"I'll go, I'm actually blocking the path here, this group of bloodthirsty bulls and real dogs!"

Xiang Ling Jie couldn't help but complain.

It's all here, you can't run for nothing!

But the number of bloodthirsty bulls is too much, can't get it, what to do?

Old look, look for Lin Tian!

Turning his head to look at Lin Tian, his eyes became firm, and he asked, "Say, buddy, what should I do now?"

"Do you want to them, as soon as you come down, I'll pick up the giant shield and them!!"

"Wait a minute." Lin Tian signaled the fat man not to speak.

Then he turned his head to look at the group of bloodthirsty bulls.

Looking closely, the number of this bloodthirsty bull totaled forty.

And their level is basically level 14, of which only a few are more special, and the level has reached level 15.

With this number, the four of them will definitely not be able to rush directly from the front.

Of course, you can fight well, but it will definitely consume a lot of physical strength and there is a risk of injury.

As a captain, it is natural to think about the team members and choose the safest way to solve it.

"Hitting is definitely going to be hit."

"But play smartly, consume the least amount of physical strength, and solve them without getting hurt."

"I'll lure a few out."

"How do you lead it?" Xiang Ling Jie scratched his head, a little puzzled.

But in the next second, he suddenly thought of something and handed Lin Tian a look that I understood.

"Dude, go for it! I'm sure you can seduce them!

"What do you think?" Lin Tian was speechless, and raised his hand and hit Xiang Lingjie's head.

"Eh, isn't it?"

Xiang Ling Jie was stunned, and kept rubbing the head that was hit.

It's not what I think, how do you seduce it?

Is it possible to let these two beauties go, well...

Fowl! It's a beast, you, buddy!!

Xia Qingyou and Shen Qiqi glanced at each other, covered their mouths with their small hands, and couldn't help laughing.

It's really fun to team up with these two, just do nothing, and you won't be bored all day.

"Collect your expression and give me an honest look."

Lin Tian sighed and began to chant the incantation in his mouth.

One of the skills he learns is to manipulate the ice element to condense an ice pig next to him.

When this pig appeared, Xiang Lingjie's brain seemed to be stopped, and he was suddenly stunned.

Blinked, came back to his senses.

At this moment, he realized that he had just been thinking crookedly...

Buddy, it turns out that I want to use this thing to lure that group of bloodthirsty bulls over!

"Look at Aang." Lin Tian glanced at Ling Jie, and knew that what he was thinking in his head was not serious.

Due to the low level of this group of bloodthirsty bulls and their lack of intelligence, an ice pig can also attract them.

Then, he controlled the ice pig to dangle towards the side of the path, attracting the attention of the bloodthirsty bull.

As soon as it passed, eight of them were attracted and shook their heads and rushed towards the ice pig.

Lin Tian immediately controlled the ice pig to come back.

It is also worthy of being condensed with ice elements, and that small speed is much faster than ordinary pigs!

Seeing that the eight bloodthirsty bulls had already rushed towards them, countless purple thunder arcs suddenly ejected from Lin Tian's body.

Xia Qingyou and the three noticed the changes in his body, and couldn't help but take a step back, a little farther away from him, so as not to be accidentally injured...

Of course, under Lin Tian's control, accidentally injuring his teammates, this is an impossible thing to happen.

"I'll leave these heads to solve first."

As soon as the voice fell, a purple electric light suddenly flashed through the pupils.


Lin Tian took a deep breath, and the whole person instantly rushed out like lightning.

When he reappeared, he had already come to the fastest bloodthirsty bull.

The thief captures the king first, and the one with the highest level is killed first, the level 15 one!

The electric light in his hand flickered wildly, and in the next second, a purple spear condensed by electric elements appeared.

Without saying any nonsense, he clenched the purple thunder gun in his hand and stabbed it at the head of this bloodthirsty bull.

With just one blow, this level 15 bloodthirsty bull was pierced through the head by the spearhead.

As blood flowed out, it also fell heavily to the ground and died completely.

"I'll go! Or that phrase, buddy, cow!

Xiang Lingjie couldn't help but give Lin Tian a thumbs up.

I feel that no matter how many times I watch it, I will be shocked, after all, Lin Tian was not stained with any battle before!

Sure enough, the only profession eternal god, strong too much! Strong exaggeration!!

"Big guy! This lies down! Lay down!

Shen Qiqi happily held her little hand, she felt that her luck was really good.

Stay in this team, you don't need to fight by yourself!

Lin Tian pulled out the purple thunder gun, and at this moment, the other seven bloodthirsty bulls suddenly stopped.

As if they felt threatened, they no longer chased the ice pig, but focused all their attention on Lin Tian.


One of them let out a low roar, and his eyes were blood-red and rushed towards Lin Tian.

But it underestimated Lin Tian's strength, and also underestimated the length of the purple thunder gun...

Long guns, long guns! As the saying goes, an inch long, an inch strong!

Before it hit Lin Tian with the pair of sharp angles on its head, the purple thunder gun stabbed out with all its strength, carrying bursts of electric light.

'Yikes! '

This bloodthirsty bull was pierced through the body and stabbed to death...

"Oh, that's stupid that cow."

Xiang Ling Jie frowned, patted his chest and said, "If I were it, seeing such a long spear, what else would I think, turning around and running is the answer!"

"Hesitating there for half a second is my disrespect for that spear!!"

Xia Qingyou and Shen Qiqi, who heard this, couldn't help but glance at him and praise him at the same time.

It's not a rough reason, but it makes a lot of sense.

On this side, Lin Tian waved the purple thunder gun in his hand and easily solved the three heads.

Now only the last three bloodthirsty bulls remain.

Two of them crashed towards Lin Tian with all their strength, while the other suddenly shifted their target and rushed towards the position of Xia Qingyu's three.

Lin Tian sighed, it is good to have an idea, but it also depends on whether he has this ability.

With a touch of the ground on the tiptoe, the whole person shot out instantly, and the tip of the purple thunder gun directly penetrated into the brain from the eyes of the bloodthirsty bull on the left.

Then it was pulled out, and the spearhead turned and pierced into the head of another bloodthirsty bull.

In just a few seconds, the two bloodthirsty bulls were easily killed by Lin Tian.

Pulling out the purple thunder gun with a little force, he turned around, and his gaze fell on the bloodthirsty bull that rushed towards Xia Qingyu and the three.

Just seeing Lin Tian take a deep breath, an electric arc suddenly appeared in his hand, spreading upward to the purple thunder gun little by little.

Gripping the purple thunder gun in his hand, he threw this purple thunder gun out hard.

'Yikes! Just

watch the flash of electricity in the air, leaving a purple afterimage with electric arcs.

Then I saw that the purple thunder gun directly pierced the body of the bloodthirsty bull.

After piercing its body, the purple thunder gun also dissipated under Lin Tian's control.

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