For a while, looking at Lin Tian's back, everyone present was very moved, or ashamed.

Clearly.... He was just a kid.

Aside from the matter of saving people, he dared to rush into the fire.

There is no doubt that this is something that many people do not have.

"Hey! Stop being dumbfounded!

"I don't want this kid to take his life, quick!" Use a water gun to cool the building!! A

rescuer clenched his fists and said to everyone over a loudspeaker.

The others immediately came to their senses, not daring to delay a minute.

Those who have water attribute skills shoot at the building, and those who do not have water attribute skills pick up water guns to cool down the building.

At this moment, except for the injured people, everyone else present is busy with life, and it is a little bit to help a little!

And Lin Tian has now entered the tall building.

Despite using the fire resistance skill, Lin Tian would still feel a burning sensation, and it hurt to be burned.

Sweat had soaked his clothes, and his face was covered with sweat.

Of course, before rushing into this tall building, Lin Tian had thought about it, even if he was injured, today's progress would not increase, and the whole day would be wasted.

However, as long as you can save that child, what if the progress of the day does not increase.

In his opinion, this 0.1% progress can be worth the child's life!!

'Boom!! As

soon as he kicked open the door of the safe passage, the heat wave hit his face, and Lin Tian raised his arm to block it, but it was useless.

Entering the passage, Lin Tian did not dare to waste time, and immediately rushed towards the 10th floor.

Along the way, in addition to the raging fires everywhere, he also saw many corpses that had been burned and charred.

This group of people were already burned to death by fire before they had time to escape, which was really pitiful.

But there was no way to save them, and the only thing he could save now was the child.

Thinking in his heart, Lin Tian couldn't help but speed up his pace, and soon, he rushed to the tenth floor.

A white light flashed out on his fingers, and his fingers were brought together like a sword blade, lightly brushing in front of his eyes.

This was a survey, and in the next second, he successfully captured the child's breath of life.

It came from the open door in front.

Lin Tian suddenly breathed a sigh of relief: "Fortunately, there is still the breath of life, just don't die!"

However, seeing that the fire was getting worse, he did not dare to delay and immediately ran towards the door.

But he was still happy too soon, and things were far from ending so easily...

As soon as he entered the door, Lin Tian was directly dumbfounded.

Just look at a humanoid monster with flames all over his body and a body size of nearly three meters standing there.

From the moment Lin Tian entered the door, its very strange blood-red eyes were focused on Lin Tian.

Yes, this is exactly alien.

And this is precisely one of the alien races that killed Lin Tian's parents, the Fire Demon Clan, the Lava Fire Demon!

"This fire turned out to be caused by you bastard!!"

In an instant, anger filled the entire body, and the anger was completely released.

In the face of the alien race that killed his parents back then, the anger that had been suppressed in his heart for a long time could no longer be suppressed.

At this moment, Lin Tian's brain almost stopped thinking, and his fists clenched and immediately rushed towards the lava fire demon.

"People.... Human, kill!! The

lava fire demon made a hoarse and ugly sound and casually picked up a stool next to him.

With the spread of the flames on his body, the stool instantly burned, and then smashed hard towards Lin Tian.

Even if Lin Tian was only level 8, it was impossible to hurt him in the face of such a smashed thing.

As the incomprehensible incantation came out of his mouth, a cloud of ice condensed in the air and flew out to hit the stool to freeze it.

And he did not stop from beginning to end, and quickly rushed to the lava fire demon, and without nonsense, he threw a punch with all his strength.

At this time, he only had the picture of that night in his mind, which seemed to coincide with the picture around him now.

Flames everywhere, everywhere....

However, Lin Tian still underestimated the other party, as an alien race, the strength and level it possessed were not something that Lin Tian, who was currently only level 8, could compete!

Although he is large, the speed of the lava fire demon is not slow at all.

Easily dodged Lin Tian's fist and struck with a fist with flames.

Before the fist arrived, the scorching heat wave hit Lin Tian's face and body.

The fist in the line of sight expanded infinitely, the temperature of the burning qi became hotter and hotter, and the whole face was burned with pain.

Lin Tian subconsciously raised his arm to resist

, but it was useless, when that punch hit his arm.

'Boom!! The

terrifying power far exceeded Lin Tian's imagination, and the burning of the flame actually directly penetrated the fire resistance skill and burned his body.

In the next second, his whole person was shot out.

'Bang! With a bang, Lin Tian's body smashed through a door and slammed heavily into another room.

Lin Tian clenched his teeth, and he could feel that the arm that was hit was directly fractured!

The severe pain that came from him cleared his head a lot, but the anger in his heart did not decrease but increased.

This is the power of the alien race, the overwhelming power!

In order to escape for himself, Mom and Dad faced such a monster!!

But as soon as he turned his head, Lin Tian suddenly found that there was a child behind him, who fell to the ground and seemed to faint.

Lin Tian instantly remembered what he was doing in this building.

The anger in his heart was suppressed a lot, and the whole person slowly calmed down.

Endured the severe pain and stepped forward to check, fortunately, the child was still breathing, but he fainted.

Lin Tian gently pressed his hand on him and used the fire resistance skill on him.

But at this time, the lava fire demon had already come to the door, and the flames spread outward.

Those blood-red eyes stared at Lin Tian, "Human, die!!" As

soon as the voice fell, it suddenly rushed over.

"Not good!" Lin Tian's pupils shrank sharply, and he just wanted to dodge away, but he thought of the child behind him.

This blow can't just dodge!

In order to protect the child behind him, Lin Tian could only take the lava fire demon's punch.

'Bang!! The

moment he was hit, Lin Tian spat out a mouthful of blood and flew out directly.

Falling to the ground, the blood could not stop flowing outward, and even consciousness began to become blurred.

Watching the lava fire demon walking towards the child, Lin Tian's fingers trembled slightly, and he wanted to get up, but he was powerless...

The corner of Lin Tian's mouth slowly pulled out a wry smile.

This, is this what death feels like....

Obviously, he has exerted all his strength, but in the end, there is still no way.

Can't save this child, can't destroy, alien race....

Obviously there is a system in the body, and the newbie task is going to die before it has passed, which is true.

However, at this moment, 'Di! '.

[Congratulations to the host, you have completed the hidden requirements of the novice task by sacrificing your life to save people, and the progress has directly reached 100%! ] 】

【Now you can receive the rewards of the newbie mission, 1000 odd points and body evolution, do you want to claim it immediately! 】

Lin Tian: "???

For a while, Lin Tian's whole person was stunned, wondering whether he was dead or not.

[Answer the host, I heard your heart, you are not dead. 】

【At present, it is recommended that you directly use 1000 odd points to upgrade ordinary professional mages to the only professional madness magic battle, do you agree?】 】

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