"Then I'm optimistic about your operation, fatty."

Lin Tian smiled, turned his head to look at Shen Qiqi, and said jokingly, "You can also see that the fat man is so confident in his strength.

"If he accidentally gets hurt in a while, don't treat him."

"Eh.... Uh-huh, got it! Shen Qiqi was stunned, reacted and nodded quickly.

"Ah! It can't be like this!

Upon hearing this, Xiang Ling Jie instantly panicked, and quickly looked at Shen Qiqi, "Don't you dare, don't listen to Lin Tian, if you don't treat me, I'll be finished!"

"I, the Shield Warrior, is a class that stands at the forefront to block damage for you!"

"If I'm seriously injured, how can I get to the front? How else can I shield you from the wind and rain!

Shen Qiqi couldn't help but smile and pointed at Lin Tian.

Her meaning is also obvious, it's useless for you to tell me, go and talk to Lin Tian, who is the captain.

There was no way, Xiang Ling Jie had to turn his head to look at Lin Tian, and said angrily: "Hey! Dude, it's too much!

"I really can't understand, how can you 37 mouths say such cold words!"

"Hahaha, stop first, they're coming."

Lin Tian pointed into the distance and looked in that direction.

It was the ice pig that he had condensed with ice, and it was running desperately towards them at this time.

And behind it, there are the last dozen bloodthirsty bulls.

Their eyes are red, and they use the fastest speed in their lives to frantically chase the ice pig behind, and the scene looks a little spectacular.

If that ice pig could speak, it would definitely be crying for help now, and in his heart, he hoped that Lin Tian could use ice to make another pair of wings for it.

Although it is made of ice, pigs and pigs also want to live in this world for a while!

"Get ready, Fatty."

Lin Tian patted Xiang Ling Jie's shoulder, "I believe you, turn them all over!"

At this time, Xia Qingyou had already taken advantage of her extremely fast speed and rushed towards the group of bloodthirsty bulls with a dagger.

"Boom..." Xiang

Ling Jie couldn't help swallowing.

Seeing that the girls rushed out, what else is there to be afraid of a fat man of two hundred and fifty pounds.

One word, it is: 'dry'!!

Clench the giant shield in your hand and shout: "Fight!" Cows! Your fat master is here!! "


Meanwhile, in that room outside the abandoned town.

Looking at the city's score ranking, Lin Tian's four people rose from more than four hundred to more than one hundred.

Li Wen and Zhao Jie, as well as the teachers watching from the side, all had shocked looks in their eyes.

So, are these four students riding a rocket....

Unexpectedly, more than three hundred directly sprinted!

At this moment, a teacher who did not dress like a teacher opened the door and walked into the house, walking straight towards Zhao Jie.

"Oh, it's really lively, what are so many of you watching here?"

"Zhang Yao?" Hearing the familiar voice, Zhao Jie frowned slightly and looked up.

I didn't expect this guy to come again.

Zhang Yao is the class teacher of his class next door, and he is also the class teacher, but he does not have a good impression of Li Yao.

Because Zhang Yao always came to show off in front of Zhao Jie, showing off how powerful and excellent the students in his class were.

Don't think about it, this time I must have come here to show off something with him!

Just as Zhao Jie thought, Li Yao came over now to show off the students in his own class.

"Whatever you're looking at, stop and listen to me, Zhao Jie."

"Chen Mingjian of my class, you know, the first place in our class, now ranked 250th on the city's score ranking!!"

"This time, he found three people with good strength to form a team, and it is estimated that in a few hours, he will be able to rush to more than 100."

"What about your class? What is the top ranking now?

Zhang Yao smiled coldly, leaned closer and said, "Let me guess, it should be ranked lower than 300, right?"

"Am I guessing right?"

Looking at his appearance of being beaten by a thief, in other words, Zhao Jie specified that he would quarrel with him because he was unhappy.

But today, instead of feeling unhappy, Zhao Jie looked very happy, and the corners of his mouth couldn't stop rising.

After all, for him, today is a good day, Zhang Yao came to show off at this time is to take his own shame! !

Because Lin Tian in their class is now ranked more than 100.

And Chen Mingjian in Zhang Yao's class, more than 200 people dare to show off, it is really laughing!!

"Uh, why are you sick?"

Seeing that the corners of Zhao Jie's mouth were about to reach the back of his head, Zhang Yao was speechless.

Sighing, he put his hand on Zhao Jie's shoulder and said, "Zhao Jie, I know that the students in your class are not as strong as my class, but you don't have to look like this, it's okay."

"It's not difficult to admit that our class is better than yours, a one-sentence thing."

Li Wen on the side also saw that this guy was purely here to find trouble.

But it's only more than 200 to show off, he really dares...

Zhao Jie took his hand away with an unstoppable smile on his face: "Zhang Yao, Zhang Yao, I'm really sorry, I'm afraid I'm going to disappoint you today." "

Huh?" Zhang Yao frowned, a little confused what he meant by this.

At this time, a teacher next to him couldn't help but speak: "Teacher Zhang, do you remember Lin Tian in Teacher Zhao's class?"

"Students in Zhao Jie's class?"

Although Zhang Yao didn't know what to mention him for, he still replied, "I must remember ah, that little mage who was stuck at level 8 for several years.

"Why did you mention him?" Could it be that you want to say that that student suddenly opened his mind and his strength grew by leaps and bounds?

"No kidding!"

Zhang Yao couldn't help but laugh when he said it.

After all, in his opinion, the possibility of this happening is completely zero!

Seeing his disbelief, the teacher scratched his head and said with a smile: "Eh, you really said it right, Teacher Zhang." "


Zhang Yao, who heard this, was suddenly stunned, and felt that he had heard it wrong.

Then, his face suddenly changed drastically after reacting, "You mean, that Lin Tian has really become stronger?"

The teacher nodded, reaffirming that it was true.

This time Zhang Yao was completely stunned, Lin Tian in Zhao Jie's class...

How could a little mage whose level had been stuck at level 8 for several years suddenly become stronger at this time?

Could it be that he secretly conducted devilish special training?

Well, wait a minute!!

Suddenly thinking of something, Zhang Yao calmed down and thought about it carefully, feeling that there was something wrong with this matter.

It seems that before every college entrance examination, some students will deliberately hide their strength.

This Lin Tian should be like this, deliberately hiding his strength.

Thinking of this, Zhang Yao suddenly breathed a sigh of relief and no longer worried a little.

If you become stronger, you will become stronger, anyway, the ordinary profession of the little mage is placed here, and can it suddenly change to a senior profession for the second time?

This Zhang Yao doesn't believe it at all!!

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