The body was directly pierced by the purple thunder gun formed by electric condensation, which exotic beast could withstand it.

As the blood flowed out, the last bloodthirsty bull also fell to the ground, naturally dead and could not die anymore...

"I'll make such a big hole in a drip obediently..." Xiang

Ling Jie squatted down next to the bloodthirsty bull and gently poked its cow's butt with his hand, "Make you want to hit us, now the worst death, who is to blame?" "

I can see that a big hole was directly opened in the middle of the body of this bloodthirsty bull.

And under the influence of the electric element, there is still a trace of electric arc left at the mouth of the cave, and you can even smell a smell of meat when you get closer....

The power of the purple thunder gun condensed by the electric element is so terrifying, it directly cooks the meat.

So, it's true to say that it was the worst of the eight to die.

After killing these eight bloodthirsty bulls, the scores of the four of them also increased to 48 points.

"Come on."

Without wasting much time, Lin Tian once again manipulated the ice pig to attract bloodthirsty bulls.

This time it directly attracted seventeen heads.

"I'll go, why are there so many heads running over this time!"

Xiang Lingjie was a little panicked, and a few drops of cold sweat could not help but break out on his forehead.

Seventeen level 14 bloodthirsty bulls were rushing towards them at the fastest speed, which was difficult.

On this face, who can not panic when they see it!?

Importantly, because bloodthirsty bulls are extremely sensitive to the smell of blood, they smell blood as they get closer and closer.

It was emitted by the group of bloodthirsty bulls that had been killed by Lin Tian before.


With a low snort, their eyes are becoming redder at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the speed has increased a lot in this instant.

Seeing that they were not far from this side, Xia Qingyou looked at Lin Tian and asked, "This time the number is a bit much, let's come together?"

Lin Tian shook his head, "Wait first, let me come alone this time."

"The remaining bloodthirsty bulls over there will be left to you."

After that, he walked forward, always with a confident smile on the corner of his mouth.

Xiang Ling Jie was stunned for a moment, and then gave Lin Tian a thumbs up, "Buddy.... You cattle! Really cattle!! If

nothing else, Lin Tian dared to face more than a dozen bloodthirsty bulls of level 14 alone, and this courage made Xiang Lingjie have to admire.

Moreover, he did not see the slightest fear from Lin Tian.

It's like.... It was as if these dozen bloodthirsty bulls were not put in their eyes at all.

This is indeed the case, Lin Tian just didn't put them in his eyes.

After all, these dozen bloodthirsty bulls combined are not comparable to an alien race, and they are not comparable to the lava fire demon encountered that day.

I have solved something a hundred times more dangerous than them, and now how can I be afraid of them.

"Be careful, I'll treat the injury."

Shen Qiqi reminded, still a little uneasy.

But with her, a poison doctor, she is still confident that she can do a good job in treatment.

As long as you don't die, you will save it all!

Lin Tian moved his arms, and the corners of his mouth raised.

Pick the lucky one who runs at the front!

Rushing out in an instant, the speed far exceeded that group of bloodthirsty bulls, and there was no time to react, and the front end was punched out by Lin Tian.

With a grip in his left hand, as the spell was pronounced, several flame-condensed fire thorns shot towards the other bloodthirsty bulls.

Lin Tian aimed at their weakest point, their brains.

Head after head, fire stingers pass through their brains, destroying the most important brain nerves, causing the fastest deaths.

But in a moment, Lin Tian had already solved eleven bloodthirsty bulls.

Without stopping, the figure flashed in front of another bloodthirsty bull, raised his fist and smashed it into its head.

'Bang!! A

muffled sound came out, where could it withstand this terrifying power.

Blood splattered outward, fell heavily to the ground, and his body convulsed twice before he moved at all.

And at this moment, Lin Tian's body suddenly gushed out an energy fluctuation.

Yes, he leveled up, and killing these alien beasts made his level break through to level 18.

"Huh?" Clenching his fists, Lin Tian could obviously feel the difference.

The physical strength and energy he had just consumed had almost completely recovered, and all aspects of his body had also been improved.

There is no feeling of tiredness at all, but it is very light and comfortable.


At this time, a bloodthirsty bull let out a roar and slammed towards Lin Tian with all its strength.

It wants to pierce the body of the human in front of it with the sharp horns on its head.

Watching him rush towards him, Lin Tian's heart did not wave, and he still stood in place without any idea of dodging at all.

He flicked his hand, and at the right moment, he suddenly reached out and grabbed the pair of sharp horns.

When he grabbed the sharp corner, his whole body tensed and burst with power, and the bloodthirsty bull who had been attacking with all his might was directly stopped.

Yes, it can't shake Lin Tian at all, and the gap in strength is so big.

"Mom..." Xiang Ling Jie's eyes widened.

He originally thought that Lin Tian had already been very perverted when he punched through the body of the black wolf before.

Now it's good, the bloodthirsty bull running with all his strength was actually stopped by Lin Tian, and it was even more perverted! ! !

"This pair of sharp corners, I took it."

With a little force, Lin Tian directly broke off the pair of sharp corners with brute force.


The bloodthirsty bull screamed in pain, but what followed was Lin Tian's punch.

The brutal and violent force made it impossible to withstand it, and it was instantly blown out of the head.

Seeing this, Lin Tian also immediately withdrew backwards to avoid blood spraying on his body.

At a glance, only the last four bloodthirsty bulls remained.

Without a hand, chanting a spell to unleash a magic attack and kill them directly.

Glancing down at the score, they now have 104 points.

In the city's score ranking, it directly rushed to the 143rd place, jumping more than 300 at once!

"Good, if it goes on like this, those solutions will enter the top 100."

Lin Tian was still very satisfied with this speed.

At this time, Xiang Ling Jie ran towards this side.

He came to Lin Tian, instantly transformed into a little fan brother, and his eyes shone and said, "It's too awesome!" The only profession is called Mad Magic Battle, right?

"Not only is it invincible in close combat, but you can also use magic, and when the two are combined, it's just heavenly!!"

"Stop, fatty." Lin Tian glanced at him and once again controlled the ice pig to attract.

There are not many bloodthirsty bulls left there.

Solve them and you can take the path and move towards the very core area.

"Get ready for battle, don't get hurt for a while."

"Injured? Impossible! Nabs!

Xiang Ling Jie looked proud, summoned his weapon giant shield, and grinned, "When they come, when the time comes, I will smash them with the giant shield!"

"In short, come and die!" Come two dead and two dead, no one can run away! "

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