, and he quickly shouted loudly.

Another rescuer immediately ran over to stop the woman.

"You're dead! At this time, you can no longer go in!

But hearing his words, the woman was still struggling and wanted to rush into the building.

"My child!! My child is still inside and hasn't come out!!

"He's still young, how can he be taken away by this fire!"

"Xiao Fan, don't be afraid! Mom, this is coming to save you!

The woman stared at the burning building, her hand increasing and struggling, "Let me go!" Let me go in and save my baby!! Rescuer

: "...,"

he instantly understood why the woman wanted to rush back so desperately.

Maternal love, which made her forget the pain in her body and only wanted to go back to save her child.

But despite this, as a rescuer, he must not let go.

This tall building is now very dangerous, at this moment he must hold the woman to death, and he can't let her in to die!

Lin Tian's gaze moved away from the mother and turned to look at the burning building.

The clenched fist slowly loosened, walked to the police cordon, and asked: "Auntie, what floor is your son on?"

"1, 10th floor!"

The woman doesn't want anything at this time, only someone can save her son, no matter who it is!

But the rescuers next to him are not calm.

The woman was stopped by herself, and you kid still wants to go in and die!?

"Don't do anything stupid, kid! It's dangerous here, get out quickly!

Lin Tian entered the cordon and said without turning his head: "I know it's dangerous, but there are some things that someone has to do." "


Another rescuer rushed over and tried to stop Lin Tian.

But just as he was about to approach Lin Tian, a red fluctuation suddenly appeared on Lin Tian's body.

"This..." the man was suddenly stunned.


Lin Tian raised his fist and waved it in the air, "My profession has the skill of resisting fire, and it should be able to withstand for a while, enough to rescue that kid."

After that, he ran towards the burning building without the slightest timidity or hesitation!

The world needs heroes, and he knows what it's like to be in a sea of fire.

Since you have seen it, you must not leave it alone!

At least Lin Tian, he won't watch and leave it alone!!

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