"Roar!!" As

blood spurted out, the severe pain caused the Snake-tailed Tiger King to let out a wail.

But despite being penetrated by its arm, the killing intent and anger in its eyes did not decrease but increased, and a more dangerous aura emanated from all over its body.

Those blood-red eyes stared at Lin Tian, and as a gust of wind blew, it suddenly moved, ignoring the pain and rushing towards Lin Tian with all its strength, extremely fast.

But just when the snake-tailed tiger king's big mouth full of fangs was about to bite Lin Tian.

Only to see Lin Tian lightly raise his right hand, the purple electric light on his body flashed, and the furious thunder and lightning actually burst forward and directly wrapped around the entire body of the Snake-tailed Tiger King, fixing it in the air.

As if forming an invisible cage, the snake-tailed tiger king was fixed there, and he couldn't move no matter how he struggled!

Lin Tian stepped forward unhurriedly, reached out and pulled out the purple thunder gun that ran through its arm, and stabbed it at its head instead.


As soon as the blow fell, the snake-tailed tiger king was directly pierced through the head, completely dead, and there was no trace of life.

As the power of the electric element was lifted, with a 'pop!' its huge body fell heavily to the ground, and a large amount of blood flowed out from the place where it was penetrated.

Seeing this scene, the group of teenagers and girls in the playground were shocked in their hearts, and then they boiled again, and they shouted one by one.

"That's awesome! Senior Lin! Handsome and strong, really in love!" "

Awesome! The 22nd level snake-tailed tiger king is actually so vulnerable in front of Senior Lin, not to mention more, you must kneel when you see Senior Lin!!"

I believe it now, Senior Lin's strength is definitely stronger than that Sun Tiandao of Kyoto

City!" "Agree, we also have a dragon in this little Yuyang City!Senior Lin is our newly promoted dragon in Yuyang City!!" "

Now, many students are not only impressed by Lin Tian's strength, they even think that Lin Tian is stronger than Sun Tiandao.

After all, they have also seen Sun Tiandao through the live broadcast screen, and he is indeed very strong, which they have to admit.

After all, he is a genius boy in Kyoto City, and the only professional owner has strength.

However, if Sun Tiandao was to solve more than two dozen snake-tailed tigers plus a level 22 snake-tailed tiger king alone, they all felt that Sun Tiandao could not do it!


At the same time, the Kyoto City Military District side.

At that time, when he saw Lin Tian walking towards the group of snake-tailed tigers alone, the principals of all the schools felt that he was a little too confident in his strength.

The main thing is that there is a level 22 snake-tailed tiger king.

Change to other teams, if you encounter it, it will be difficult for all four members of the team to work together to kill it.

And Lin Tian is now preparing to kill the Snake-tailed Tiger King alone, plus more than twenty level 19 snake-tailed tigers!

Liberating the super power of the electric element, so many snake-tailed tigers couldn't even touch him, and finally they were killed by Lin Tian.

For a while, even Lin Zhongshan, the director of the Education Bureau, widened his eyes and felt incredible at Lin Tian's strong performance.

And after solving this group of snake-tailed tigers, Lin Tian's four people are only 10 points away from overtaking the

first place! Sun Tiandao and his team are currently in the most core area, and they have just killed a lot of exotic beasts, which stabilized their first place and were not overtaken by Lin Tian's four.

But now the scores of their two teams are only 10 points apart, and in the opinion of the Secretary for Education, it is only a matter of time before the four of Lin Tian get the first place.

After all, now anyone who is not too stupid can see that Lin Tian's strength is indeed stronger than

Sun Tiandao! Therefore, even if Sun Tiandao and his teammates are also trying their best to kill alien beasts to obtain points, not a single minute and second are wasted.


this time, many principals came back from the shock, smiles appeared on their faces, and directly congratulated Xu Liang in advance.

"Principal Xu, it seems that the first place in this year's college entrance examination is going to fall to your Yuyang Third Middle School.

"Yes, Lin Tian's kid's strength is really strong, so it shouldn't be long before he rises to the first place."

"Hahaha, it's a few hours before the end of the prize."

Xu Liang smiled, but his gaze deliberately looked at Chen Zerofan, "Who is the first in the end, you can really know when the time comes."

"You....!" Chen

Zhifan naturally knew that Xu Liang was ordering himself, and he was suddenly a little annoyed.

It's just that now all the principals, even the Secretary for Education, are paying attention to him.

So he couldn't say anything at this time, he could only suppress his anger, snorted coldly and turned away from here.

The first place in the college entrance examination will only be Sun Tiandao, who is the top one in Kyoto, and it can't be Lin Tian!

... In this way, the college entrance examination is proceeding little by little, and there are only two hours left before the end.

During this period, Lin Tian frantically killed the alien beast, and in one sentence, the four of them were either killing the alien beast or on the way to find the alien beast.

As more and more alien beasts are killed, the number points and scores are crazy.

The score of Lin Tian's four also successfully surpassed Sun Tiandao, becoming the first place with 990 points.

As for that Sun Tiandao, the four of them are now in second place, and the score they have obtained is only 888 points, which is enough to be surpassed by Lin Tian by 102 points!

Because two of them in their ranks were seriously injured and completely incapacitated to fight.

With only Sun Tiandao and another person, it is impossible to regain the first place!


Now at this time, almost everyone is watching the live broadcast of Lin Tian's four people, and they are all attracted by Lin Tian's strong and domineering power, and the more they watch, the more fascinating.

But just when everyone was watching Zhenmei, the live broadcast screen of Lin Tian's four suddenly disappeared, and the whole turned into a black screen.

"What's going on?"

said Lin Zhongshan, director of the Education Bureau of the Kyoto Military Region, frowning.

"It should be that some alien beast destroyed the drone, and just now I detected that the drone that followed Lin Tian's four people was suddenly destroyed.

Not far away, a man in charge of controlling the drone said, "But don't worry, I'll send a new drone over." Hearing

this, the Secretary for Education nodded, and only then did he relax his heart.

There are only two hours left before the end of the college entrance examination, and the drone can not only see the whole process of their battle, but most importantly, whether they are safe.

If they are found to be in danger, an elite rescue team can be sent to the rescue immediately.

After all, Lin Tian is now the first place, and they will definitely not let the first place happen to anything!

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